Sunday, November 20, 2022

Binge ate after a whole month

I started my weight loss journey a month ago. I'm F 5'5". At my heaviest, I weighed 93 kgs. A month ago I was 88.5 kgs. After a month of counting calories, cardio for 50 mins and walking 7 kms everyday, I'm currently at 85 kgs.

Today, after a month, I ate my favourite things without counting calories. I ate chocolate, ice cream, chips etc. I used to binge eat like this before I started my journey. It took me a lot to control my cravings and be disciplined. I know that I would have gained a few grams today but I'm glad that I broke the cycle of living an extremely unhealthy life and started taking ownership of it.

I am aiming to lose another 16.5 kgs in the next 14 months. Let's see how that goes.

submitted by /u/Worth-Necessary3471
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Appetite the key to weight loss?

So I’ve been a rollercoaster when it comes to weight. I’ve gone from chubby to aneroxic to obese so I know it all when it comes to unhealthy eating habits. I really think controlling appetite is key. If you overeat consume calorie dense foods you will store excess fat. It’s almost that simple. Exercise is good but not necessary. I notice when I eat some fruit for breakfast I feel great all day. But if I have cookies and then some sandwich we’ll you know I get fat. The key really is to control appetite. Find foods you can subsistits with other less calorie dense food. Find ways to break the psychological addiction that is binge eating or overconsumption. You have to change the way you see food and you have to control your appetite. It’s key.

submitted by /u/CelestialAristocrat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Inch loss

Im 23, and exactly 1 year ago in november i weighed 362lbs and currently at 192lbs (target 155lbs)so much had happen but I just want to focus on inch loss for now. I absolutely hated it that my body decides to eat fats from my legs at first, even when i lose 80 lbs, the inch loss from my waist wasnt significant enough, but after i reached down to 210, my waist just drastically goes down i was shocked, ive lost 5.5 inch from 210lbs to 192lbs. 18lbs loss, the last time my went down that much it took me about 60lbs of weight loss. gives me a boost of motivation to know my body just now decides to focus on my waist

submitted by /u/muizz04
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Unexpected “perk” of weight loss

28F 5’8” Starting weight: 228lbs Current weight: 192lbs Goal weight: 165lbs

I was looking in the mirror the other day and noticed that my boobs were particularly perky. This was odd for me as I had been braless the entire day and my boobs usually look saggy after hours of hanging loose. I’m not sure if anyone else experiences this, but along with my nipples, my areolas expand and contract in response to stimuli. When there is no friction from a bra rubbing up against them, they expand and make my boobs look even saggier. This time around they did not do this. I didn’t think much of it, and went about my day. This perkiness has persisted for some time now and I’ve noticed that my nipples sit higher now too. Though pleasant, this is strange considering boobs usually get saggy after weight loss. I’m wondering, has anyone else experienced this?

submitted by /u/weallknowurlying
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’ve almost lost 15lb!

I don’t really have anyone to share this with, but I’m making progress on my weight loss journey :] After a long bout of depression, I stepped onto a scale and to my shock, I was right at 200lb. I’m a 5’4 F, and I knew I was overweight, but I had no idea I had gotten to that point. So for the past 2 and a half months, I’ve been using this app, and just recently bought a kitchen scale to be more accurate with my calorie counting. It was tough at first, I started with a 1500 budget I believe. Now I use a 1,330 budget, and easily stay under. I generally end up 1,100-1,300. I finally found some decent workout clothes and am going to start going to the gym as well next week :] My goal weight is 150lb, so I’ve still got awhile to go, but I know it’s within reach. I’m cooking more, and very rarely eat fast food. (Maybe like once every 3 weeks). Anyway, that’s all, i just wanted to share with someone while not being afraid to say the numbers.

submitted by /u/koifish_k
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, November 19, 2022

2 hour workouts or 1 hour workout twice a day with one being fasted cardio?

F, 23, 162cm, 77kgs

I mostly do 2 hours medium intensity workouts or 1 hour medium-high intensity workouts. I want to put very serious effort towards exercise for next 8 weeks. Is it better to do 1 hour medium intensity fasted cardio in the morning and 1 hour hiit in the afternoon. Or, do both of them together? Like 1 hour hiit and then mid-intensity cardio together?

Is there any difference between calories burned in a fasted state than exercise after eating?

If I exercise after eating, does my body really burn calories only from the meal I had and not help in overall weight loss?

I already eat pretty healthy most of the time and am planning to do intermittent fasting. I normally eat dinner around 7pm, and it is mostly 500 cals with protein, vegetables and carbs. I normally have low blood pressure, will I be able to workout as energetically as in the afternoon?

I have tried morning workouts but if it was going on a walk with others, it was ok, but it made me extra tired the whole day. Plus I have morning college and cannot eat before 12 noon. How much time will it take to get used to the routine?

submitted by /u/Own_Gold6
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Could i achieve the same benefits from mini elliptical to do 10k steps?

I want to continue my weight loss journey and I have the most success by completing 10k steps or more daily. I want to complete these steps in the morning before i go to uni. Usually, i would go outside but now that its winter i dont feel comfortable walking around in the dark at 5am.

Im planning to use a mini elliptical like these but would like to hear any thoughts about whether you think it would provide the same beneifts as a regular 10k walk. Also, do you think that my the 'steps' would be picked up and coutned on my apple devices?

submitted by /u/lifeissoupiamf0rk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat