Thursday, July 28, 2022

Slowly Slipping Back Into Bad Habits…

Alright. Here I am.

I’m about—almost—three months into my weight loss journey. Had a sort of revelation, I don’t think it’s really gone away, but I was very dedicated and committed to my weight loss and fitness goals.

Maybe because it’s becoming chronic, and isn’t very visible/tangible yet, I’m starting to forget the mission? Im not sure.

The past few weeks I have been going over my calories. I’d say almost over 1,000 each week. Last week was more. The first time I did it, I was just like, “I’ll make it up.” I even got to a point where I had a large amount of cals one day. Maybe over by 1,000, and tried to withhold 500 calories the next two days. Obviously it wasn’t sustainable.

The few things I can think of that set this off:

  1. I lost 18lbs in about two months. Woo hoo. Great job. Do I feel like I’m done? I have about 150lbs more to lose.

1a. on that note. Once I hit 299, my daily calories went down to 1,400 so I changed my weight loss calories from 2 per week to 1 1/2 without counting calories burned from exercise. So I got to have 1,700 calories and it somehow felt like too much freedom. I didn’t like going up. Having more. I have a long history of starvation eating disorders and, as SMO as I am now, I still slip easily back into the restricting mindset. Liking it. Etc.

  1. Work sent us webcams and said we’d have to start using them soon. I was really unhappy about it. I work from home and I look terrible over webcam. Can’t hide my size and I felt like soon I’d be exposed and people wouldn’t like me at work anymore. I felt ashamed to be me. I can imagine it’s made me want to seek comfort—in food. Vicious cycle.

  2. My energy was super super low the past few weeks. Found out I’m very anemic and am currently on super high dose iron, so hopefully I’ll feel better in about two weeks. But maybe I was seeking comfort from not feeling well? Idk I have been feeling pretty irritable lately. I’m supposed to get my period very soon and was keeping track, but that always makes it not come.

I know I’m still at the beginning of my journey. My goal is to be 145lbs or very close by my 35th bday in about a year and seven months. From 317. I’ve lost my first 20. I know this journey isn’t perfect and a straight line, but any tips on how to get ahold of myself before this becomes a serious issue?

submitted by /u/EBeewtf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

8 day check in

Hey guys just wanted to post a little update. It’s been 8 days since I’ve restarted logging my intake and making more of a conscious effort food and exercise-wise.

It’s starting to come back to me which has been good. Yesterday was the biggest struggle, a whole bunch of things went wrong and by the mid afternoon I had cancelled my exercise plan for the night. A few weeks ago I would have comforted myself by ordering pizza and pasta and eating it in bed with Netflix for company. I was in half a mind to do that yesterday, but I sat with the thoughts for a while, played out the consequences (pushing back achieving weight loss goals, feeling like shit the next day physically and mentally etc) and I was able to make a healthier choice to eat my preplanned dinner. I still went to bed and watched Netflix when I got home though.

I weighed myself once on Saturday night (had a girls night with my best friend and told her about restarting and she was curious where I was at), and I was at 81.5kg. This is down 4.5kg from when I last weighed myself donating blood (just over a month ago), which is great. I know it was mostly bloat and water retention that I lost, but even then it makes the next 6.5kg to lose seem much closer and achievable.

One weird thing that I’ve found that I remember from my last journey (and this is TMI) is just how much I look forward to… ahem… going number 2. It’s like i miss the feeling of being super full and satisfied with a large meal, so I’ve replaced it with the satisfaction of a good BM? Idk it’s weird but I guess you gotta find joy in the little things.

I’m not interested in weighing myself again for a while bc I don’t want to get fixated on a number on the scale, I’d rather go by how I feel and how I look in the mirror.

Thanks for reading, and here’s to another 7 days ahead of making healthy choices :)

submitted by /u/phoebalini
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Fastest and safest way to lose 50 pounds and maintain the weight loss?

I’m 18M and have roughly 6 months or so to lose 50 pounds for personal reasons. I would like to lose more if possible within 6 months but the BARE minimum is 50 pounds. Currently I weigh 250 at 6’1 and preferably within 6 months I want to be below 200. I have access to a gym. However I have no job (yet) to buy healthy foods and stuff like that. However I can eat less calories and whatnot as of now. What should I do to lose the nose weight in 6 months and maintain that weight?

submitted by /u/sulumni
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Motivation after gaining weight back?

So last year I lost around 20-25lbs and basically reached my goal weight. However due to being in school and eating out all the time I gained it all back over the last 7-8 months. For some reason this time around I’m having a lot of trouble actually committing to losing weight. It’s harder for me to be active since I have a desk job and am working 40+ hours a week and have way less time to focus on cooking healthy meals and being more committed to weight loss. Anyone else working a 9-5 job have any tips for weight loss when you don’t have as much time to be active? I’m also worried about figuring out how to sustain my weight loss after I reach my goal weight. Any advice would be appreciated!

submitted by /u/calicoluvr23
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss/gain with Intuitive Eating

A little background. I'm 46 (F) and I've been able to keep my weight at a normal level with Weight Watchers for the last 10ish years. Because of this I'm very aware of what is "healthy" and what's not. During the last year, I just got burned out on tracking points/calories and always having to be "on" when it comes to food. I literally could not track or measure another point if my life depended on it. I couldn't imagine doing this for the rest of my life. I needed to find something new. I stumbled on to IE. I read the main IE book and then read THIN SIDE OUT. HOW TO HAVE YOUR CAKE AND SKINNY JEANS TOO.

I was so excited. This seemed to be the answer to all my problems. I'm just getting out of the first phase which is no restriction whatsoever, and now becoming way more intuitive with my eating. I normally crave healthy food, so this won't be an issue. The thing is I'm nervous. I've gained about ten pounds which puts me on the higher side of healthy range. I know this is part of the process, and initially I was OK with that, but now I'm wondering if this really works.

I can't post this on the IE community because if you want to lose weight you are promoting the "diet culture" and you don't accept yourself. Basically, you have to be OK with being overweight or even obese and live with it. I understand that IE was created for people with eating disorders, but I can't believe that being overweight is good for you. (And I KNOW it's not good for me emotionally and mentally) I've tried to look up online about people who are normal weight and/or lost weight with IE, but all I've found are life coaches who want me to spend $$$$ on their IE weight loss program for their "secret."

This is a very long post for me to ask, have any of you lost weight or maintained a healthy weight doing IE? I know that it works for people who have a lot of weight to lose, which makes sense since it helps with binge eating and emotional eating. But what about the rest of us who only want to lose like 5 to 10 pounds? Can I really trust only my hunger and mindfulness to keep me from getting huge? Also, I know there's probably not a lot of "naturally skinny" people on this loop, but I'd love to know how you eat and view food.


submitted by /u/Ok-Biscotti3313
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

I wish it was a fast process

I’ve only been in this community for a little bit so I personally haven’t seen a post like this, sorry if it is a repeat. But i SO wish weight loss happened over night. Knowing my current weight and my goal weight, it feels like it’ll be years before I’m there. I’ve tried MFP, calorie tracking and macros but I just led to binging and other disordered eating habits. I see repeatedly that calorie deficits and counting macros are the only way to lose weight and now that I know those don’t work for me (without going down a bad path) it feels like it’ll take forever to lose weight. This is more of a vent post than anything. Just frustrated I let myself get to this point.

submitted by /u/Aylabadayla
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Can you achieve a lean look by just walking?

Hi so I’m on a weight loss journey and I’ve been walking about 30 mins a day for abt 4-6 days a week. I am trying to gradually increase as I go and recently I have been walking for about 45 minutes. I hope to increase to an hour soon but I’m a beginner and very fat lol. Does walking help with stomach fat loss if paired with a calorie deficit? I would say my stomach is my main problem area and I would love to lose fat from it. I’ve heard people say walking helps shed stomach fat and help you achieve a lean look but I’ve also heard people say it doesn’t so I have no clue. I have been walking at an incline on my treadmill though if that makes any difference.

submitted by /u/Calm-Face-3584
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from loseit - Lose the Fat