Friday, July 15, 2022

Unable to get off the Struggle-Bus & on to one that takes me to Keeping-It-Off Ave.

Quick background:

  • At age 39 I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, had bilateral mastectomies, under went chemo & radiation. No reconstruction done.(Wt 150)

  • Immediately started on a medication to prevent my body from producing estrogen, progesterone and other hormones due to those being the cause of my cancer. (Wt between 150 - 160)

  • Age 46 developed Endometrial and Uterine Cancer from above medication (listed as a possible side effect) and underwent a Total Hysterectomy. Back on above medication. No chemo or radiation was caught early. (Wt 160 - 170 & developed a hormone belly)

*The past year have focused my diet on cutting out most carbs & have worked on increasing my step count. I am following a modified Keto diet for the most part & was initially maintaining my wt 170 - 175 (I am 5'2"). I did this because my labs for cholesterol and liver enzymes were very bad & I knew I had to make changes & my GP thought this would be the best route.

*Recent labs have proven this change has helped internally because all of the above levels are in normal range now! Which I am very happy about. Unhappy that my weight has increased to 180-185.

Current: I know working as an ER Nurse & Paramedic, most of the time we don't get lunch breaks. So I have taken to bringing portable snacks that are low or no carbs to sustain me through my 12hr shift. To help me not get hangry!! I really like the diet I am following as I feel better mentally and physically, plus my improved labs are a huge bonus!!! Another factor that doesn't help is, I primarily work night shift or do swing shifts.. plus I'm a workaholic who works extra shifts when help needed is paged out.

I haven't developed a healthy workout regimen & that is where I need to put focus. I'm just at a loss at trying to find something that works with my crazy work schedule, to turn around my weight gain into a weight loss.

Is there anyone out there that has any suggestions, has found themselves in a similar situation and has been successful in their weight loss journey?


submitted by /u/Spiritual_Art5581
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Thursday, July 14, 2022

Upping cals first time?

I am currently normal BMI though higher end. I have spent the last few months working hard to get rid of boyfriend and lockdown weight (I love eating with my boyfriend lol, EVERYTIME I PUT ON WEIGHT WHEN I HAVE A BF). I average out 17000 to 20000 steps per day. I am 5ft5 and just hovering at 68. I want to get back down to 59 however I am currently very tired and plateuing. I feel it may be time to up my calories from 1200 - I suppose what I am asking for is reassurance I would still lose weight (thought I know slowly). I also know that likely maths wise I would still lose at 1500 calories with all the steps I do as I NEVER go below 17000 a day and sometimes up to 50000. This will be the first time ever on a weight loss journey I have upped my calorie intake so I feel very, very anxious.

submitted by /u/sweetdeejokesonme
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing Weight Is Making Me Sooo Tired!! Where's the Energy That Comes With Weight Loss?

30F 6'4 SW:253, CW:189, GW 180 I always read how people get on diets, lose weight and have sooo much energy. They can on the world. All I want to do is sleep. I love working out. I was more active at my highest weight than I am now. I still workout and garden a lot but not at the same intensity. I had to stop running and lifting heavy weights because I started blacking out during a normal workout. I'm making a point to sleep more (6-10hr), eat 40:30:30 c:p:f macros, 600 calorie deficit, and decompress after stressful days(cartoon and yardwork) So I can't understand why I'm so tired. Where are people getting this magic energy from? Caffeine, check. I drink unsweetened green tea. Yoga, check. I look bad doing it but I do it. If you know where the Fountain of Energy is please share. I don't miss the larger me, but I miss what I could do then.

submitted by /u/spottedfeet001
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Confession: Why I’m Losing Weight

I guess I’m new here so for information I’m a 27 year old Male/5’7”/205 lbs. Goal weight is at least 164, but ideally in the 140s or 50s eventually.

Far a little background, I’ve gone on a weight loss journey previously. At 25 I went from 194 to 179. After I made it there I just kind of fell off the train and never got back on until now. In the time since then I ballooned up to 209. Not a life or death situation but for my height that’s technically obese, and I’ve noticed that I’ve gotten tired and out of breath much more easily. And I’m tired of wasting money due to a food addiction.

But these problems have persisted for many years. Why am I motivated to lose weight now? Because I’m ready to find a relationship, and I don’t want to do this as a fat person.

About two years ago, I discovered I was gay. This summer, I’ve finally gotten up the courage to try to meet guys on dating apps, to varying degrees of success. Now this is where I’m going to sound extremely shallow, and I feel bad for saying it, but I’m just not into chubby guys. Many of them can be amazing and wonderful people, but I’m sorry- the attraction is just not there. As a chubby guy myself, I feel like this makes me a hypocrite. But for the most part, these are the only guys that show any interest in me at all.

But regardless, this is what finally motivated me to lose weight. It’s a fact of nature that people are generally kinder to more fit, attractive people. This is true for men and women. I’ve always been an uglier guy, so I feel like the only hope I have to find my ideal boyfriend is to lose weight.

I know there will be other benefits to doing this (all in good time!), but this is how I finally found the drive to get back on the train.

EDIT- Because I forgot to mention this earlier, I feel extreme remorse for this choice, because I fear it makes me shallow. I’m not saying overweight people are undeserving of love, but I’m just not attracted to overweight guys, and on account of my weight, view myself as exceedingly unattractive. This is really more of a rant in frustration, because the reason I had for changing my life for the better is, in my opinion, kind of shallow. But after a summer of constant disappointment, I feel like this is the only hope I have of finding happiness without getting mind-blowingly lucky. Sorry for not being clear earlier.

P.S.- It goes without saying, but please don’t be homophobic in the replies, thank you!

submitted by /u/MetalBroomz
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What happens to my weight / measurements before & during my period?

My period is coming up soon, and despite my being very diligent about calories and exercise, I’ve hit a weight loss plateau. That doesn’t really bother me, because I know that weight fluctuates, but I’m also not losing inches.

Can anyone tell me if this is a result of my upcoming period? Does menstruation cause you to retain water to the point where body composition stays the same/ is growing? Pls help I’m so confused.

submitted by /u/Josiebhal
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I've lost so much weight! I'm so happy!

Ok so, I've posted here before, at the time i weighed around 130 lbs I think, but now my weight loss journey has advanced greatly. I began to cut off some calories and pay attention to my weight at 143 lbs (65 kg) which is, 5 kg above the reccomended weight for my height, my bmi at the time was ''At risk of overweight'', so, I took action. I got professional help with my dieting, began eating less sweets and cutting junk food like burgers and pizzas entirely, eating full meals with lots of protein and salad, and I can say: It works very well! Now I see much more results from my workouts, and have never felt happier in my body, I plan on keeping this up until I reach my GW of 110 lbs (15 more lbs to go), I'm so happy!

submitted by /u/narancialover
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**Long post** I need to change my lifestyle fast. TW: alcohol

I am a 32 y/o woman and I weighed myself this morning and I feel completely defeated. I currently weight 266 pounds. I feel as though the mountain is too big ahead of me to fix what I’ve done. Let me tell you how I got to this point. Long story short, I had a baby in the summer of 2021. I got pregnant while overweight (first mistake). On delivery day I was 254 pounds at 5foot 9inches. The delivery was awful and traumatic. I developed PPD, but that was just the beginning. Our child DID. NOT. SLEEP. FOR. 11 MONTHS. We did every single thing under the sun until we finally broke down and hired a sleep consultant who changed our life. (If you have a child with sleeping problems, go ahead and hire a consultant- it was the best money we have ever spent!) But when I tell you not sleeping more than 1 hour at a time for 11 months will change you. It will changed the type of person you are. It will affect every single aspect of your life. The last thing on my mind was weight loss. ALSO, in December, when the baby was 6 months old and we were in the thick of sleep deprivation, I had a back injury when picking up the baby. It was mild at first, I thought it was just a pulled muscle. Well it progressively got worse over the months to the point where I am in 8/10 pain most everyday now. Turns out I had a bulging disc. I did physical therapy - it did nothing. I got 2 epidural steroid injections- they didn’t work at all. Now I am at the point of needing back surgery in the next few weeks. I’m so scared, but there is nothing else I can do at this point. So since December with the no sleep and constant back pain I have unfortunately developed an unhealthy drinking habit. It started as just a way to get some happiness out of the day to now it’s a way to help give my pain meds the little kick it needs to be effective in knocking out my back pain. The best pain relief I can get right now is a laaarge glass of red wine with 3 advil. That will take my pain from about an 8/10 to a 3/10. I understand how unhealthy this is but it has become a medication in itself. Anyway, I know I need to drastically cut back on drinking but I will have surgery in a few weeks and for now it helps. I also know i desperately need to lose weight to help with my back pain. I weighed this morning and I currently weigh 266 pounds. I weight more now than I did the day I delivered my baby… I am desperate but feel caught in using alcohol these next few weeks for some pain relief until I can get the surgery. I am very self aware that I am using it inappropriately but honestly I feel like I am stuck between a rock and a hard place right now. Of course when I drink alcohol I make poor food choices. I literally want to stop drinking now but the back pain is so intense that I can not properly take care of my daughter, let alone get on the floor to play with her. I have never weighed this much in my life. In the past I have lost about 50 pounds during 3 separate occasions. I am no stranger to working out, eating right, and losing weight. But I have never tackled it with this many cards against me. I feel like I am standing at the base of Mount Everest looking up. If you have any advice, words of encouragement, personal testimonials, I am all ears! I want to feel like myself again but I am definitely in the vicious cycle of pain, alcohol, bad food choices, repeat. I guess this is somewhat of just a vent or an sos, I dunno. Thanks for reading this far!

TLDR: currently 266 pounds. I am having back surgery in a few weeks but use alcohol as a pain reliever which then brings about bad food choices which then worsens the back pain. Weight loss feels impossible right now.

submitted by /u/SwampAss3
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