Sunday, June 5, 2022

Using a belt as a weight loss marker

So a while back, I got a really nice authentic Mexican leather belt from my grandparents who go to Mexico every year. This was right around when I started to lose weight. Since then, I've been able to put 5 new holes in the belt.

The euphoria that i experience from actually seeing the progress. It's been hard for me to continue with my weight loss because I haven't been able to see the progress (same principal as putting a frog in boiling water vs in water than turning up the heat little by little). But this is the motivation that I have been needing to continue.

Does anyone else do something like this, using something other than a number on a scale to gauge progress?

submitted by /u/dont_mind_me-23
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Proud of sticking to weight loss plan after gaining weight on vacation

I’m really proud of myself for not seeing recent weight gain as a major setback. I went on vacation for two weeks, and gained…well…12 lbs (245->257). Yikes, I know. But when you go on a cruise and you’re surrounded by all of that delicious food…🀀 Anyways, I digress.

Fortunately most of it was just water weight, and I “dropped” 6 lbs overnight (literally). In the weeks since, my weight has gone down another 5 lbs putting me just 1 lb over my pre-cruise weight. Super exciting stuff!

I’ve struggled with all-or-nothing thinking for quite some time, so I consider this a big success not only in my weight loss journey, but also in my way of thinking.

Side note: At 246, I am pretty damn close to my first major goal of 240!!! πŸ˜ƒ

submitted by /u/Ilovesparky13
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Brain Over Binge and Weight Loss

Hello all, I read Brain Over Binge years ago and it was the only thing that really helped my binging, but several things have happened since and I’ve relapsed and what not. I am planning to read it again and start working on the new book she has out.

I know that Brain Over Binge is often recommended on this thread, but I also know that a big part of Brain Over Binge is about not attempting to lose weight, which tbh is a little frustrating considering the author herself was a normal weight and didn’t need to lose weight, and that it dismisses that there’s all sorts of reasons people need to lose.

I need to lose for upcoming surgery. I need to lose between 30-40lbs by January. I don’t want to just yo-yo during that time however.

So my question is, people who have successfully stopped binge eating and have used this book, what did you do to lose weight without triggering further urges?

submitted by /u/Charming-Falcon-2012
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Bad Thoughts Creep In Anyway — Extreme Weight Loss — Doing Well, Then Disappointment

I just feel like documenting how this is going. After this post, I will digress and understand that it’s a part of this journey, and still move forward.

I’ve been having a great month and a half. Something clicked for me many weeks ago. Maybe it was the praying that something would click and this would get easier. Maybe I just finally could see more clearly after years and years and (literally) years of eating disorders/over analyzing/overt awareness of self, followed by chronic illness (autoimmune disease that is now diagnosed and treated, but not before it completely altered my life) and then almost dying from covid. I don’t know what it is. I don’t actually care. I’m just thankful that it happened because I was miserable and just not doing what I needed to do to be better and take care of myself.

I’m probably somewhere in the 305 area right now. That’s bold of me to assume, but about three weeks ago I was 311. A five pound dip from restart at 317, and I’m still going strong. Stronger because I added fitness. My highest ever recorded was 335. I’m a woman, 5’4ish. I’m not carrying it well at all. I’m big. I can’t imagine I wouldn’t be. I am literally made of fat in over half my body. I won’t go further but I’ve always had serious issues with weight, and my weight. Terrible family dynamics. Toxic diet culture. Emotional abuse regarding my weight. I’m sure many of you get it.

I’ve been feeling good. I will say this. Weeks ago before I started this in a more serious, logical way, I had a vivid image of myself on a path in the woods. Lost. And I knew the path I was going down was wrong and just imagined and thought to myself that, simply, I can just turn back right now and not look back on that path. That what I need and want is back the other way, and maybe I’ve been punishing myself and forcing myself to keep walking down this one path that is leading me nowhere/somewhere I don’t want to be. Or maybe I was told to go down this path or told NOT to go down this path so I did it to spite myself while knowing another path was ultimately better. Idk. And mentally I just turned around. I don’t want to sound ridiculous, but this is literally what happened for me. I just pictured myself turning around so I would stop walking aimlessly down a path that maybe I was expecting something great on and decided I needed to go the other way. So I have. I acknowledged that maybe some days I wouldn’t make it too far. Some days I may actually stop on this path. But if I keep going, I will get to where I want to go eventually.

Since then I haven’t looked back. I’ve stuck to my calorie limit to lose two pounds per week. And I’ve started adding fitness.

Ultimately my goal is to be healthy. I want to be a healthy weight. I want to wear the clothing I want to wear. I want to look at least mostly like what I wish to look like. I know I will never have a perfectly smooth model body. Which has always been the upset of my existence. If I can’t look exactly the way I want to, then who cares?? Well, apparently I do still care very much. I want to get as close to that body as possible. I know there will be loose skin. There are already a zillion stretch marks. But I can at least get as there as I can possibly go. By being healthy and getting healthy.

Aside from weight loss (my goal right now is 145lbs), I want to be able to jog by next year. I also want to be a yogi. So, I’ve wanted to get a picture of myself doing a yoga pose that is very difficult for me now, with the intention to get another picture a year or so from now being able to do that pose easily.

So on my walk I had my mom take a picture of me in that pose. My mind body connection is just not great. When I saw the pictures, I just felt really disappointed. I don’t look the way I want to—or even the way I feel. I feel really ugly. And then I started the very mean chatter.

I’m just ugly. Shrug. I’m fat. I look terrible. I can’t believe I look like that. Of course no one is attracted to me. I wouldn’t be attracted to me. Anger with my mother set in. Etc. and then some really good looking guy walking a very cute dog walked by. Which led to the, “I’d never be with a guy like that, even if I did lose all of my weight” inner speech. It doesn’t end. And maybe I need to get comfortable with the fact that it’ll always be there, ready to be mean and take me down a few pegs.

But then I was mentally forcing myself to reframe. I thought. Hey. That guy could have been 300lbs once and I would never know. I told myself I needed to be stronger than this. That this is the before. The beginning. I need to keep going. I will only get what I want if I keep going. I can do this. I’ve gotten myself out of chronic illness. Homelessness. I can do this. This just weight. It is just fat. I’m sorry that people have hurt me so badly that I felt I needed to protect myself this way. I’m sorry that people made me feel so terrible about myself that I used food to soothe myself. I’m sorry this is a learnt behavior from childhood and that, at the core, I didn’t choose to be this overweight. But I am the only one who can get me out of this now. I am going to save you. I’m going to get you out of this.

I’m sure there will be more bad days. Even worse than this one. I hope I’ll keep that voice in me just as strong. Because it knows the truth.

submitted by /u/EBeewtf
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Lost weight before my holiday! 19lbs loss! (Pics included) 22F 5’3 194lbs > 175lbs


I started my weight loss journey around February, however I’d say I didn’t actually start losing weight until March. I gained weight last year as I was incredibly depressed, my eczema was really bad for several months and I didn’t want to leave the house. I also sprained my ankle which meant I couldn’t exercise properly for 6 weeks.

I’ve also suffered with binge eating disorder when I’m depressed. I’ve never been happy with my weight, I’ve always been a bit curvier (like naturally I’m not a thin build). I’ve lost weight before, and I knew I could do it again, I just needed the right mindset.

How did I do it? I aimed to eat around 1500-1600 calories a day, with as much protein as possible, I’d aim for at least 120g protein a day. I got a personal trainer (for cheap lol) and I would see her twice a week, focusing on weight lifting and toning. The progress started pretty slow, so once it got lighter outside I did more walking, and soon I’d average about 8,000 steps a day. I also started doing 20-30 minutes of cardio at the end of each gym session and this really helped. I would go to the gym about 4 times a week, and when I was in the office (twice a week, 3 days at home) I would do about 10,000 steps walking to the train station and back. I didn’t restrict myself too much, I would often go out on weekends drinking and I found it didnt affect the scale too much, I think because everything else i was doing balanced it out. I was very happy with this as I didn’t want FOMO.

I had a holiday to aim for, tomorrow I’m heading off to Italy and it’s my first holiday since 2016. I just wanted to lose what i could without severely restricting myself, and today i weighed in at 175lbs! I’m aiming to lose about 20lbs more as I know that that weight looks good for me at my height (especially cuz I have built muscle and I naturally have a bigger bust/hips) and I’ll see how I feel.

Anyway, the before and after pics are here (there’s a front view and side view) and the before pics were taken mid-feb. I can feel myself getting strong at the gym and my muscles are popping through. You also can’t see it but I’ve lost weight in my face too. I’ve lost weight pretty much all over which is why it doesn’t seem like a ton. I haven’t necessarily gone down a clothes size yet but I can fit into a lot of my old clothes better that I would avoid wearing 19lbs ago.

Anyway, thank you! Just wanted to share my profess :)

submitted by /u/Faithyxox
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I can do this, right?

Greetings fellow travellers,

Not for the first time I find myself on a weight loss journey. This post is to keep myself accountable more so than seeking advice. My stats are: 37M SW 135kg CW 128kg GW 99kg 193cm. Years of neglect and greed have me at a much less healthy weight than I ought to, though there is solid scaffolding underneath the crumbling temple. My goal body is more muscle than lean. Medical issues include gout and high blood pressure, but otherwise I have been described by doctors as remarkably healthy for my weight. Still, there is probably a big ticking time bomb moment lurking for me if I allow this to continue. So, not for the first time, I am following CICO and trying to lose 1kg a week. Given my build, I am consuming 150g of protein a day, and 1750 calories. Decided to put out my strengths and weaknesses here as much to have them written down as anything.


  • I genuinely love to cook, and making recipes to a calorie limit really feels like a fun challenge to me
  • I don't have a sweet tooth, and snacking has never been my jam. More likely to order a large pizza as a midnight treat than raid the fridge
  • When I am motivated, I am incredibly stubborn. So long as I keep my motivation, I should stay on the path this time
  • I have all the cardio and weight equipment I could want/need at my disposal, so excuses for not hitting the gym are invalid
  • While I have a weekly goal, I know that its not the end of the world if I miss a week or so by a small margin


  • My wife also likes to cook, and is none to keen on following recipes or sticking to limitations
  • I have 2 kids under 2, which can leave me exhausted at the worst of times, and then convenience eating rears its ugly head...
  • Work tends to be very sedentary, and can leave me exhausted and excusey afterwards
  • Recently suffered from a longer bout of Covid than most, and not fully ready to exercise much
  • I like a drink occasionally, and while I am willing to budget calories accordingly, I have a couple of big events such as weddings that will make this challenging at best. I also am a big believer in overfeeding a hangover
  • If all goes to plan, I'm gonna have to be losing weight during December, which is like Christmas to me...
  • In the past I have panic cut additional calories, then lost all interest in the process
  • I have a tendency to make a mistake, and then bury my head in the sand, and my face in a kebab. Then be too ashamed to face the scale until I have undone all my progress

As can be seen above, I am rather fond of an excuse when I can talk myself into it, and I can be VERY persuasive! Working out has yet to work out, but I am hoping it will become an option as the weight comes off. I know this is all possible if I stick to it, but the battle is sticking with, hence my post.

Thanks for reading this far, and I wish you all the best with your own journey!!

TLDR: Was less fat, now am fatter, planning to be less fat again

submitted by /u/SelfRighteousClam
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it's hard to find motivation to exercise

Me: going from 72 to 82 in 2 months due to constant stress and overeating because "there's one spoon left! Please, eat this, so it won't stay in fridge πŸ™"(meanwhile "one spoon" is, like, one full servingπŸ’€). Or "please finish this, i can't eat more".

Meanwhile my mother on her way to tell me the scale was "broken" and imply I'm just delusional to think i lost weight in the past:🚢πŸ’ͺπŸ‘Š

My will to exercise or just basically keeping my daily routine (such as washing my face or keeping my room clean):πŸ™‚✌️

I know nobody forcing me to eat after them, but man... today mother said i "grow before her eyes"(refering to me gaining from 80 to 81.6 in a week despite doing cardio almost everyday).

And i hate the fucking scales, cuz they never stand right and show different weight every time i stand on them(i weight 3 times in a row). So it could be that i placed them and they said 80 last time and i gained weight, or i still had 82 kg before starting exercising and lost 0.4 kg in a week. And i can't know! I asked several times to buy me new scales for my bday, I'm pretty sure there's scales for uneven floors already. No, fuck with those scales on this floor just so you make fool of yourself. Just putting and fixing scales drives me crazy. Let alone standing on them and not knowing if I'm in denial, or is it just scales fooling me.

I hate counting calories too, it takes too much time out of my day and doesn't pay off. I asked on cico sub some question the other day, and one dude said that we burn twice as less during exercise than stated in those calculators (like mfp), so i don't get why using it if it's that inaccurate. He said "take your calculation value, subtract that, dived that and voila - the true calories you burned"(not straight quote). And i don't understand why doing a program for counting burnt calories and just don't give a shit about exercise part. If in total exercise value there's true burned calories and calories you'd burned anyway, why not adding subtraction of general value of calories that your body would burnt anyway in the formula? As you can see, i hate math.

All this counting is not for me. The only counting i like is recounting my finances. Cico worked only short-term, when i still had patience. But then it's just boring, or i start to forget and then give up all together. Only when i started working in kitchen i started losing weight, cuz :

1) i wasn't home and wasn't forced to eat dinner or lunch with family 2) the only things i mostly ate was kid's purees and occasionally dinners for staff. 3) i was working like crazy (even overworking, to the point I'm burned out), always standing or walking, or rushing.

And that's when i broke my weight record - 71 kg. Usually reaching 72-73 kg (on cico or just serving-less diet) i start starving and overeat till i reach the weight i started with or more. And i stoped working since February 24 and i don't think i can return or start a new job any time soon due to my crippling anxiety, so no passive weight loss for me.

Idk dude my family want to do bbq today and I'm just not feeling it. I need a kind word or two just to keep exercising.

Today i have 1 min plank, 50 crunches, running in place for 15 minutes(maybe will go for 20 minutes) and 15 pushups, will go for 20.

submitted by /u/RedMasker
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