Friday, October 14, 2022

I much prefer the term "cutting weight" to "dieting".

This is just my personal thoughts about these words and their connotations (nothing here should be taken seriously). I do think the words we choose are important.

I have always hated the word "dieting". The word has negative connotations to me.

Every time someone tells me they are on a "diet" it seems to be some absurd new fad diet that is painfully restrictive on what a person can eat (as opposed to plain ole calorie counting). It makes you think of the negative parts of weight loss. Restriction. Craving. Consumerism.

To me, the archetypal "dieter" is someone who only eats only potatoes for a month because of something they saw on facebook or daytime television. A diet is something that you try for about a week and then give up because it sucks and makes you miserable. Or the "subway diet" where you order a meatball sandwich everyday for lunch (because hey it worked for Jared, right?).

On the other hand, "cutting weight" is something that an athlete does. The connotations are positive. Every pound lost is an accomplishment when you are cutting weight. It makes you think about your goal. The term also focuses on overall energy balance as opposed to just the intake of calories. This invokes a more accurate idea of the calorie in, calorie out principle

When I tell myself I am "cutting weight" I feel a sense of pride. Hell yeah, I am a badass and I am going to get lean.

When I tell myself I am on a "diet", I think "I really want a fucking cookie right now".

That is all.

submitted by /u/huge_endowment
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

When should I start trying to build muscle and when should I switch my diet?

Hey everyone, I’m pretty far along in my weight loss journey, I started at 290lbs in 2019 and got down to about 208lbs which is where I’m at now. I’ve been calorie counting and experimenting with intermittent fasting, and it’s seemed to work. The question I have is, at what weight or point do I start making the switch from cutting to bulking? I want to have a muscular build so I know I need to eat more protein and increase my caloric intake, but I don’t want to do so and have it increase my fat percentage. Going along with that, another question I have would be how do I start the transition from dieting for weight loss to dieting for muscle gain? For context, I’m a 22 y.o. 6ft male. Thanks!

submitted by /u/TheBravePaladin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Comments on losing too much weight

Hello everyone! I've recently discovered this subreddit and am grateful for it. I started my (most recent) weight loss journey in 2020. I reached my highest weight in 2018 after the unexpected death of mother and then dropped about ten lbs once I stopped eating and drinking all my grief but still was quite heavy. In 2020 I finally got it together and lost about 50ish lbs. Last year I spent most of the year in physical therapy and regained 10lbs. It's taken me until the summer to lose those ten lbs and now I'm finally back on track to getting to my goal weight (generally speaking... I won't know for sure until I get there and know things will fluctuate as I put on muscle) now I'm down about 60lbs in total and training for my first half marathon :)

Anyway now I'm getting some comments about not losing too much weight. A coworker today insisted on it that I was at a good spot and not to lose more. I don't understand why people do this or even feel comfortable doing it. I can't imagine telling someone that. I'm just okay thanks for your input. It's not changing my goals and it doesn't really bother me but it's still just weird to me.

Just had to share that and share a little bit of my story as I've been mostly just reading others' posts and commenting here and there.

submitted by /u/mojoxpin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, October 13, 2022

no one talks about the negatives of post weight-loss

I’ve (M15) lost about 70 LBS (221-143) within a year or so and i’m still unhappy. See I wanted to lose weight since I was like 11 years old, I wasn’t “fat” I was just unhappy with my body. It wasn’t until 6th grade when I started gaining all of this weight and becoming “fat”. Maintained my weight until 8th grade when Quarantine hit and The Pandemic started. The way I used to eat was insane lmao and it was very rough to keep with any goal weights. I kept doing diets and youtube workouts eventually lost 20 LBS. I lacked motivation and discipline tho, so I gained it all back and more. At that point I just stopped caring about losing weight and gained hella confidence for some reason. It’s like I accepted my body for what it was and we were quarantined so my thought process was “well no one’s gonna see me”. When Quarantine started to end and we were allowed to be within society again, people started pointing out my weight gain.. I was like 14.

Fast Forward, Freshman year.. Still “fat” but my height evened it out so I wasn’t that big. I wasn’t in love with myself like before and actually hated everything about my self. I felt inferior to everyone in my grade (I barely knew anyone), Yep my self esteem was that low. Constantly comparing myself to other people. Then, November hit. Started to diet extremely and lay in bed all day. Noticed the scale going down within a month. Probably lost about 17 lbs in that first month. I got the hang of the weight loss thing at month 3. Fairly happy with my progress (month 3) and decided to stop losing weight (lost a lot of weight by then Maintained my weight for as long as I could. Eventually I gave in and started losing weight again. Everyone noticed, my parents calling me “too skinny” and telling me to eat. I wasn’t even that thin, parents are so dramatic. Losing weight didn’t do anything major for me but make me unhappier with everything overall.

Losing weight did nothing but improve my “health” I guess. It caused me to be extremely anxious in public all the time. For those of you who think losing weight would get rid of all your problems trust me, It really doesn’t. (I know everyone says this but it’s true, Some people might feel happier but losing weight really doesn’t guarantee happiness or confidence). I don’t think my self esteem has ever been this low or my depression being this bad. This does not apply to everyone though, it’s my personal issues.

PS: this isn’t to make anyone feel discouraged to lose weight just wanted to share my story. Thank you

submitted by /u/koualabear
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Fall into Weight Loss: How to Lose Weight This Season with Nutrisystem

Are you feeling like it’s time to reset? It’s never too late to start anew and begin implementing healthy habits into your life. From making healthier food choices to finding time to move more, Nutrisystem can help you learn how to live healthier and lose weight this fall.

It’s the type of change that you deserve. You shouldn’t have to go on feeling as though you’re stuck in an endless cycle of choices that make you feel bad about yourself. You can get started on your weight loss journey to a brighter tomorrow—and it can be a whole lot easier than you may even realize.

The beginning of autumn is the perfect time to turn a new leaf. Here are some points to ponder as you make the decision to become a healthier version of you.

6 Reasons Fall is the Best Time for Weight Loss

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As the Season Changes, So Can Your Health

how to lose weight

Although there is no perfect time to start a healthy lifestyle plan, the fall is naturally a season of change—the leaves start turning colors, the air becomes crisper and it often feels like a time of fresh beginnings. Because of that, some people take it as an opportunity to make changes that will benefit their health, too.

Even the change in schedules that sometimes occur with fall can make a weight loss plan even more successful. The kids may be going back to school (whether in-person or virtually), you might have changes in the workplace and there may be overall more structure built into your days.

This can be a great time to learn how to lose weight and implement some simple routines into your eating habits. All it takes is a little bit of planning to prevent common diet detours like grabbing for an unhealthy snack or hitting the drive-through. Meal prepping, food delivery, healthy fall recipes and a little bit of forethought can go a really long way. Check out these eight simple swaps for a healthier fall this upcoming season as you navigate your weight loss journey!

11 Fall Casseroles Your Taste Buds & Family Will Fall For

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The Support is There—Lean on It!

how to lose weight

Of course, change always feels a little bit intimidating. Whenever you try something new, you might be feeling out of your comfort zone. But here at Nutrisystem, we have your back when it comes to helping you stay on track with the changes you want to make.

We’re constantly offering helpful meal plan tips, informative articles and healthy fall recipes here on The Leaf that will help to set you up for success. We’ve also got plenty of healthy yet convenient meals and snacks that can be a smart choice on those busy days when you don’t have time to prep a healthy dish.

Our expert Weight Loss Coaches are standing by, ready to answer your questions, keep you motivated and help you throughout your journey. Plus, our FREE NuMi app keeps things simple and easy with an organized food journal, fun tracking challenges and personalized meal plan guidance. It doesn’t have to be complicated. The simpler you can make it, the better chance you’ll have at sticking with your fall weight loss plan.

The fact is, we’re here to help you learn how to lose weight and we want to support you along your journey. You do not have to do this on your own. You’ve got a team behind you, cheering your success every step of the way.

That’s not to say you may not stumble. We’ve worked with plenty of people who have fallen off track and may be discouraged about restarting. But when it comes to improving your health—and your overall life—you owe it to yourself to try again. We know you can do it. Even small and simple changes can make a world of difference that will propel you toward that brighter future.

If you’re ready to get started on your journey to enhanced health and weight loss, then there’s no time better than today! We’re confident in saying that your future self will look back on this moment and thank you.

Become the healthiest, happiest version of you this fall! Click here to get started with Nutrisystem >

7 Reasons Nutrisystem Is the Perfect Fall Weight Loss Plan

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The post Fall into Weight Loss: How to Lose Weight This Season with Nutrisystem appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

The hunger started getting unbearable, its like my body isn’t allowing me to pursue losing more weight

I’m female and 6ft tall. Current weight is 170lbs, starting 176. I lost ~20lbs last year from 200 to 180. I waited a year and now I started the journey to lost 20 more. My goal weight is 150/55lbs. I don’t exercise, my weight loss is purely deficit based

I’m on a month of a deficit, 5lbs lost so far, but the hunger is getting increasingly worse. In the beginning I didn’t even notice it, now I’m hungry all day. Not just hungry but also cold, weak, tired, irritable, etc. yesterday I struggled to walk from exhaustion, I felt my legs like jelly under me, I could hardly carry myself or stay standing.

I eat 2000 kcal a day as a woman, that should be more then plenty, I eat protein 2-3x a day, I eat low fat, high volume, yet I am ALWAYS hungry since a few days. I will literally finish a big meal, like a big big plate of food and it’s like the food didn’t even touch my stomach. I can hardly take it and I feel like I’m being driven insane.

Yesterday I couldn’t take it and binged, ending up at 3600 kcal, I felt slightly sick but still a little hungry. I thought today I would hardly be hungry because of that but I’m even hungrier then yesterday. This is spiraling out of control and it’s scaring me.

I also started having digestive problems, like I developed very bad ibs Out of nowhere and have been forced to eat a low fodmap elimination diet lest I want to be a bloated painful balloon every day

I take a multivitamin daily so avoid deficiency based hunger. Water doesn’t help.

What should I do? Should I quit the weight loss journey? Should I push thru the hunger?

Because for now I’m hungry 24/7, literally like yearning for food all the time and it’s hellish.

submitted by /u/mysseclypse
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

weight loss without a kitchen. healthy pre-made meals?

Hi all, I've got a very interesting question. I'm a 32yo man I'm 5'10 and about 250lbs which may not sound like much but it makes me incredibly depressed. So i don't always have access to a kitchen. My weight loss attempts always fail because i can meal prep this week but maybe not next week so it just makes me say "why do i bother" then i find myself in a drive thru 75% of the time. I've gone up 2 shirt sizes and 36 to 40 in pants in the past year but that's enough of my boring life story. Has anyone had success with any pre-made store bought meals? If so what are they? Also my job is very physical some days so I definitely need calories for energy on those days but that need always has me snacking on bad foods. I'd really appreciate any help

submitted by /u/PersonalMirror9484
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from loseit - Lose the Fat