Thursday, April 7, 2022

Normal fluctuations, be prepared to avoid disappointment

Just a reminder to expect fluctuations in your weight loss, which is especially prominent with those of us with female raging hormones. Throughout my journey, through observation, daily recording and being objective, I know what my body is doing and why. I know how it'll react to my level of activity, sleep, time of the month, how much I've eaten, drunk and what type of foods I've eaten.

Be aware of your actions and your bodies reactions. Be observant, analytical and avoid being too emotional about the number on the scale. Don't give up if you see a spike, just think rationally about why it probably happened. If you're prepared you won't fall into despair, or make irrational choices. And most of all, be patient and kind to yourself.

This is my 3rd 3 month weight loss chart of daily logging. The other two, with a starting weight of 93kg, look exactly like this. If I'd given in to disappointment caused by emotion and a failure to understand my body, I would have failed 50x over.

Be patient. Be sane. And think critically.

submitted by /u/thatpeskyrabbit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm done being fat and hating myself. I'm losing 53lbs.

First post.


Hi, I'm 22(M) 6'3 and 263lbs as of right now. I've always had a issue with weight, I managed to lose a lot of weight in 2017 and keep it off until May of 2020(lockdown). My weight is starting to affect me in a lot of negative ways. I took my blood pressure at 163/95 or something, my back hurts, I dont sleep well, I'm always tired, I actively avoid any form of sexual or romantic relationships bc I feel gross, and none of my damn clothes fit any more.

My goal: Lose 53lbs by 9/7/2022, retain as much muscle as possible, be 10~15% bodyfat, and keep the weight off forever.

The plan: Cyclical keto to maintain energy, appetite, and weight loss of 1-3lbs a week. Followed by a 6ish month maintenance phase where I either keep doing Great Value keto or start introducing more carbs haven't figured it out yet.

Why keto?: I have a bmr of about 2150 confirmed by bio impedance and calorie tracking. Shockingly low for how much muscle I have, my size and how much I was working out(1-2hrs a day 6-7 days a week). I was tracking my calories perfectly, like measuring to the gram perfectly and restricting them by 300 a day, losing about 1lb a week. I was absolutely starving, and constantly fighting off cravings. Whereas my experience with keto was different I don't get anywhere near as hungry and I don't have to track as aggressively to lose weight, plus I get bad sugar crashes so this helps me stay focused.

Updates: I plan on posting weekly updates with my daily weigh ins, a brief summary of how I feel and think things are going. I'm considering daily macros, and weekly progress photos but think I'll save the photos for the end. Will likely edit most posts for grammar and better wording.

submitted by /u/fatR3tard
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tired all the time during weight loss

I’ve lost almost 7kg in 3 months and I’ve noticed lately that I just can’t for the life of me get enough sleep; whether I sleep 6, 7, 8, 9 or even 10 hours - I’m always tired and feel like I need more sleep!

I’m not over exercising - I walk around 30 mins a day; and I work same hours as before… so I’m wondering if weight loss makes you tired?

Other than coffee and cold showers (which help to some extent) any advice on help?

submitted by /u/flyingmonkey200
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally attempting CICO so my cat doesn’t have to go it alone.

I’ve always been the chunkiest of my siblings. Brother is easily athletic, sister is easily thin. But the past few months I’ve been at my heaviest weight ever; I remember in college thinking to myself “I’m too short to let myself be over 200lbs,” and well…here I am. 5’3” and 212lbs. I bought a bathroom scale like ten months ago at this point (which told me 215 the day I got it) and while the little changes I’ve made here and there have stopped me from gaining further, I definitely need to lose quite a bit for my physical and mental health. I have stretch marks on my belly for the first time in my life, (I’ve always had them on my thighs and arms) and one side of my belly sags lower than the other and it really bothers and frankly disgusts me.

In a similar vein, my cat is also fairly chunky. He’d also lost some weight in the last two years (formerly my mom’s cat, and she was more generous with treats and table scraps; I brought him when I moved out), but he has also plateaued his weight loss; currently he weighs like 13lbs, when he should weigh around 10.

About a week ago I made a commitment to start being more accurate while measuring his food, and to make adjustments to his serving size when I give him treats. He’s displeased to say the least lol, especially given that I can’t tell him it’s for his own longevity. But I realized that, since he is my little dude, I really ought to be doing this with him. I’ve made changes like switching to diet soda and less calorie-dense snacks, but this is my first Proper attempt at CICO, using MyFitnessPal instead of just kinda doing mental math on the days I remember.

This is partly sparked by a dream I had last night where I was getting ready for work, noticed my double chin was gone, and weighed myself and found I weighed 145lbs for the first time since elementary school. I think that’s a good reason for that to be a goal to start.

Hopefully I force myself into some accountability by sharing this. Also if you have any low-cal ideas for volume snackers…anything helps.

submitted by /u/ThunderDash
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Drinking a gallon of water a day.

I know water is important for weight loss, but what about a gallon of it? Unfortunately, I believe I lose weight slowly, but I read that drinking a gallon of water per day can help speed up my metabolism and aid in weight loss. I looked into it further, but I don't think the results are very realistic. I saw a woman who claims she lost lost 6 pounds in one week and another whose belly shrank by up to 5 inches in the same time period. I believe it could help speed up my weight loss journey, but not as dramatically in only a week. Does anyone know what a gallon of water can realistically do for our bodies in terms of weight loss?

I'm also fasting, increasing my strength training and cardio, and attempting to stop eating out of boredom. I also have a hard time drinking enough water (the most I drink is 4-6 cups) so increasing my intake could help.

submitted by /u/Kallieeeex
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Is it normal to feel full after eating? Does it mean I’m eating too much?

The last few days I’ve been feeling full after eating what I used to consider not to be that much food. For instance I had a fried egg on an english muffin with some coffee and felt full after. Maybe it’s time to recalculate my TDEE and lower my calorie intake? For so long I didn’t consider myself to feel full until my stomach was severely bloated and I could barely keep the food down. So when I first started my weight loss journey even after having a “normal” sized portion I still felt empty, so maybe now my body has caught up? Does it mean it’s time to reduce my intake, or is this supposed to happen already? All I know is I don’t want to reverse or even halt my progress.

submitted by /u/niloves
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I don’t know how to eat anymore..

Some input please! I’ve lost 75 lbs over the last 18 months, through portion control and running 2-3 days a week. But on my way here, due to difficulties in other parts of my life - I seem to have lost my sense of logic and reason. I began eating less, and now I am so confused. Please help me! After a significant weight loss, you need less calories. I know that.. But right now I’m eating about 1000 kcal a day, not loosing much weight anymore. This can not be right.. I’m so scared of gaining weight again, that I don’t really know how to begin. I can not eat less! How many calories should I have to maintain my current weight? I’m 5’5, and have dropped from 203 lbs to 128 lbs.

submitted by /u/CupAdministrative777
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from loseit - Lose the Fat