Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Anyone else experience this kind of dysmorphia?

Hello! I'm a 5'2 24F from the PNW who has an interesting weight loss story and an interesting problem to go with it.

Basically, I have never worried about my weight. I've been thick and kind of stumpy my entire life, and I generally have an attitude of "as long as I can do what I need to, the number doesn't matter." I was about 310lbs at the start of 2020, in part because I had horrible depression and never really moved. Thanks to stress, dental issues, and other things, my weight was trickling down throughout the year, and in November I was about 305.

Then I got horribly, deathly ill. It wasn't COVID, I was far less lucky than that. It was a very rare allergic reaction and I still have scars on my hands and feet where the skin began to blister from it. But the main thing that happened was this reaction messed with my metabolism or something, and so I had an initial large loss of about 20lbs in the month of November, from being sick, but then it continued. Now I am taking a medication that has a noted appetite suppression side effect, and my weight seems to have stabilized at around 245. I have not really encouraged or discouraged any of it, and I joke to my partner that taking a bunch of weight off me was the universe's apology for almost killing me with anti-anxiety meds!

Doctors don't comment to me about my weight anymore and I can wear (large) standard size clothes again, but it isn't all good. I have this weird thing that I think is related to dysmorphia, where I notice I can feel a bone through my skin that I couldn't before or I look in the mirror and can see my jawline when I never used to be able to, and I just feel uncomfortable. I have read about weight loss dysmorphia before, but those sources all say that the main issue with it is that even looking in a mirror, you can't tell you've lost the weight. My issue is that I absolutely can tell, and it's sometimes distressing to me.

Is it because of the reasons/methods through which I lost the weight? The fact I was never actively trying to? Is this just how the dysmorphia manifests in some people? I don't know. Has anyone else experienced this at all?

submitted by /u/iggysmice
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/Y1SjOz5

Monday, June 6, 2022

Does my weight loss plan need any improvement?

So I (19MTF, 6ft 1, SW 105kg, CW 95kg, GW 70kg) decided that i don't want to be obese anymore so i can look beautiful when i pass. Instead of eating only once or twice per day like i used to, I now use myfitness pal and set my calorie limit to 1500 calories per day, while also doing minor cardio such as walking around the city. First of all how do i make sure i lose my disgusting body fat instead of muscle mass?, Also Is this diet enough for me to reach my goal weight by the start of next year while also not depriving me of calories needed for my transition? and finally what's the healthiest way to stay motivated with the weight loss plan? (I usually use negative self talk to stop myself from eating)

If It matters I've been taking estrogen and blockers for 1 month.

submitted by /u/AndyGoodw1n
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/Z8I46BQ

I feel like I just suddenly started retaining water.

I’ve been on a weight loss journey for awhile now and I’ve been doing great. I do let myself go a little bit on weekends but nothing excessive. But after this weekend something feels off. It started Saturday. I played a golf tournament and during that tournament I had 2 drinks and 2 hotdogs. Then I had my wife’s family over and I ate one hamburger and a bunch of veggies with a tiny bit of dressing. I had a few more drinks. I think the heat got to me from the day because I know my alcohol limit and I wasn’t even close to it but I felt tipsy and ended up throwing up. In the morning I was fine though. Then Sunday came and throughout the day I drank a couple cups of coffee and a bunch of water. I had a some pizza and snacks, a little more than I should have but I’ve been doing this for awhile and I think I have a pretty good handle on how much I’m eating and where the scale will land the following day. Well I realized at the end of the day, I didn’t pee as much as I normally would have with how much coffee and water I drank and then in the morning my weight was up so much higher than I expected. Then today, I had a couple eggs for breakfast and a piece of toast. I drank a bunch of coffee and water at work. I got home and I was up 2lbs from the morning which then made me realize I barely peed again today. (I know I weigh myself too much but it’s my process and it’s been working). Since I’ve been home I’ve drank a ton of water and have barely had to pee compared to other days when I drink like this. Also I feel extremely bloated and it hurts a bit. This is the first time I’ve really experienced anything like this. Has anyone else gone through this? Is it something I ate, is it just a phase? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/jcklassen2009
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/i1PQRTK

how to cope with gaining some back

I had a really really rough time with my health that made exercise really difficult (pots). I have adhd, depression, anxiety, and ocd so its really tough to stay motivated as it is. I was afraid to go for a walk without passing out. I also had a really rough breakup with a very abusive guy and my eating habits just spiraled out of control. What started as a simple break from calorie counting turned into some serious binging.

I keep trying to tell myself that it's okay and that it's good I maintained any of my weight loss and that i had a proper reason for letting myself go a little but i just feel disgusting. So much hard work put in over this past year and ughhhg. I lost like 50 lbs and I'm pretty sure I gained back 20. People compliment me sometimes and tell me im pretty but it feels fake and it feels like they are trying to convince themselves that I'm not ugly :(

How do I get started again? How do I care about myself? It's so hard. F 18 around 190-200 lbs, started at 235 and lowest was 180.

submitted by /u/Twenty_One_Phanics
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/kjAQ0RT

afraid because of stretchmarks and loose skin

I'm almost 19 and I've been an obese teen which has caused me to miss out a lot on friends, social events and I've just hidden myself as much as possible. A month ago I began my weight loss journey and I've lost 5kg up to now. I'm so scared though cause I already have terrible stretchmarks on my arms, back, legs and stomach. I was also told that I'll never be able to date anyone under 35 when I get the loose skin and have stretchmarks. I have 30-35kg more to lose to reach my goal weight. I have acne scars as well, so I just look like shit. My breasts already sag enough and I'm prepared to have further sagging after weight loss, they'll look like an 80 year old's. I don't know how I'll afford the surgery to remove it though. I just fucking hate the fact that I got to this point and that healthy habits were never a part of my life during childhood.

submitted by /u/throwawaybecozyaknow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/Z71zG5o

will i hypothetically have loose skin?

i’m a 18 year old female. i’ve always been chubby my whole life but i have always been a healthy weight for my height until mid last year, when i became overweight but not obese (bmi of 29.9 at that time) im unsure how much weight i’d like to lose. i was thinking about going to 130 lb but i’m afraid of having loose skin after a weight loss that dramatic. i’m considering changing my goals to something like 150 lb as that is also healthy for my height and lessens the possibility of getting loose skin, but in the past when i weighed around 140-150, i had a bf percentage of around 45% and looked very chubby to the point where i appeared to be overweight even though my weight was perfectly fine. i’m not really sure what to aim for in terms of my goals but i’m considering just prioritizing a healthy body fat percentage as my body fat percentage right now is the same amount it was when i was 140 pounds despite a 40 pound difference. sorry if this post is all over the place lol

submitted by /u/Odd_Age7317
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/R7iOHJj

I am a bit scared.

Hello everyone, I am a 19 year old male. My height is 6.1 feet. I started my weight loss journey on 3rd February, 2022. It's been 4 months since the beginning and I have gone from 140 Kgs ( 308.6 lbs ) to 117 Kgs ( 257.9 lbs ). The changes have obviously been there, my face has become lighter, the belly is going in and everything is going well. I have put all my trust in the process and I will continue on this path, no matter what, even after I lose all the weight I will stillcontinueto go the gym. I am on a very strict diet, I don't do cheat meals and basically doing a lot of hard work. The things I am scared from are basically loose skin and stretch marks. I have been overweight for a long, long time. So obviously there are lots of stretch marks. Fat is everywhere be it arms , thighs, chest etc and even though the result has been amazing I am just scared, obviously I still have a long way to go. I want to get to 80-90 Kgs range ( My ideal is 85 Kg ) and loosing this much weight will obviously lead to loose skin and much more visible stretch marks. I know there are surgeries that can help with it but I will never get them, hell no am I going anywhere near that option. Basically, I just want to know if I keep putting in the hard work and reach my ideal weight, will I be able to get rid of the loose skin which is in the near future or would I just have to live with it. That's all.

Also I would like to add that this was the sub that originally hammered the nail in when I was still thinking about joining the gym. Thank you so much. It was fate that by happenstance I came across this sub. Thank you so much.

submitted by /u/RoronoaZoro_3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/elCfoEg