Saturday, December 3, 2022

I am a 5’6 female (23) weighing 145Kgs with health issues that make exercising difficult

I have been overweight all my life but never unfit. I used to be able to walk around 15k steps a day with ease. However last year, I had a ligament tear which left me bed ridden for 5 months. I never got back to walking as I had developed a phobia of hurting myself again. Then I caught Covid which made my health even worse. Now I am pre diabetic and at a point where I need to get my act right if I want to live a comfortable life without any dependancy.

I had never taken initiatives to correct my weight as it never hindered my daily activities. Now I suffer from bad back pain and leg pain. I have gone to the doctor and they said there’s nothing wrong with me and the pain is due to the excess weight which my frame is not built for. I have been lurking here for a bit, I understand calorie deficit and it’s been working for the last two weeks. I have lost 5Kgs since i started. I also want to build stamina and work my core and do some cardio that will help my wholistic health. I don’t just want to lose weight, i want to get fit.

Please recommend exercises etc I can do to start my journey. I can not do anything high impact like jumping due to my legs not having fully recovered due to my lack of walking to strengthen muscles post surgery. I have started walking, can manage about 15 minutes of brisk walking before the pain kicks in. I do see improvement though since I started. I am not as breathless anymore. I want to know what I can do besides walking and dieting to help my body regain its strength and expedite the weight loss process (at a healthy pace of course). All advise is welcome. I want to help myself before it’s too late.

Thank you for your time, sorry if it was a bit all over the place.

submitted by /u/noodlerocketship
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, December 2, 2022

The Whoosh Effect is apparently untrue. But does anyone else experience it anyway? 😂

I was reading an article about weight loss last night that rocked my world for a minute. It was one of those cheesy "what to expect when you lose weight" type articles (I know, I need more hobbies lol.) Anyway, one thing in the article really got my attention. It said that you may look worse right before you drop weight. Specifically, it said that you may look saggier and squishier right before you drop weight. It said that the reason is because your fat cells fill with water before they die.

This knocked me back because I have noticed several times over the past several months that I felt that exact thing was happening. I was happy with my progress, feeling like I looked better, and then all the sudden for a few days I would be like "how did I get squishier? I haven't gained weight, why do I look so squishy??" And then a couple of days later it would be fine again and I would have lost more weight and I just chalked it up to just having a bad body image day. So when I saw that, I was like "wait, is that an actual thing that happens and has a real explanation other than my own mental health???"

Welp, apparently not. I read up about it some more today and apparently people call it "the Big Whoosh" and science and dietitians assure us that it's not real. Which, I believe. "Fat cells filling up with water and then dying" is not something I had ever heard of before last night. But I also wonder if there could be something to it (although probably not via the explanation offered about water and fat cells) if there are enough people experiencing something like it to give it a name and make it a myth.

So, am I the only one that experiences this, despite the fact that it doesn't exist?

submitted by /u/Overbeingoverit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

No More Binge Eating

My binge eating has been very bad my whole adult life. I would go most of the day determined to stay on track, then at night it was like nothing mattered anymore except eating. I spent so much money on processed junk, binging almost every night.

3 weeks ago, something changed. I wanted to lose weight, I was 170 lbs at 5'3. So I started as I always do, no buying binge foods. This decision helps, but the urge to binge is often so strong that I end up going to the store anyways at night. But this hasn't happened. When the diet started, I started listening to slowed/reverb/etc. versions of songs every night for hours. It pulls me into a trance, and I have no desire to eat unless I'm physically hungry. Even then, it's easy to ignore the urge. I haven't binged once during this period, probably the longest I have ever gone without doing so. Recently, I bought seasonal chocolate, and I've barely touched it. That's never happened before. I think that I was able to replace whatever void the food was filling, with music.

I've lost 10 lbs so far. I know a lot of that is water weight, but some of it is also body weight. For once, after years of failed weight loss attempts that ended after less than a week, I think I'll actually make it.

submitted by /u/Horror_Macaron_1544
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does calorie counting trigger others here?

For some reason, whenever I download the loseit app and start tracking, I automatically can’t stop thinking about food and feel deprived. It’s the strangest thing! When I track in my notes app on my phone, I don’t feel the same kind of focus. I’ve actually successfully lost all my weight that way - by loosely tracking on my phone and weighing my food. I’m on the last 10 pounds, though, and this strategy isn’t really working so well anymore. Does anyone else feel the same, and if so, what is your alternate approach to weight loss?

submitted by /u/baby_loveee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Fell off the train, feeling down and need support/advice

Hey y'all,

Hope everyone is doing well and taking care!

I have posted a couple times in here. Recently, I've really dropped the ball and I am so disappointed in myself. It's been hard for me to stay on track because honestly food truly is a source of comfort for me and when I get stressed or feel lonely or feel like I just want someone to cook for me, I eat out more often and choose things that I shouldn't have. I also haven't been able to exercise at all. I have also recently quit my daily cigarette smoking, so obviously that didn't help either.

Recently I've been working full time, have two night classes and am doing an internship all of the other nights in the week. I have been extremely busy and it's been a little harder to food prep and what not. I definitely chose this life, I enjoy my classes and my internship a lot but fitting in food prep, exercise and staying on track has been extremely difficult.

I want to lose this weight once and for all. I am so sick of being in this body and being invisible. I know that I am the only one who can make the changes and to prioritize my weight loss and do all of the things necessary to make that happen, but I really just need support right now. If anyone wants to share any kind of advice on how to get back on track and how to stay disciplined and motivated, please feel free to share. If anyone has any success stories they want to share, too, please do. I want this chapter of my life to be over and right now I just truly need support from others and need advice and honestly to just been seen and hard.

Thank you all <3

submitted by /u/WeirdExtravaganza_1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is there a test to know what my true current tdee is?

So the title says it basically.

Ive managed to lose over 170lbs with CICO and exercise and I have about 25 more pounds to go before I hot my goal weight. My weight loss has slowed down as it should when we get near the finish line.

I am 225lb, 5'9" and a female. I have been walking around 6000-7500 on average a day. I workout 4 times a week with cardio and weights. Im eating 1600 calories. Id say I am lightly active according to myfitnesspals definition of activity levels.

My tdee calculated online says I should be eating roughly 2400 calories to maintain. So a 500 calorie deficit would put me at 1900 to lose 1lb a week or 4lbs a month. Rn Im barely losing 4lbs a month by eating 1600. So Im really confused.

Even by adjusting my fat percentage (im estimating around 40%) Id still be losing more than I am now.

Are they any medical tests or professional tests to tell me my true tdee?

submitted by /u/zahimahi97
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Eating for the love of food

I find myself struggling to relate to other people on a weight loss journey online. It seems that some of the main reasons people overeat is due to emotional eating, or genuinely feeling hungry. Honestly speaking, if I eat one big meal a day I won’t go hungry, so hunger isn’t the issue here, and when I feel down or emotional I completely lose my appetite. I over eat simply because I love food. I love the taste of my favourite foods, especially sweet things like chocolate, I guess I’m just a massive foodie. Does anyone have any advice for losing weight/ sticking to a calorie allowance when you absolutely love food for the taste alone?

submitted by /u/00minai
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from loseit - Lose the Fat