Saturday, June 4, 2022

I can do this, right?

Greetings fellow travellers,

Not for the first time I find myself on a weight loss journey. This post is to keep myself accountable more so than seeking advice. My stats are: 37M SW 135kg CW 128kg GW 99kg 193cm. Years of neglect and greed have me at a much less healthy weight than I ought to, though there is solid scaffolding underneath the crumbling temple. My goal body is more muscle than lean. Medical issues include gout and high blood pressure, but otherwise I have been described by doctors as remarkably healthy for my weight. Still, there is probably a big ticking time bomb moment lurking for me if I allow this to continue. So, not for the first time, I am following CICO and trying to lose 1kg a week. Given my build, I am consuming 150g of protein a day, and 1750 calories. Decided to put out my strengths and weaknesses here as much to have them written down as anything.


  • I genuinely love to cook, and making recipes to a calorie limit really feels like a fun challenge to me
  • I don't have a sweet tooth, and snacking has never been my jam. More likely to order a large pizza as a midnight treat than raid the fridge
  • When I am motivated, I am incredibly stubborn. So long as I keep my motivation, I should stay on the path this time
  • I have all the cardio and weight equipment I could want/need at my disposal, so excuses for not hitting the gym are invalid
  • While I have a weekly goal, I know that its not the end of the world if I miss a week or so by a small margin


  • My wife also likes to cook, and is none to keen on following recipes or sticking to limitations
  • I have 2 kids under 2, which can leave me exhausted at the worst of times, and then convenience eating rears its ugly head...
  • Work tends to be very sedentary, and can leave me exhausted and excusey afterwards
  • Recently suffered from a longer bout of Covid than most, and not fully ready to exercise much
  • I like a drink occasionally, and while I am willing to budget calories accordingly, I have a couple of big events such as weddings that will make this challenging at best. I also am a big believer in overfeeding a hangover
  • If all goes to plan, I'm gonna have to be losing weight during December, which is like Christmas to me...
  • In the past I have panic cut additional calories, then lost all interest in the process
  • I have a tendency to make a mistake, and then bury my head in the sand, and my face in a kebab. Then be too ashamed to face the scale until I have undone all my progress

As can be seen above, I am rather fond of an excuse when I can talk myself into it, and I can be VERY persuasive! Working out has yet to work out, but I am hoping it will become an option as the weight comes off. I know this is all possible if I stick to it, but the battle is sticking with, hence my post.

Thanks for reading this far, and I wish you all the best with your own journey!!

TLDR: Was less fat, now am fatter, planning to be less fat again

submitted by /u/SelfRighteousClam
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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