Tuesday, November 8, 2022

How to maintain as short and petite woman

I used to maintain as a 5’1 woman at 130 pounds but recently have been dieting to try to hit 115 pounds (currently at 122 pounds). I mistakenly thought after dieting I would be able to go back to my old eating habits but now realize I am going to have to eat less calories to maintain my weight. Now this weight loss journey that was supposed to be one-and-done feels like it will last forever. I know I’m not done with dieting yet, but I’m already worried for when/if I get to my goal how I’ll manage to maintain because dieting as a short woman with a big appetite who often eats the same non-diet friendly meals as my family has been a pain. Any tips or advice?

submitted by /u/ofsongi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/V9MyYAC

Anyone with 40lbs+ weight loss but no drop in clothing size?

I’m a 5’10” woman down to 211lbs from 252lbs and I’m still not small enough to drop down a size yet. I know about the paper towel effect, just looking to commiserate.

I’ve resorted to washing and drying my size 16’s to get them a little snugger (I used to air dry everything to prevent shrinking lol!) as the size 14’s don’t fit yet.

Any tall girls out there further along … when do the sizes start dropping more rapidly? 40lbs and not even one size down is crazy!

submitted by /u/Penelope-loves-Helix
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/jaCVWiz

Im sick and tired and I know what to do but I suck at this

I (M23) started dieting right around the end of May, and went from a starting weight of 255 pounds all the way down to 221 pounds by around the end of July. I was stagnant in progress in August-September, and then I started a job near the end of September, and now my weight has climbed back up to 234 pounds as of this morning. I'm frustrated because I know exactly what I'm doing wrong, I tracked all my food, but I started eating halloween candy, and then when I was out of candy I started eating hundreds of calories of pistachios, then I started repeatedly picking at the birthday cake in the fridge until I had eaten over half the cake myself...

Im so frustrated right now because I know exactly what I am doing wrong. I track all of my food except when I binge, and I know that my binges are whats screwing me up, but when I see "tastier" looking snacks and treats I just go berserk and start picking at it until all of my calorie goals are screwed up. I am still going to the gym 4-5 times a week, but my constant screwups in diet are throwing me off. I even joined a weight loss program, but all its done is help me stay consistent with daily weigh ins.

I want to lose the weight, and yet why am I eating all these stupid snacks and ruining my progress if thats the case? I need help or advice or SOMETHING to pull me out of this rut, I know what to do but I keep messing up and here I am 13 pounds up because of my constant mistakes. I need help.

submitted by /u/No_Mousse4123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/utJ7HMn

After losing 44lbs and reaching a healthy BMI I thought I'd feel mentlally stronger

This started about a year ago. I was clinically obese and defeated, I felt lonely and ugly. One day I decided some things had to change. The next week I started boxing classes and the pounds started to melt.

Some months later I incorporated some weight training and running on a daily basis. Slowly but surely I got to where I am today. To my surprise, I can recognize I used to feel better about myself when I was heavier, I don't know if it's me being self conscious about my progress or what, but I guess I was expecting people to see me in a different light.

I have gotten little to no compliments, no encouragement to keep going, and even family members have told me I wouldn't look good if I lost the last 11lbs I want to lose because, apparently, my "frame is too wide for that weight".

Getting clothes that look good is still painfully difficult, and when someone tells me a certain tshirt looks great on me, I'll just feel like they're lying to make me feel better.

What's worse, I've been having liver pain recently, and if my weight loss ends up having anything to do with an underlying ilness, I'll probably feel worse about that, than the fact that I might be dying.

I'm also dealing with the fact that someone who is really important to me doesn't even seem to care about my existence anymore, and to top it all off, I have to study for two finals and I can't focus.

submitted by /u/DevastatedSouls10
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/jyJcKw5

Doctors always glare at me when I say I am trying to lose weight.

I am overweight. This is an objective fact. I am short and supposed to weigh 115lbs. I want to weigh 130lbs. I currently weigh 155lbs, and I used to weigh 180lbs. The problem is, I look good. I looked good at 180lbs and I look good now. But I don't look like I used to.

I see doctors a lot because I have a number of health and mental problems. I see some sort of professional 3 to 4 times a month. Many of the problems I'm dealing with can be improved with weight loss, which is the sole reason I want to lose weight.

The drop from 180lbs to 160lbs was easy. Just not being depressed worked. But at this point I have to work for it. And I am! But when I tell doctors my goal is losing weight they glare at me and one even said "you're not overweight" even though she never took my weight (it's not normal to weigh patients at every visit in my country).

I am overweight. All because I look good doesn't mean I feel good. I'd stay this size forever if I wasn't in so much pain. When I was fit and very skinny I wasn't in nearly as much pain, I didn't have acid reflux, I could move easily, and my blood pressure didn't plummet every time I ate bread.

I know this is a dumb non issue but I wanted to share both because it's funny and also because it's a little annoying.

submitted by /u/Little_Kimmy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/cVWi2XU

What foods would you recommend for someone who is actively losing weight but also battles depression and doesn't always necessarily have the will power to cook?

Hello all,

This is a bit of a personal topic (and will be deleting soon after) so I would appreciate no harshness if possible. I've been on a weight loss journey, I started at about 350, and I'm at 330 now. During that time I was eating pretty ok, but recently I've been diagnosed with depression and I have been finding it very hard to work up the energy to make any food (these past 4 days I've only had a meal a day and sometimes I'm just not even hungry) and I want to see if this sub has any recommendations for easy meals and even nutrition bars that will keep me more or less afloat and keep my body full on days where I'm just not having it.

I don't want to stop working out as it keeps me a little sane, but I also don't want to hurt myself due to lack of nourishment, so any advice would be most appreciated ._.

submitted by /u/onepercentjapanese
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/HMn5tBr

Monday, November 7, 2022

One Year, 111 lbs down

That's me!(I stay holding my phone weird)

There's this weird pattern in my life where life altering stuff happens when I put my foot down late at night, and for some reason my mom is always a witness to it.

Like one day after missing orientation for a shelf stocking job at Target, I snapped, decided my self taught programming skills were enough for a job, applied to every software dev listing I could find on Indeed and now a decade later I'm a senior engineer working on self-driving cars.

Well one night in early February, after eating myself up what was probably another 20 lbs while visiting my parents, I "snapped" again... but this time it was pouring bottles of juice down a sink while my mom probably wondered what the hell had possessed me. Really dramatic I know 😂 but 105 of those 111 lbs have been lost since that day less than 9 months ago, so it really stuck!

In February 2023 I want to post again in long form about how far I've come and what exactly I think made that time different, but the short version is I learned to conserve my willpower with strategies like:

- Recognizing "calorie sinks" that would leave me spending the rest of the day fighting hunger if I wanted to keep a deficit

- Working hard to separate emotion from food

- Getting comfortable with throwing away food

- Limiting carbs before limiting protein

I think for me the missing piece of weight loss was about setting myself up for success. Any time I failed I beat myself up because I thought it meant I didn't want it bad enough, but I of course I wanted to lose the weight! We all do!

I just wasn't doing myself any favors trying to run a deficit while fast food. I wasn't doing that by watching TV with every meal either. Or by not knowing anything about macros. Or only grocery shopping while ravenously hungry.

My "goal" is so lofty I wouldn't want to tell anyone in real life but... I want to enter an amateur bodybuilding competition in February 2024 😂. 2 years will have had passed since that fateful night, and it'd be a special way to ring in my 30s even trying.

But that's a long way off, and for now I can't describe the level of joy I feel seeing myself from last year next to now.

I saw people post transformations and thought they just wanted it more than me, but now I realize all of us want it: but if you fail, eventually you need to start again to have a chance at ever making it.

There's no real reason this time should have been different for me, but it was, and now I'm in the best shape I've been in years. I just needed to keep starting

submitted by /u/s-pop-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/W0dGhRZ