Friday, October 21, 2022

Weight loss when you're sick is a nightmare

So I was 2 weeks/4 pounds into this journey and I'm completely laid out with COVID. I feel like garbage, I'm in bed all day, taking me from "not much exercise but at least I move throughout the day" to "completely sedentary," and somehow the one thing it didn't kill was my appetite. I don't have the energy to cook anything or prepare much, and all I want is pre-packaged food (none of which in the house is terribly healthy) and takeout. I feel like being sick is going to completely wreck any progress I've made (and despite the miniscule amount of weight I've lost it was not easy and it will just devastate me to gain it all back) and all I want is to comfort-eat and I could really, really use some support.

submitted by /u/TillyH81
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feeling discouraged, trying not to give up.

Hello!! I am F, 31, 5'4" and 162.6 lbs. as of this morning.

I have been seriously trying to lose some weight since September, really cracking down on October 1st with calorie counting and working out. I have previously lost a little under 30 lbs., with my highest weight being 189.8 in 2019. I have gained and lost the same five lbs. or so since then, but have mostly kept the weight off. I was able to lose that weight pretty easily by calorie counting alone. I stayed around 1200-1300 calories a day, with (very) light exercise and a desk job. I had consistent success and consistently saw my weight go down.

Fast forward to now. I have resumed calorie counting, again trying to stay within the 1200-1300 calorie range. I work out about five to six days a week on average, with my usual workout being walking/jogging on the treadmill or elliptical for about 45 minutes. On days I don't do that, I take long walks. I have a goal to walk at least 10000 steps a day, but I usually pass that. I do take one or two rest days during the week, usually on days that I work from the office. My problem now is I have not lost a single pound since I started to seriously track last month. In fact, I have gained 1-2 pounds since my last recorded weigh in in September.

I am frustrated. I do realize that starting a workout routine can make you gain weight temporarily, with water weight and building muscle. However, I simply cannot see how I haven't lost anything at all with 5-6 weeks of calorie counting and exercise. I have only been engaging in cardio workouts, no weight training yet. I do weigh out all of my food with a food scale, and I am incredibly honest with myself about tracking. I track my multivitamins, cooking oil, coffee creamer, etc. I have had maybe two cheat days in October, which consisted of going out to restaurants and having a normal meal without tracking it. Otherwise, I am tracking every morsel. I drink plenty of water, I don't drink alcohol, I get about eight hours of sleep every night. What is going on?

I am a vegetarian, but I try to keep a close eye on my nutrition. I aim to get plenty of protein, and keep carbs relatively low, although I'm not really worrying too much about the amount of carbs I'm eating, as long as I am eating healthy foods with plenty of fruits and veggies. I try to eat three meals a day, the biggest one usually being in the evening when I have dinner with my partner. He is also trying to be more attentive to his health, so we always cook our own dinners and make them healthy, colorful, and balanced.

I do realize that it can take a little while to see results, but I am worried that I am wasting time doing something that isn't working for me! This has never happened to me with past weight loss, so that's partly why I'm so confused and discouraged.

Thank you for reading my super long post!! Any advice is greatly, greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/zzuroc
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How can I loose safely?

I'm 5'2 and ~132 lbs. I want to get down to 110 lbs which is the weight I look and feel best. The issue is that I gain weight as easily as I loose it and can achieve somewhat significant gain/loss quickly. Because of this my body is absolutely covered in stretch marks from calves to arms, any quick 2 lbs gain or loss is a new layer of stretch marks all over my body. How can I achieve my weight loss without worsening my stretch marks situation ? It's ready hard to look at my skin, I can't even tolerate touching my legs anymore because of it and I'm so afraid of getting it worse.

submitted by /u/Potential_Love_7455
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’ve gained 13lbs in a month

Sex: F - Height: 5’6 - SW: 294 - CW: 284 - GW: 143

I’ve been working out and watching what I eat since June 2022. I’ve actually been with a personal trainer since then as well doing two sessions a week with her, and coming in on my own 1-3 times a week on top.

I started out counting my calories but have been intuitively eating for the last 2.5 months, which seemed to be working because during my last weigh in about a month ago I clocked in at 271 pounds.

I just had another weigh in yesterday, and I GAINED 13lbs.

NOTHING has changed. I eat the same, and if anything I have been coming into the gym more because I wanted to smash my next weigh in. With that being said, I also do body measurements during my weigh ins and I lost a total of 8.5 inches around my body (4.5 from waist, the remainder from arms/legs) so I am just super confused at what happened. I kind of had a breakdown because I was really expecting to have lost another 10lbs at least given how hard I’ve been working at the gym.

The only thing I can think that may have affected my results is my stress levels - I’ve had an insane month at work where I have been super stressed out. Could that be the culprit ?

Currently I’m a bit at a loss and just find everything really overwhelming. I just need some help in determining where I may have went wrong, and what I can do about it. I need to keep going but I also need to do what I can to make sure I don’t have another breakdown at my next weigh in. I feel like I keep pushing but I’m genuinely exhausted by everything else. What to do???

Edit: forgot to add height, I’m 5’6.

Edit 2: the scales my PT uses has an inbuilt body composition scanner. I don’t know how accurate it is and I don’t have the specific stats but she did mention my muscle mass has remained the same but my fat mass has increased. So I definitely know I’ve gained weight, just not quite sure how.

Her suspicion was the stress having a big impact, but I just don’t know what I could really do to undo the impacts of stress on my weight loss journey.

submitted by /u/NoorHan14
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Celebrate with me!!

The other day, I was going through my closet and the horrific multi-size multi-season mess that it is and began going through jeans and old exercise clothes. Last year I was a size 18, and have been anxious to buy new clothes because the rapid weight loss.

Luckily, I found plenty of old size 10-12s I had stashed away and amazingly, most of them fit. The ones that didn’t, just inspired me to keep going so I can fit into them by winter.

Now, here’s the even more fun part. When I started exercising in October I bought workout clothes. Somehow they’d gotten crammed into the back of my closet. When I pulled out what I regarded as my favorite workout shirt, happy to have found it, I quickly tried it on. To my surprise, it no longer fit. It came down to my mid-thigh and this shirt practically ate my body.

I danced around the apartment for a solid 30 minutes and decided to wear the shirt to bed.

It’s really the little things.

submitted by /u/phantombumblebee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

weight loss day by day?

I just mainly want to know what will happen day by day or week by week. Will i hold more water or weight the first week and then weight drop out of no where? Will i instantly lose weight? Will i lose weight and then stay there for a while and lose weight? where would i lose weight first or what day would i lose weight first when starting a calorie deficit? I just have so many questions cause I have bad memory and can’t remember what i used to do or how it was for me.

submitted by /u/lil_ant22
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Weight loss Goals not being number oriented?

This was and is such a hard thing for me to remember sometimes, but it really helped me get out of my plateau. I was getting so obsessed with seeing a number on a scale change every workout or forcing myself to push higher and higher weights every time and I kept burning myself out.

I just recently began to reframe my weight loss from being only about numbers to arbitrary goals in the long term. I don’t want to be afraid of not fitting on roller coasters anymore. I want to be able to complete a segment hike of the Appalachian trail.

It’s been so stressful, but it helped me get out of a funk for a month of no change. Does anyone else try to view their weight loss like this?

submitted by /u/_dreamer23
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from loseit - Lose the Fat