Friday, December 3, 2021

NSFW Did your weight loss improve your libido?

Throw away as this is embarrassing and I thank you in advance for being kind about it.

Female, mid 30’s, 220lbs (100kg). I used to be a sexual person and enjoy that element of my relationships. Over the last 5yrs I’ve gained 66lbs (30kg), self confidence dropped and my sex drive dropped with it.

The conversation finally happened with my partner where they (gently and fairly) said they need more. Well… more than nothing, which is what they get right now. I agree and I want to find that part of myself again but my depression really hinders my motivation. I do feel that my lack of libido is rooted in my feelings about myself.

Has anyone else found an improvement in sex drive after losing weight? Does it come back? I’d appreciate any stories of hope and how you re-built that part of yourself through health and weight loss.

submitted by /u/Shot_Dimension6029
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss tips after quitting a restricting diet?

Hi! Recently I gave up on my extreme vegan diet I was on for 2.5 years. Basically, no meat, eggs, dairy, honey, fruit, nuts, "faux food" = all vegan substitutes. And with such a restrictive diet I also never ate out or with other people, I was that person who would watch you eat. You can see why I don't do it anymore, it was just stupid.

I was still skinny last May when I visited my grandma, I think I weighted 54 kilos. Now I'm almost 70 kilos, I haven't weighted myself because honestly. I don't even want to know. Two months ago I was 67 kilos and I can't fit any pants I wore back then. In fact, I can't comfortably fit into anything I own apart from socks, loose t-shirts and ironically, yoga pants. Even sweat pants are too tight! Last year I bought this gorgeous oversized winter coat and guess what? Can't close the zipper when last year I would have fit another of me with no trouble, I purposefully bought a very big one to have more air in to keep me warmer but it doesn't even close now.

And what makes this even harder is that around 3 weeks ago I decided to start eating actual food again. I'm not sure what to do, 54 kilos was a healthy weight for my height but I also don't want to count every single calorie I eat or follow a strict diet for the rest of my life. I guess at this point I at least want to stop gaining. Life would be a lot less stressful if I could trust that I'll still fit the outfit I wore a few weeks ago. And I could buy more clothes, I've gained multiple pant sizes this fall alone and a fun fact, all the pants in my closet are different sizes. On a positive note, plenty of target pants.

What would you do? If you've been in a similar situation, what kind of things worked for you?

submitted by /u/greenpeahummus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anyone here successfully lost weight *without* food logging apps?

So, I am still trying to find a way of sustainable weight loss. I know with absolute certainty that I will not be able to maintain logging food on apps for over a year as I briefly tried it before. Intermittent fasting as many of you pointed out is a lifestyle, not a weight loss tool, I am however front loading my calories and eat very little for dinner for over a week now, and my sleep quality is much better so yay for IF.

Anyone here managed to lose weight without smartphone apps? If yes please let me know your method!

submitted by /u/eldritch-apparition
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

As of today, I'm officially 50lbs (22kg) down. I'm now 225lbs (102 kg)! Pictures with the same clothing side by side, and details in the post.

Progress picture right here.

Oh boy, where do I begin?

My weight loss journey was sparked by an incident about 4 months ago (it's insane that it's only been 4 months, holy god). This incident took place at an amusement park, and it made me realize that my weight was a problem as it deprived me of one of life's greatest pleasures: roller coasters.

I was a very obese person all of my life, and now I'm changing that.

Over the course of my journey, I've learned what foods to eat, and what foods to avoid. I've also learned that it's okay to eat your favorite foods, as long as it's within reason.

My calorie intake is 1500-2000, but I at least try to aim for 1500.

My diet is way healthier than what it was at my heaviest. My diet at my heaviest consisted of a weekly bag of family-sized Takis, excessive portions of healthy meals, excessive orders at fast-food restaurants (think 2 big macs and 10 pc chicken nuggets at Mc. Donalds), a lot of soda consumption, candy, etc etc.

My diet now consists of a lot of lean protein/meats. Cubed Steak, Chicken, Turkey, Ham, and 93%/96% ground beef. I subbed in pork-loin Bacon for Turkey Bacon if I'm wanting bacon, and I also eat eggs on occasion. I also invest in protein shakes. I also make tacos and chicken wraps, and for that I buy carb-lean tortillas (they are only 45 calories and are quite big).

Fruit is also a big part of my diet now. Blackberries, Watermelon, Apples, and Bananas mostly.

For snacks, I usually go for Beef Jerky. Beef Jerky, while not exactly the healthiest, is very low in calories. I usually get a bag once a week. I also purchase a tray of Frozen Cooked Shrimp (38 count) on occasion, as it tastes good and is quite lean. About a tray every two weeks.

I still eat at Fast Food restaurants on occasions, and to celebrate milestones in my weight loss I go out to eat with my family. When I was at 249, I went to a buffet, whenever I was 239, I went to a steak-house, and at 229 I indulged in Thanksgiving. It is so important to allow yourself these moments of success.

CICO works. If any of you were contemplating on losing weight, I really recommend it. It will do you wonders, you'll begin to feel more confident and you'll be able to wear clothes that you'd never thought was possible to wear (hell, I can wear skinny jeans now). Cheers everyone.

submitted by /u/Pepe_Dev
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Not Accountable To Myself, Therefore Staying Stuck

TW: starvation eating disorder talk

I’m getting really, really frustrated with myself. I can’t understand why I don’t just stay consistent with weight loss. I don’t think I can get surgery because I have an autoimmune disease that requires me to be able to drink a lot of water and be super hydrated all the time. I don’t like tracking calories because I get hyper focused and feel really restricted and rebel against it.

I guess I should preface that I’m going to begin looking for an eating disorder specific therapist. I have a lot of deep seated issues from growing up in my family: obsessed with diet culture, obsessed with thinness. I’ve only ever been obese or thin from starving myself/being bulimic.

Currently I’m about 310. Im 5’4. Female. I’m about to be 33. I’ve been fantasizing having a “revenge” body since I’m a literal child. It’s not normal. My whole entire life has been about my weight, huge emphasis from family, obviously endured some bullying in school. I was only ever accepted everywhere when I got down to like 140ish lbs and was really thin. I was incredibly sick, though. I was in two different “rehabs” for anorexia and bulimia. As soon as I stopped starving it turned to binging. I think I was allowed to leave therapy too soon. I’ve just never had anyone have my freaking back. With anything. No one pushing me in good directions and looking out for my best interest.

I just don’t understand why I can’t stay focused, or how I can want something so badly and still not give it to myself. It really seems crazy to me when I think about it. I have wanted to be skinny my whole life, and have had a lot of time to actually lose weight, but I don’t. That’s nuts!

Obviously I’m SMO. I have a ton of stretch marks. Know there will be extra skin. It all makes me feel ruined and like a piece of trash. Like no one will ever actually care about me because if it. Or I can’t be sexy ever. I think back to my body when I was starving myself and hate myself for gaining so much weight. I could have had a really nice body if I would have gone from starving to just being healthy. I literally hate myself for what my body has turned into. What I did to it. Hate.

Whatever. I’m sick of the story already, but to keep things short, I lost the past six or seven years to chronic illness and then the pandemic. I became extremely sick and it took five years to diagnose and treat my autoimmune disease. It was extremely traumatizing but I’m just trying to move on. Then I’ve been homebound the past two years because of covid. I caught covid in the first round and almost died. My hair is still growing back from losing it. That’s how severe I had it. Hair loss.

I want to be at my goal weight of 145lbs by the time I turn 35. I want a life. I want a partner. I haven’t dated for over ten years. I don’t know if it’s because people find me repulsive or because I’m super closed off and don’t think I deserve to be with someone or have sex until I’m a normal weight. I’ve had sex overweight with my ex and it just made me feel gross. I know I’ll never have a perfect body and that hurts me deep down in a way that is probably stupid. I’m a perfectionist.

Is there a way to stay more accountable? To not fall in the hole of doing great and then crashing and burning? Do I need to keep a chart on my wall? Is there a specific scale to buy? Do I majorly need an eating disorder therapist? Like ASAP. I want to stop letting myself down and not keeping my word. I know it’s from coming from a family that was like that. And there is some deep internal pain I’m replaying or something. Whatever deep Freud shit is going on. But I just can’t be like this anymore.

Someone please have some tips.

submitted by /u/EBeewtf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, December 2, 2021

F20 - How do I get into it again?

I am 20F, 5’6, and while I haven’t weighed myself in a long time, I’m guessing that I would be around 200-215lbs. In 2019, I weighed 195lbs and was overall pretty overweight throughout all of high school, but that summer when I graduated something just... snapped in me. Before, I would try diets or counting calories and then give up after about a week or so. But at that time I was literally about to order nachos at work haha and I just got this overwhelming feeling of “I can’t be this big anymore” and started counting that day. I went all the way down to about 160lbs and felt really good about myself! This took about 3 months from August-November.

I was satisfied with my body and maintained that weight until about July 2020 when I met my boyfriend. I’ve heard a lot about the term relationship weight, and I think that’s what happened to me. I kind of just... let go. Slowly I ballooned in weight and look just as big as I did back when I first started my weight loss journey, if not a little bigger honestly. I don’t own a scale and I’m too scared to weight myself but I’m guessing I weight anywhere from 200-215lbs.

My self esteem has suffered from it because I always remember just how good I felt being 160. My figure was really pretty, I had no double chin, my eyes looked so big and bright! Now I just see this fat moon face with small eyes and it kills me on the inside. I also hurt too, because I’m sure my boyfriend has clearly noticed the difference. He has always been there for me and reassured me that he loves me and finds me attractive, but I can’t blame him if he maybe has some negative thoughts about me because I’ve gained 40+ pounds for sure.

But the thing is, I’ve never had a healthy relationship with food. My dad never cooked for me and would often just pop a whole bag of cheese sticks into the oven and call it dinner. I have really horrible eating habits and even when I was losing weight, I would eat an entire bag of hot chips for dinner and think it was okay as long as I stayed under 1200.

I want so so bad for it to just click in my head again that I need to lose the weight. I think about how much I loved my old body and just how hard I worked for it. I find myself more tired now, and am out of breath just walking up some stairs sometimes. This shouldn’t be me! I feel like I should mention these feelings to my therapist because I have been attending recently to address my childhood trauma, but a big part of my trauma is neglect and I do feel like because of being neglected it’s spilled over into the habits I have today. I wonder if I have some sort of eating disorder, because I genuinely have these feelings of anger and sadness if I don’t have exactly what I want to eat sometimes. When I was dieting as well, sometimes I would make myself vomit if I knew I went over my calorie limit.

I’m not even sure if this is the right sub for this, but any advice or even words of encouragement would be really appreciated.

submitted by /u/sunlightbeams
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost 115lbs in about two years, and have been maintaining for 6+ months. Tomorrow morning, I go in for skin removal surgery and breast reconstruction.

Starting weight: 270 lbs / Current weight + Goal weight: 155 lbs.

5'4'', 30yo female

I wrote and edited a super long post about my whole journey (and maybe I'll post it at some point, though it felt really good to get down on paper anyway), but really all I want to say right now is that I cannot believe I am here. in the depths of my binge eating disorder and worst moments of depression, i did not see a future for myself. now i know i have one. tomorrow i get the surgeries that will make me feel like my truest self again: skin removal on my stomach / hips, breast lift and reconstruction.

I couldn't have done it without this sub; r/loseit (and r/1200isplenty ) was such a critical source of education, support, commiseration, and solidarity. if you're here, keep going. if you're struggling, keep reading. if you're losing, keep at it. like so many others on this sub have said: if i can do it, anyone can.

I'm definitely scared and really really nervous, but also excited. If anyone reading this has had post-weight loss surgeries, please – tell me it's gonna be okay!!!

submitted by /u/allblackeverythng
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from loseit - Lose the Fat