Sunday, August 14, 2022

Anybody who had dinner time before bedtime for his entire life and stopped doing it - have you seen any possitive effect?

So according to few studies people who ate most of their calories at breakfast instead of later at night showed superior results in weight loss.

I eat later at night probably most of my life, even eg 1 hour before bed time. And yes, me and my family have problems with obesity.

Sometimes I have no problem to skip the breakfast as I'm not hungy and my father is doing it as well.

Now the research says that it should be quite opposite to what I'm doing - people should breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. I have been never really doing it.

There are multiple reasons for it. First, I think I have better sleep when I go to bed with not empty stomach. Second, I'm physically active later at night as I return from my work at 6:00 PM and so when I came home from some cycling or weight lifting at 8-9 PM I want to eat something and then one more time, having 2 dinners in total after this physical activity. And last but not least reason is dieting itself - usually when I try to restrict eating during the day then later at night I will eat more to balance out big caloric defficit, which by itself creates habit of eating at night.

submitted by /u/GeorgeCZ111
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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