Saturday, June 4, 2022

Lost weight before my holiday! 19lbs loss! (Pics included) 22F 5’3 194lbs > 175lbs


I started my weight loss journey around February, however I’d say I didn’t actually start losing weight until March. I gained weight last year as I was incredibly depressed, my eczema was really bad for several months and I didn’t want to leave the house. I also sprained my ankle which meant I couldn’t exercise properly for 6 weeks.

I’ve also suffered with binge eating disorder when I’m depressed. I’ve never been happy with my weight, I’ve always been a bit curvier (like naturally I’m not a thin build). I’ve lost weight before, and I knew I could do it again, I just needed the right mindset.

How did I do it? I aimed to eat around 1500-1600 calories a day, with as much protein as possible, I’d aim for at least 120g protein a day. I got a personal trainer (for cheap lol) and I would see her twice a week, focusing on weight lifting and toning. The progress started pretty slow, so once it got lighter outside I did more walking, and soon I’d average about 8,000 steps a day. I also started doing 20-30 minutes of cardio at the end of each gym session and this really helped. I would go to the gym about 4 times a week, and when I was in the office (twice a week, 3 days at home) I would do about 10,000 steps walking to the train station and back. I didn’t restrict myself too much, I would often go out on weekends drinking and I found it didnt affect the scale too much, I think because everything else i was doing balanced it out. I was very happy with this as I didn’t want FOMO.

I had a holiday to aim for, tomorrow I’m heading off to Italy and it’s my first holiday since 2016. I just wanted to lose what i could without severely restricting myself, and today i weighed in at 175lbs! I’m aiming to lose about 20lbs more as I know that that weight looks good for me at my height (especially cuz I have built muscle and I naturally have a bigger bust/hips) and I’ll see how I feel.

Anyway, the before and after pics are here (there’s a front view and side view) and the before pics were taken mid-feb. I can feel myself getting strong at the gym and my muscles are popping through. You also can’t see it but I’ve lost weight in my face too. I’ve lost weight pretty much all over which is why it doesn’t seem like a ton. I haven’t necessarily gone down a clothes size yet but I can fit into a lot of my old clothes better that I would avoid wearing 19lbs ago.

Anyway, thank you! Just wanted to share my profess :)

submitted by /u/Faithyxox
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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