Saturday, April 2, 2022

is walking up and down your street effective?

i don't have much weight to lose, maybe four or five pounds and i eat relatively clean but i am not the biggest fan of other methods of working out aside from walking. i find it very calming and it makes me feel good after.

problem is, i don't know if walking up and down my street is enough. i only started recently, and usually do it for about 15 mins and get around 5,000 steps in but will it actually contribute to my weight loss goal?

the reason i walk only on my street is because it's the safest one in my area. if i go even a block away, it can get risky. i'm also a minor so i don't have a car to drive anywhere else to walk.

someone please tell me whether or not this is a waste of time. thank you!

submitted by /u/lunaxsi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, April 1, 2022

Any advice is welcome!

Hey everyone! 👋 I (27F) am in desperate need of help with weight loss. I woke up this morning and thought to myself, "enough is enough." I just weighed myself a few hours ago and I'm at 394lb and my height is 5'5". I have quite a bit of problems that I have recently sought help for, like anxiety, ADD, and depression. But, now I would really like to tackle my relationship with food and binge eating. I just want to finally feel good about myself, and I also have a goal date set for myself which is in February of 2024, and I'd like to be around 200lbs but I don't know if that's realistic, especially since I don'tknow where to start with this. I don't have that great of a support system at home, so I'm seeking any guidance with getting started I can get from support groups like this one! 😊

Thank you so much in advance, and if I need to add any more info, please let me know!

submitted by /u/LinkSuccessful
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Call For Help (Weight Loss Journey Day 1)

Where do I begin my story?

I am highly fed up with myself, I have let myself go and I am severely overweight. For context I am a 24 Year Old Male, and currently weight in at 127.87kg (298.91 lbs). I really want to lose weight, and I have marked my journey to begin tonight. I am tired with telling myself tomorrow I'll start, tomorrow never comes. I see all my friends looking good, feeling good, having good jobs, with partners. Why can't I do that I have no excuse.

This is where I need some guidance. Is it safe to completely cut sugars, carbs, and other fatty oils for the long run? (by long run I mean literally the rest of my life).

I know sugar is super bad for the health, but of course with the TikTok age I have been seeing alot of health and fitness weight loss videos and think this is a sign for me to make a change.

I'm embarrassed to go to the gym as I feel like I don't know what to do and people will judge me. What exercises in my room can I do? Lots of people tell me I don't need gym I need that etc.... I just want a sound answer from someone who has been in my kind of situation and lost a ton of weight.

I have marked on a white board Day 1: No Sugar, Day 1: No Carbs. I will begin to incorporate a variety of food within my diet such as fruit, veg, meats. Is the following diet plan okay for myself?

Breaktfast: Hot Water infused with Lemon and Honey, 1 Green Apple, 1 Bowl of Bio-Yogurt (Probiotic)

Light Day Time Snack: 1 Bowl of Blue Berries and Rasberries, with Bio-Yoghurt (Probiotic)

Lunch: x2 Tuna Sandwhiches (brown bread), mixed with Mayo, Tomato, Cucumber and Assorted Greens

Dinner: x2 Chicken Breasts with light seasoning (salt, pepper, garlic paste), with cucumber, broccoli (boiled), brussel sprouts (boiled)

Supplements: I am interested in taking supplements are multi-vitamins good to take? what would someone advise to take once per day which is safe to my health on this journey.

Lastly, ofcourse get good sleep, drink a good amount of water, and stress less.

I will try and document this journey everyday, if the admins and moderators do not mind that ofcourse.

thanks to everyone that replies and I greatly appreciate this plead for help to all fellow fitness people,

submitted by /u/Malt33zer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finding it increasingly more difficult to eat healthy.

Hello, I am F18, and started to lose weight around November of last year. I am 160cm and my starting weight was 65kg, while my goal weight is around 55kg. In the first few months, so from around November-January my weight loss journey was fine. I enjoyed being on a calorie deficit, eating healthy made me feel very good about myself and I generally did not have any problems. There were maybe 2-3 days in the month where I ate above my calorie goal and even then, it was not enough for me to gain weight. It's important to note that my goal was 1300 calories for the most part, but I lowered it to 1200 at some point, as I had hit a plateau.

I am now at about 58kg and I've been stuck at this number since around February. And not because I hit a plateau, but because I can not stay committed anymore. I'm finding it increasingly harder to eat within my 1200 calorie goal. I don't count my calories when I eat crap, but I assume I eat around 2,000 on an average day now. I don't even feel any satisfaction eating this much at all. I feel like shit when I start eating a lot and the next day when I wake up I feel guilty for eating that much. But then I just continue, even though I know it doesn't bring me any sort of satisfaction whatsoever.

At the beginning of my weight loss, I used to eat very healthy. Breakfast was healthy, lunch and dinner were healthy. Now, on an average day I eat chocolate bars for breakfast as well as some other sweets for dinner. I hid all the sweets at some point but it just caused me to eat excessive amounts of other things such as bread. I don't even eat it because it's tasty, but just for the sake of eating something.

I want to get back to my old habits of eating healthy but it's so difficult. I can barely get 2-3 days in a week where I eat at a deficit, and I would love to shed the last few pounds. Has anyone else dealt with this, and how have they overcome it? Any advice?

submitted by /u/-SinEater-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

When did you start noticing loose skin DURING weight loss?

This is a question for those who are in the process of losing 45+ kgs (100+ pounds) or those who have completed the 100 pound journey. I am a little confused regarding loose skin. So I started at a 100 kilos (220 lbs) last December. At the end of 4 months - I’m down to 83 kgs (~183 lbs). I’ve been doing nothing crazy. Just caloric deficit, balanced carb and protein. A relaxed IF of 14:10. Some weeks I’ll do relaxed alternate fasting. I haven’t yet started with gym. I just walk and stationary bike. Along with some yoga and beginner workouts on YouTube.

So I’ve lost 17 kgs with my body reducing inches proportionately. I see no loose or hanging skin anywhere. My belly has stretch marks, obviously. But nothing is “hanging loose” as of now.

My question is.. when do you start noticing some skin is loose? Should I expect to see that in another 10 kgs? In another 15 kgs lost? That’s my main point of confusion. I’m taking things very slow. My avg has been 1 kg (2 pounds) per week so far. I’m almost 23 btw, and 5’6. Female. I have 23 kgs (50 lbs) to lose to reach my goal weight of 60 kgs (~ 130ish lbs). I’m pretty much half way through my weight loss. So I think I should be taking things like loose skin more seriously now. I use body scrub daily, I moisturise entire body to keep skin hydrated.

Every post about loose skin is from after the major weight loss. My question is for the during.

Like- how does loose skin show up? It has to creep up over time right? I can’t just wake up with it the day after I see 135 lbs on my scale. So.. how did or didn’t it happen to you?

Also, any tips to minimise loose skin will be welcome! I have PCOS so I hold a lot of circumference in my waist region. Nothing to worry about though, cause as of the recent reports- I no longer have insulin resistance :)

submitted by /u/smaran13
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Should I take a maintenance break? How would I know if I need to?

Been losing weight for about 3 months now, I'm a numbers person and I'm taking a strict CICO approach: counting all calories, tracking all workouts, and weighing myself daily. I have been very consistant, losing a steady 2 lbs per week (about 1000 cal daily deficit) with basically no variation... no cheat days, no maintenance days, haven't been sick or injured, etc.

I realize my weight loss of 2 lb/week is on the agressive side (SW: 217 lb, CW: 194 lb) but the routine has worked well for me and I'm happy... I don't feel run-down or sick of it, I've gotten a meal routine that leaves me with little/no hunger, I have good energy for my workouts (mix of cardio and weight lifting ~6 days a week, plus lots of dog walks). A big part of my deficit comes from increased activity. I am eating 2000-2500 calories per day, so not even close to a starvation diet.

Basically everything is going well, but I'm wondering whether I should/need to take a break? I see some guides advoate a maintenance period after 3-4 months of dieting, especially aggressive dieting. I don't want to burn myself out and would rather take a maintenance break *before* I'm feeling worn down. But on the other hand I'm really thriving on the routine and steady progress and don't want to interrupt that for no good reason. At my current rate I will reach my goal weight in about 2.5 months which seems completely doable to me (at least right now).

Anyone have any thoughts or experience?

submitted by /u/DifferenceMore5431
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Any weight loss/accountability discord servers?

I'm 26f, I've lost 105 lbs and I still got about 65 lbs more to go. I am having a hard time getting back on track and would love having a community where we can talk daily and with people who get it. I do low carb and IF if that helps.

Also I am going through a rough patch in general rn with recently facing unemployment and health issues.. So I feel like me being off track this month was just me falling into my old habits of eating to cope with my sad emotions which sucks. I really wish this was all easy for me like weight maintenence and not eating my emotions. I can tell I'm just going through a little bump in the road in terms of weight loss and mental health so I really wanna change my gears and get back on track. I've come too far to go, back now.

submitted by /u/Icecream786
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from loseit - Lose the Fat