Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Battling with being overweight my whole life. (Since I was like 8, as my wonderful parental put me on Depakote, causing a massive weight gain/awful metabolism. But I’m 40lbs down, as of two months, and 19 days ago)

However, my weight loss has stalled, and I am currently doing the ketogenic diet (Hence my moniker). I haven’t dropped any weight for about 2 weeks, and I was just wondering if anyone had any advice. Even my little “cheat” pill isn’t really having much effect, oddly enough, may increase the dosage tbh.

Anyways, I will admit for the past two weekends I have become a little overzealous with the consumption of keto “sweets”, so whilst they don’t break ketosis, they may be contributing to too high of a daily caloric intake.

I do IF, 18/6, ESE, been shooting for 2x a week, but even just one time of doing it, from what I’ve read, it’s supposed to automatically put you in a 10% caloric deficit.

Inches are still moving downwards of course, but we all hate tape measure and love the scales numbers instead sooo fffffff.

Started at 325 May 13, down to 285 as of two weeks ago. And stalled.

submitted by /u/T_K_E
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/q2GMm7d

i’ve fallen back into my BED habits

i’ve been on my weight loss journey since january. it took me awhile to actually see results because i was trying to figure out the right deficit and what worked for me. i finally started seeing results and it was the best feeling ever. i lost 30lbs and im really proud of that. but i’m still so far from my goal weight. i’ve suffered from binge eating disorder for a very long time. at least 6 years. i honestly can’t remember when it started. i’ve been working really hard to overcome these bad habits, but the past three months i’ve fallen back into these habits and stalled my weight loss. i cant get out of this mindset. i hate living in this cycle and i want to get out of it so i’m making this post to admit my problems and hold myself accountable. i know what i need to do, but i really struggle with self discipline. i get the urge to binge and i have to keep telling myself that i’m not actually hungry, i’m bored or upset or stressed. i know that binges are going to put me in physical pain and even more emotional pain. i know that there are other ways to deal with what i’m feeling, but i give in every time. i need to find a way to not give in to these disordered thoughts. i downloaded the app i am sober last night and decided i’m going to use it to keep track of how long i’ve been binge free. hopefully seeing how long my streak is will motivate me to keep it going. i also know that fasting (not eating until later in the day) is what works really well for me. it prevents me from just eating and binging the whole day and i feel that it keeps me more mindful. i’m going to start fasting again tomorrow. i feel awful and ashamed and i no longer want to feel this way. i want to feel proud of myself again so i guess i’m making this post as my day 1 post to hold myself accountable and motivate myself to get back on track. if anyone has any advice or just words of encouragement it would be much appreciated <3

submitted by /u/Most-Caterpillar7291
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/XF30Zwo

10kg down

finally, today i hit the 10kg mark. ive been on this weight loss journey since 6th of june, so almost 2 months! from which i only followed it strictly for a month and a half, maybe even less. i'm sure if i was constant since day 1, i might have lost at least 15kg. ive also been consuming over 1/2L of zero kcal carbonated drinks, and was still losing weight! 30-40kg more to go, i hope at least 20kg until christmas. cheers.

submitted by /u/dksrkv
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/VEBZ8eW

The unpredictability of weigh ins

Anyone who’s been at this game a while knows that the scale rarely shows us what we expect to see. Personally, I’m a daily weigh-in type - so of course I’ve experienced plenty of days (PLENTY) where the scale hasn’t budged or has even gone up despite me sticking to my plan.

But today I had a surprise the other way. Yesterday I met lots of people for food, and I ate more than usual (3 big meals, all heavily carb based. I usually eat 1 big meal and 1 small or even just a snack). I didn’t track. I expected to be up at least 1kg with the water weight and extra food floating around in my belly.

So I step on the scale…. And I’m down 600g (about 1lb). Weight loss can truly never be predicted!

Tell me about your biggest surprises at weigh in!

submitted by /u/Amzuja
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/NKOhtJq

how do I convince my family that my weight loss is not an ED

To make a long story short I was my heaviest when I was nine months pregnant I was 173 pounds. 6 weeks after she was born I was 150 pounds and for 2 years I hovered around 140 mark. I'm only five feet tall so my bmi said I was borderline obese. My doctor suggested I loose some weight as well because I had pre-diabetes when I was pregnant. I know 150 doesn't sound like an unhealthy weight to most but I have a really small frame so the extra weight was a lot.

I worked my ass off and now I weight 114 pounds. My family however is really concerned. They have asked me again and again if I have an eating disorder and they are constantly trying to force me to eat junk food and over eat. My mom is trying to convince my husband I have an eating disorder because I only eat one item of candy or junk food in a week. I also get really sick if I eat a lot.

I also am self conscious of the loose skin I have around my mid section. I can't afford surgery nor would my husband and family support it. They say it's a badge of honor and some have even told me if I gain some weight back it won't look so bad. It hangs down like and I have to high wasted pants to it doesn't spill out of my pants. My family also sees my insecurity as a sign that I have a disorder.

I hate that no one has really celebrated my weight loss with me and that everyone sees it as a bad thing just because I only lost enough weight to go from overweight/obese on the bmi to normal.

submitted by /u/wifeofafirefighter
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/0HpAt2a

Losing weight helped me cut WAY back on my alcohol consumption

Hey LoseIt family,

Just wanted to stop in to recognize that counting calories, working out, and working toward my weight loss goal has helped me reduce my alcohol consumption drastically. I have been going back-and-forth for years about how much I drink - whether it’s right or wrong or a problem or not. (If I even have to ask, I know the answer, trust me)

Anyway, I feel better than I ever have drinking way less than I have since Covid started! I never really used to drink that much but once Covid hit and there became fewer and fewer things to do in life I started using alcohol as a crutch.

Feeling very proud of myself - I’ve lost 10 pounds in the last month as well as totally kicked my reliance on alcohol. I know it’s a long road ahead but I don’t even think about alcohol. I don’t crave it, want it, or try to justify it. I’m so fixated on treating my body well, giving it what it needs, and letting it recover, there is just no room for alcohol anymore. 💪🏽

submitted by /u/actuallybaggins
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/1pCZPOf

Monday, August 1, 2022

Weight loss games

Does anyone have any recommendations for ways to make hitting milestones or getting steps in “fun”? I feel like if hitting milestones/calorie goals/steps were more “fun” or I could keep track of my progress/stats kind of like a game then it would help keep me motivated day to day. Are there any apps that have helped you lose weight or any ways you have made your weight loss journey more fun and enjoyable? I am open to all suggestions! Thank you in advance! Also before i get any comments saying it i understand its a lifestyle change and it takes discipline and determination. I am just looking to make it more fun and make it into something i actually love doing.

submitted by /u/Gxblin_Bxbe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/V7BgjHR