Sunday, February 20, 2022

Could use some encouragement on weight loss

Hello all

I just really need some encouragement on losing some weight. I've struggled with it my entire life, but the last year or so has been particularly bad.

The pandemic hasn't helped, but also my only parent had a stroke about 5 months ago and I am have been their temporary full time caretaker and moved in with them until they move to assisted living in the next week. After that, I'm going to be living alone again and changing a lot in my life.

I'm 29, m, 5'8" and just about 300lbs. I look pretty good at 220, and I'm aiming to lose 80 pounds hopefully over the next two years at most.

I'm an alcoholic, but planning on cutting that out as much as possible and have a plan for it. I'm also going to go vegetarian again, which I've done for years at a time but not within the last couple years, as my last job was a line cook at a french restaurant.

Currently I do intermittent fasting and I only consume any calories within 6 hours per day, but that apparently has not helped. I usually eat one meal of about 1000 calories, have a small meal of about 600 and then drink a case of white claw. Food total I keep to about 1600, but add on about 1200-2000 more in alcohol if I have wine as well.

I'm planning on cutting the alcohol consumption by around half at first and see where I go from there, and switching to a plant based diet. I work out about 20 minutes a day at home, mostly bodyweight exercises (60 pushups, 20 situps, 40 alternating lunges, 20 jumping jacks) but that has not seemed to help.

Mostly my plan is to start by cutting my alcohol intake and meat at first, then probably going vegan and possibly getting entirely sober.

I got very suicidal today when I realized how big I was compared to two years ago, and I just need to change something.

Tldr: I'm just looking for encouragement. I have a plan to improve things and I just want some support.

submitted by /u/spacelordmthrfkr
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does what time I eat and sleep matter for a weight loss journey?

Hello everyone, I’m new here so I apologize if these are repeated questions. I have been trying to lose weight for so long now, and really want to come through with doing so this year. Two of my main issues are my sleeping schedule and how many times I eat in a day (along with my poor diet choices…). My sleeping schedule is absolutely horrible. Some days I go to bed at 5 am some days 8 am. Then I wake up around 4 pm or later (unless I have class in the morning). Then sometimes I don’t eat right as I get up, and try not to snack too much at night. However, since I wake up late, I sometimes just eat one meal a day and many snacks. Since starting this journey, and since my sleeping schedule is horrible, I try to limit what I eat and stay within a calorie deficit between the time I wake up to 12:00 am. Pass that, I try to eat small snacks. My question is, does it matter what time I sleep/wake up as long as I’m getting decent sleep? And does it matter what time I eat? I have heard both that our body doesn’t know what time it is and the opposite so I’m confused. I am trying to fix my sleeping schedule but I somehow programmed my body to sleep late. I apologize for the long post. Thank you!

submitted by /u/cnvs28
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, February 19, 2022

What is too fast of a rate for weight loss?

I have read that 2lbs/week is considered the maximum amount for healthy weight loss, however I was wondering is this true for all individuals? How bad is it to be over 2lbs/week? Currently I am a normal weight, but just on the edge between normal and overweight (BMI 24.1) and so I am trying to lose some weight. My current weight loss is 2.5lbs/week, so I am wondering am I losing too much too quickly? I am worried about loose skin, muscle loss, and other side effects.

submitted by /u/Serious-Judge6136
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

After months of struggling with Binge Eating, I am finally losing weight again!

25M 5'11 SW 352 CW 179 GW 165

I will leave a TLDR at the bottom bc this is a bit lengthy.

I went from 352lbs down to 182 lbs in my first year of dieting! In the following 3 months I gained and lost the same 5 lbs over and over and over due to binge eating. I am so close to my goal weight of 165 so this has been hard for me to deal with.

In the first 7-8 months, it was easy for me being in a massive calorie deficit, my sheer determination and will power to restrict calories was huge let me tell you. I actually enjoyed the feeling of an empty stomach, and feeling my stomach rumble lol it sounds weird ik. The weight just melted off. But then I started feeling hungrier and hungrier. I started needing more and more "cheat days" and the cheat days turned from a couple thousand extra calories, to a few thousand and so on. Then i started needing multiple cheat days every week. My weight loss slowed further and further. Until eventually it halted. From November to February I had a net loss of zero lbs. And I didn't realized I was developing a binge eating disorder.

November to February: I would Heavily restrict my calories as usual (1500 calories a day) then by the end of the week I couldn't take it, and would binge eat anywhere from 3,000 to 5,000 calories a couple or even a few days in a row. I would see weight gain on the scale, get freaked out and scared to gain weight back, get really determined, and begin heavily restricting again. Rinse and repeat. The guilt i would feel after binge eating made me feel so horrible about myself. It actually started giving me anxiety and I couldn't stop thinking about food and dieting. I felt trapped in a way. Those who binge can relate I'm sure. When I binged, the feeling was just awful. I felt so insatiable just in full starving mode. Like a zombie craving flesh.

I lost my weight by massively cutting, it's all i knew, all I thought would work for me. Slower weight loss sounded scary because 1 of my binges could easily ruin a full week's progress... 3 weeks ago I decided I would trust in those ridiculously insane ppl who are ok with the idea of losing ONLY 1 lb a week (lol.) So I started eating at a much smaller deficit. I'm thinking my deficit is somewhere between 400-500 calories. It's hard to figure these things out precisely but I have lost nearly 3 lbs in the last few weeks. I am 179 lbs (lowest I've ever been since probably middle school) and I am happy to say the bingeing behaviors are completely gone! I do have moments where I'm a bit hungry sure, (after all, I'm still in a deficit) but it's not agonizing, not even close to the miserable feeling I used to feel. And some nights I do go to bed feeling very mildly hungry, more like minor cravings. But I feel comfort in the fact that I can now eat a proper sized meal when I wake up :) Sometimes I'm not hungry at all. Which is new for me XD Food is no longer ALWAYS on mind I can eat more of the foods I enjoy. I have been making sure to hit my protein goal, then eat whatever i want to fill out the rest of my calories. It's amazing. My body feels the best it's ever felt, I have had more energy, my sleep has even improved, my weightlifting sessions I feel like I can go harder. Since I don't binge anymore I never have to deal with significant bloating and looking 30 lbs heavier the next day! And I GET TO EAT. Omg I get to freaking eat! I'm an absolute idiot for not eating at a more sustainable deficit. It's not a race. And I will reach my goal weight before I know it!

TLDR: Eating at a big calorie deficit worked for me for a good while but eventually caused me to begin binge eating pretty severely. I stopped making any weight loss progress because of it. I am now eating at a much smaller deficit and the weight loss has resumed! I feel incredible!

I am excited to get this off my chest because I've been struggling with it so much physically and mentally! And I've finally overcome it!

submitted by /u/KDeadshot
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, February 18, 2022

Please someone explain a deficit like I’m 5 YO

Okay I’m ready to start my weight loss journey, but I truly can’t wrap my head around a calorie deficit?! 22F, 5’9, 190 lbs. (I was 195lbs two weeks ago before I started)

I’ve put this info into a calculator but I don’t understand what the “bmr” number represents and what I do with that information?

Before I started this journey I never worked out, and never watched what I ate. I will say in the last two weeks I’ve been exercising for about an hour a day. And according to my smart watch I’m burning about 350 calories through exercise. Do I add this to my daily calories I can intake ? Or is it best for me to ignore my calorie burn through exercise?

I want to lose weight, and I want to do it effectively. I just don’t understand. And 20 articles later I’m here asking you guys.

submitted by /u/Twinkle_st
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: expectation vs reality

most of my weight loss journey has not been actively trying to lose ‘x’ lbs but instead working on my diet/exercise habits and seeing where my body’s ‘set point’ falls when i feel my best. I don’t like to weigh myself because of my tendency to obsess over it so my way of tracking progress has been seeing or feeling changes. Up until this point I haven’t felt/seen anything different but I bought some ‘XXL’ (XL is (was?) form fitting for me but these were for lounging not jeans so i went a size up) pants and when I tried them on they fit normally, which freaked me out thinking i had gone up a size, but i looked at the tag instead of the hanger and they’re actually medium.

submitted by /u/Jade_0001
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

You can do it!

You really can do it. I know some of you need to hear this! I started my weight loss journey on April 20th, 2021 and I am closing in on my 1-year mark. I started at 205 - 31% body fat and right now am 177 - 20% body fat.

Why? This is the most important thing about a journey. If you don't have a strong enough reason why you are doing something it will not last and you will look for shortcuts. My why is because I know I can and I want to prove it to myself every single day. I do not care what other people think or care for positive or negative feedback. This is for me and what I think of myself. By proving this to myself every day I can achieve happiness every day even if my goal is a long time away.

How? This is the second most important thing about your journey. You need to be at least 80-90% consistent with whatever you find out works for you on a weekly basis. It should take forever to do this depending on how far away from your goal you are. Don't try to go lose more than 1 pound per week, 4 pounds per month, 52 pounds per year maximum( I am probably only going to lose 30 pounds in a year and went many weeks without losing weight ). I am going to tell you that you need to exercise, eat right, and recover(sleep well) but not how to do each of those. Find what is best for you in those 3 categories and be consistent.

Balance Listen, eating the right food, getting in the right exercises for the right amount of time, and getting enough sleep is very time-consuming on a daily basis. The journey is going to be very long and you need to be extremely consistent. The only way to do this is to enjoy every minute of it. If you would only be happy with your end goal and can't enjoy the steps on the way there you will suffer(even if the scale or mirror doesn't show progress). If you suffer you will avoid doing what is necessary and look for shortcuts or stop. Or even worse, you will regress to be beginning of your journey or go further in the wrong direction and this will make enjoying what you do 10 times harder which leads to suffering. Find the right balance that makes you consistent on a weekly basis.

Your body takes care of you every day and you need to take care of it. You only get 1.

Tell me your why, and how!

submitted by /u/weareallgoinmakeit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat