Sunday, August 14, 2022

Anybody who had dinner time before bedtime for his entire life and stopped doing it - have you seen any possitive effect?

So according to few studies people who ate most of their calories at breakfast instead of later at night showed superior results in weight loss.

I eat later at night probably most of my life, even eg 1 hour before bed time. And yes, me and my family have problems with obesity.

Sometimes I have no problem to skip the breakfast as I'm not hungy and my father is doing it as well.

Now the research says that it should be quite opposite to what I'm doing - people should breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. I have been never really doing it.

There are multiple reasons for it. First, I think I have better sleep when I go to bed with not empty stomach. Second, I'm physically active later at night as I return from my work at 6:00 PM and so when I came home from some cycling or weight lifting at 8-9 PM I want to eat something and then one more time, having 2 dinners in total after this physical activity. And last but not least reason is dieting itself - usually when I try to restrict eating during the day then later at night I will eat more to balance out big caloric defficit, which by itself creates habit of eating at night.

submitted by /u/GeorgeCZ111
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, August 13, 2022

NSV Shopping/"Unlocking" my own closet!

I've had a big victory for me this week. I'm 29 pounds down and am finally back to a weight I was at before the panini-demic. I took the plunge to shop my own closet of all the cute clothes I was wearing the spring of 2020. I'm so excited: I've got 5 "new" pairs of pants, most of my favorite dresses (some are a little big now and I love it), and so many cute tops.

I also still have motivators. In addition to the pants that fit nicely were several more pairs that I could get on and zip (not something I could've done in May.). However, they'll definitely look better in about 5-10 more pounds of weight loss - which is where I hope to be when they become more weather appropriate.

I'm so excited to be back to having such a large portion of my closet available to me. I feel like I'm down a layer, and have at least two more small weight/size goals to go before I really need to start buying new clothes at the end of my journey. (We love a slow 10 year weight gain and the inability to get rid of clothes.)

Just thoroughly excited over here! I hope that others can relate to "unlocking" sections of their closet.

submitted by /u/Dogcam62
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


Started at 91 kgs (200 lbs) at the end of June. It's the most I've been. I'm 5'11 and 32 years old.

Deleted all my food delivery apps and completely stopped eating out. Ate simple home cooked meals with a light dinner and a calorie deficit of around 500-800 calories per day Brisk walked 4km everyday

I'm down to 85 kgs (187 lbs). That's around 6 kgs (13 lbs) lost in 45 days. My goal weight is 76 kgs (167 lbs). The rate of weight loss as plateau'd a bit in the past week or 10 days, but I am in this for the long haul and anticipate around 4 more months till I hit my goal. I'm confident I will get there and just wanted to share my progress!

submitted by /u/pisstakenidentity
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Should I continue to use the scale during my weight loss journey?

My body type is a little complicated. As you can see on my username, I have big breasts lmao. They make my body look awkward. My doctors, my mom, and even my bra fitter recommend a breast reduction because my breasts are big compared to my size.

I don’t know if my breasts are carrying extra weight. I feel like my weight is definitely a problem, but my breasts could be a huge part of it since they’re bigger than my body type.

I do have a measuring stick I can use instead of the scale.

submitted by /u/hugehonkahonkas
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Been really disheartened only to become shocked

I wanted to share this post to help those who have been feeling disheartened, or frustrated at slow and steady weight loss, or those who feel so far from achieving what they want.

Short, sweet background: I've yo-yoed with my weight so many times. I've been too small, too big, and perfectly healthy weight. I've recently been through two pregnancies, a knee surgery, and loss of twin daughters, so I stopped moving and I started eating until I hit my all time biggest weight.

Starting: 320lb, 5"6, F, 30yrs. Bmi: 52.4

Current: 273lb, BMI: 43.8.

The last few weeks: I've been feeling so depressed doing the long game of slow, steady and healthy weight loss. When I came into the journey I thought I'd drop weight quickly due to my size and then stick with losing 2lb per week. I felt like my weight loss was going way too slow and it wasn't even noticable. I felt so far from any of my goals.

The realisation: I happen to be scrolling through previous weights, suddenly lo and behold...

  • I'm the lowest weight I've been in 3years
  • The 47lb I've lost over the last almost year matches near perfect to 1lb loss per week
  • I've decreased my BMI by almost 9
  • I've exercised a minimum of 4 days for an hour each week for last 5 weeks
  • I've reached a minimum of 8000 steps per day for last 7 weeks, including when I've been on night shift
  • Ive only had takeaways once in the last month
  • I've developed my cooking skills to a high enough level that I enjoy ever meal that I make which are both nutritious and low-cost

All of this while balancing a marriage, an 18month old toddler, two cats and an energetic dog. How? Just shy of 1 year - Cico, trying to move regularly throughout the day, walk more, and finding exercise that I find fun (aqua aerobics).

Sometimes the goals you set for yourself can be too much, or seem so far away. Even the little goals sometimes can seem too much.

Remember that you're getting there. Sometimes it might not seem like it, but with time results will come. Look for all the nsv including your mental and emotional well being. Celebrate the small things. Look back on old measurements, old photos, remind yourself how far you've come. Remember it takes longer to change a lifestyle than it does to diet, but a lifestyle lasts forever.

Remember most importantly, you are a champion. The fact you've worked so hard to change your mindset and habits is the hardest part, conquer the mind and the body will follow.

"Don't fight for victory, fight for self-improvement and victory will come"

submitted by /u/Aphita
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How much do you blame your parents?

This post is intended for people who grew up fat. I don’t want any “tough love”comments please, I am not looking for advice, I only really want to hear other people’s experience.

I’ve recently lost 70 lbs (exactly 70 today! 🥳) but I still have a long way to go in terms of getting healthy. I have been fat since I can remember, every pediatrician appointment I ever had ended with them explaining that I had to lose weight. My parents did try a few things (signing me up for sports, some healthy eating workshop, putting me in therapy) but at the end of the day they raised me with horrible eating habits and let me get to a size as a minor that did permanent damage to my body.

My mom is slightly overweight and yoyo dieted my whole life but does make some effort to eat healthy and exercise. My dad is morbidly obese with a horrible food addiction. Growing up I was fed not exactly junk food, but pretty unhealthy food ie spaghetti. My mom often complains about how we would never eat anything healthy she would make and I understand that would be hard to deal with, but I also think I was a child and it was her responsibility to put her foot down.

I am living at home currently and being on a weight loss journey in this household is incredibly frustrating. My parents order takeout constantly and buy lots of unhealthy food from the grocery store. I really have to fight to not overeat here even as an adult and it makes me feel like I really never stood a chance. I almost feel like a crack baby. I was given this addiction without any real choice in it.

Looking back on what becoming morbidly obese did to me it really is quite horrific. I have permanent loose skin. I have extra fat cells that will never go away just dying to grow bigger. I have a permanently lower TDEE than someone of the same stats who has never been overweight due to the effects of major weight loss. I am going to have a much harder time maintaining a healthy weight than someone who was raised properly. Not to mention the incredible psychological toll growing up fat did to me. All of this for the rest of my life.

On one hand I am so angry with my parents for this. They really fucked me up good. I sometimes see people calling letting a child get fat child abuse. My parents are decently wealthy, well educated, and had resources to raise me better. On the other hand I see that they were struggling with their own eating disorders and I am not sure what exactly they should’ve done.

So fat kids, how much do you resent your parents?

submitted by /u/beebofgh
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Best way to lose weight at my age and height?

20F here. I’m 5’3 and weigh about 170 to 180 pounds. My goal weight is 120 to 130 pounds. Ambitious, I know, but I would celebrate any weight loss at all, and I’m so tired of being overweight that I think I could muster up enough self control to stick to a diet and exercise plan.

I don’t want to lose weight for aesthetic reasons. I don’t dislike my body but I know that it’s unhealthy. On top of that, my family has a long history of health problems, including diabetes and heart disease, and I know now is the best time to get in shape to help prevent these conditions. Also, not exercising or eating correctly is definitely contributing to the bad mental space I’ve been in.

I took some time off from college (I plan on returning in January) due to being diagnosed with two serious mental health disorders. I felt lost, hopeless, and I quickly slipped into depression. Right now, I’m getting little to no exercise, and while I don’t consume many calories, I don’t eat many foods that are good for me.

What are the best things I can do to lose weight? A calorie deficit would be easy for me because I can be pretty self disciplined in that area if I try. I also genuinely enjoy healthier foods. The exercise is where I struggle. I’ve done a lot of research, and every source says something different, and it’s hard to tell what actually works, and beyond that, what works best.

So, I come here searching for real people who may have been in similar situations, or can otherwise give me useful advice. Anything would be appreciated, honestly.

submitted by /u/UnderstandingCalm803
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from loseit - Lose the Fat