Friday, May 27, 2022

Feeling sad after achieving weight loss goal - am I going crazy?

First, thanks for taking the time to read this. I've been a LONG time lurker on loseit and have gotten so much great advice over the past 18 months. I will start giving some back soon.

I'm a 5'10" male, mid 30s. In November 2020, I hit my absolute highest weight of 205lbs. It was due to stress of COVID, parenting, work-from-home, drinking too much craft beer, and simply eating too much. I decided I needed to make a change. After some plateaus, ups/down, half marathons, diet changes, and a million other things, I finally hit my goal weight of 169lbs earlier this month. Seeing the first two digits of the scale read 16_ nearly made me tear up... it's been years!!

And yet, I've found that I now feel kind of sad. This goal I've always had in the background for the past 18 months is now gone.

Has anyone felt this before? How did you get through it? Any strategies or advice for dealing with this? Thanks!

submitted by /u/CHUNKYBARF
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Advice for weight loss after ED recovery?

Hi everyone! This is my first post on here, but I’m 24M, 5’10” and roughly 270lb looking to lose weight. I had eating disorder that yo-yo’ed from extreme restriction to bingeing for a good 3 years, which I have gotten help for and I’ve been in recovery for the past year and a half thanks to some intense therapy. In that time, I have gained about 60lbs and I am looking to lose that weight to just be happier with my figure and have a healthier body.

With that being said, I am INCREDIBLY nervous about counting calories since I was a crazy calorie counter in the height of my ED. I have successfully lost weight before too, but it was because I was restricting like nuts and saw that as “success”. I would love to start 220lb as a goal weight and reassess from there if I want to lose more weight. Does anyone have any tips they can give that helped them if they had a hard time with food, especially if they are wary of calorie counting? Thanks so much!

submitted by /u/Worth_Confection_303
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is loose skin inevitable?

I feel like I already know the answer is yes. I also understand that regaining your health is a LOT more important than worrying over loose skin, but I still have to admit the thought of what I will look like after I lose the 115lbs is daunting.

I gave birth 2 and a half years ago and am now starting to make progress on weight loss. I weigh 255lbs roughly right now and my goal is 140lbs. I'm going to take it as slowly as I can...but I still feel like losing that much weight will make my skin hang off me regardless.

Is there anything I can even do about it other than post-weight loss surgery? Just feels weird to think I may want to start saving up for a tummy tuck or something. I definitely have taken my appearance into account as to why I want to lose this weight. It isn't the MAIN factor but it's a big one. So losing all that weight just to feel shitty about how I look with loose skin seems counterproductive.

Again, I KNOW my health is the most important thing in this scenario but I'm just curious how others deal with the loose skin afterward.

submitted by /u/JustJaded1319
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Am I supposed to feel sore all day?

(this is some background)

I’ve always been fat my whole life. I’m 16f and decided that i’m really gonna change bc i’m tired of feeling terrible about myself.

I’m very self aware of myself and actions and I noticed i would project my feelings on to others in my head. I’d say like “they probably hate me because of my weight” “Or they think i’m a slob”

I know better then to actually act like they feel that way. Like i know better then to actually let those feelings manifest in real interactions. I know they are just what i think about myself and to keep them to myself.

Anyways, i always made attempts but it’s hard when u are embarrassed abt loosing weight. If you are latino you might understand. Family will laugh when u tell them and it’s hard to like “count calories” when idk how many are in my family’s homemade salsa.

With all this being said i’ve been working out and i noticed that i’m sore all day after. Is this normal for someone just beginning there weight loss journey?

I’m not really like super concern more just curious.

I kinda like feeling sore and it makes me feel like there is progress to my efforts.

submitted by /u/SpiritedFinger1334
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Will I have loose skin if I lose 40-50lbs?

I am a 22M that weighs around 220 (I have sustained this weight for around 3-4yrs) and wants to loose 40-50 lbs before focusing on muscle. Do you think I will have loose skin?

For better context, I had a cousin who lost around 50-6Olbs and has no loose skin, not sure if the I'll be same but hoping that genetic is shared since our moms are sisters.

I know I need to lose weight to get healthier but I don’t know why loose skin deters me. I know I’m young and with my cousin having success with no loose skins means I have a chance, but I guess I’m asking outside opinions on it since I tend to overthink a lot.

Edit: I am also concerned with how I have to go in a Keto diet (I think permanently) for a health reason, which I know might cause fast weight loss since I plan on doing a lot go cardio.

submitted by /u/iamlostncantbefound
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A week ago I couldn't get up a flight of stairs without dying, this morning I managed to walk to my university without my heart bursting

I'm 19F, 180, 77 kg (lost 10-15 kg) and I feel absolutely estatic. I'm not close to my goal yet, but this morning I had a massive confidence/motivation booster.

I've been trying to walk to my university since I took my weight loss seriously, and at first, what should've been a 30-minute walk, was prolonged by at least another 30 minutes. Well, today I walked to my university in exactly 30 minutes and I only felt slightly tired and out of breath. My heart wasn't pounding out my chest, my legs weren't shaking, I feel so healthy.

I even traced along my legs and felt the newly formed muscles underneath the skin and fat. I still have a long way to go to achieve my goals, but I feel so motivated and confident to continue. It's the little things that have such an enormous impact.

submitted by /u/jellobaby_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, May 26, 2022

The unfortunate reality of weightloss

26F 5’9 HW: 305 CW:220 GW: 180’s

I don’t know exactly what I thought my body would look like once I lost weight but this wasn’t it. I thought I’d look normal, more attractive, and overall smaller.

I thought I’d get a societally acceptable body.

Instead I just have tons and tons of loose skin, that I know with more weight loss won’t improve dramatically.

It some ways it feels worse than when I was bigger, being fat and looking fat naked is more normal that looking average in clothes and fat/flabby and gross naked.

While I’ve definitely gained confidence emotionally, and have much more freedom since the weightloss. (I went from a size 20 to a size 14). I feel just as insecure about my body, if not more so.

I can tuck my stomach almost flat in pants, but the reality is I’m just a drooping loose mess.

submitted by /u/Palladininpluto
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from loseit - Lose the Fat