Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Someone told me I don’t need to lose weight and I can’t stop thinking about it.

Short back story: started counting and excising in 2019 went from 200 to 145. 2020 happened and it wasn’t great on me, was back around 180 and started yet again in 2022, now back at 144 pounds. I was 141 prior to the holidays but I’ve gained a few expected pounds. Where I live it’s a cold winter so even outside of holiday splurging my friends and I have been going out and eating and drinking more in general. I got a treadmill for Christmas (I asked for it!) and I’m getting in the groove of using it. I’ve been logging all my food, even these last couple months of going over super often and just kinda of… hoping for the best but enjoying life. I realize 3-4 pounds of gain over a couple months is really nothing but to me it’s felt like a lot. Plus, without working out I feel bloated and it feels like more than 3-4 pounds in terms of how clothes fit. I still feel ok about everything, but I’m ready to get back on track and finally focus on getting to my goal weight of 130-135ish (going to see how 135 looks/feels when I get there, I’m F 5’7 for reference).

Anyway, I was at work yesterday training a new person (this person is new to their position but not to the department, so we know each other pretty well). It was getting close to the end of the day and I mentioned “gosh I just want to get eats and drinks all the time lately! I should go home and use my treadmill and cook the healthy dinner I have but I really just want to go have Chinese food and drinks with my friend! It’s so hard to kick the last bit of the weight.” She looked STUNNED. She said “what? You don’t need to lose any weight?!” And I just kind of realized how different 3-4 pounds of gaining is to me, how it feels on my body, in my clothes vs how other people see it, which is that they don’t. I’m not saying I’m not going continue to journey because I definitely am but it was great realization after having been a really heavy person and getting this close to my goal that gaining a few pounds doesn’t mean I’m backsliding. It means I enjoyed the holidays, have maybe overindulged a little, and will be fine if I keep it up. Weight loss can be very consuming and if you’re someone whose lost a substantial amount of weight I think it’s too easy to gain a few pounds but feel like you’ve gained 30. So if you’re someone else whose bumped up a bit over the holidays, you’re fine. I would guess no one even noticed. What matters now is you don’t berate yourself or be too hard on yourself, just get back on track and keep going!

For the record- I used my treadmill and cooked my healthy dinner last night. Back on track!

submitted by /u/luckylua
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/isK0hAx

Know of any alternatives to those expensive fruit protein drinks?

I lost 25 pounds in 2021 and I gained 30 in 2022. Due to an anti epileptic drug I was put on, the weight literally will not stop and I’m desperate.

F 5’5” SW 160 (my fattest since pregnancy) GW <130

I did something I NEVER thought I’d do, I joined a weight loss center, “Metabolic Research Center”, MRC yesterday.

I realized I cannot sustain their program financially if I need to spend $8-$10 a day on supplemental drugs and protein drinks. Vitamins and I can find, what I need to locate is either an inexpensive way to make the fruity protein drinks, or a similar yet cheaper alternative.

What have y’all done to replicate the protein drinks? I need to make sure I have a long term sustainable plan.

submitted by /u/Madeyedoody
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/DmCYKJc

I lost 6lbs since I started healthy eating in January.

I have been overweight since Covid, as I was never the active type and it kind of forced me inside all the time. I made a New Years goal to loose 20lbs and get into a habit of exercising regularly/healthy eating. I am getting better at self control when it comes to my diet. I eat healthy meals- protein, low carbs, lots of veggies and fruit. I don’t feel like I am depriving myself of good food either, as I don’t shy away from seasoning when I cook.

It has only been 1 week since I started consist regular exercise, however, I can notice my body get stronger. It is strange that activities that I found difficult in daily life, such as grocery and even cleaning around the house have become easier to do. It’s like exercising helps you live a life that is less straining on you, which kind of shocks me. 6lbs in and 14 more to go. However, I am going to see where this diet/habit takes me in terms of weight loss! Height: 5’7 female Post Covid: 173 Lost weight last summer to 163 Lost 6 lbs since late dev/Jan New weight: 157 😀 Goal: 140 lbs

submitted by /u/Raveenalol
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/MgnZNkX

Losing without the scale

Curious if anyone has had a successful weight loss journey without the scale! I have a history of disordered eating and exercise habits, so the scale is off limits. I would estimate I’ve gained 40-50 lbs in the past 2-3 years and now setting out to lose it.

I’m currently using progress photos and body measurements (both weekly). Is this the best way to track progress without weigh ins? Has anyone done this before?

submitted by /u/rrd291
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/0JWlg4o

Monday, January 16, 2023

Need to rant about weight gain post break up

I (22f) lost 80 pounds between April 2020 and August 2021. I went from 260 pounds to 180 pounds and felt great about myself. Obviously, this was during covid and I had all the time in the world to get plenty of exercise every day. I was also only eating meals cooked at home because many restaurants were closed and I wasn't working much so I had to save my money. I spent my days doing online school, exercising with my friends, eating healthy, and getting plenty of sleep. Overall, I was very confident and pleased with my weight loss!

In August 2021 I met my (now ex) boyfriend. We recently broke up in December, and I've been enjoying the time to myself again. However, I gained 20 pounds during this relationship. Him and I loved to go out to eat, and cooked yummy meals all the time. Also, my exercise minutes per day significantly decreased during this time because life had gone back to normal and I did not have all hours of the day to get plenty of exercise.

I just feel disappointed with myself. Almost as if all my hard work meant nothing. Im having a hard time accepting this weight gain. My clothes don't fit the same, some pants I can't even button up. When did things get this way?

I was debating on this post for a while. I figured everyone here can understand/relate on some level. Weight has always been a struggle for me so it's just constantly on my mind.

submitted by /u/crustacean8
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/Ye5JfAo

Starting my weight loss journey today

I am currently at my highest weight I’ve been at in over 10 years. I’m 5’5 female and my normal healthy weight is at 127-135. However, I finally got up the courage to weigh myself the other day and I’m 161. It’s strange because I exercise everyday, but I think because of how much laying around I’ve done over the past year or 2 (specially the past few months) and I’ve been eating waaay too much the pounds have went up. I don’t even let myself look at myself in the mirror anymore which I know meant trouble. I’m really hopeful though!

I’m a little nervous because (TRIGGER WARNING:) I did have an ED, but I just want to get back to a weight of 127-135 again. And I know it’s possible. I’m not going to change my daily exercise too much but I will be getting a full time job which should help (I’ve only been working part time for awhile) and am going to go on more bike rides and hikes instead of laying in bed on my phone. I just started using my fitness pal today and it has me at eating 1700ish as my baseline but it’s added in extra calories from my run. I’m so excited to be here with you all and glad I found a place for support!

submitted by /u/Pleasant-Phone9352
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/452KLdk

Officially on a “losing it” journey again, need some advice.

So I recently started my weight loss journey again after putting on about 40lbs. I carry the vast majority of my weight on my thighs/stomach. I started eating CICO/IF. It’s been working I’ve slowly been shedding the lbs.

My question is about exercise. Is it needed to lose weight? If so is just doing cardio okay? I feel like every time I try to do anything else I am sore/tired within minutes (squats, lunges, weight training etc.) I’m 32 so my body doesn’t work the same as it used to. I definitely want to shed the fat which I know you can not spot reduce but it is def in those areas and I’m discouraged.

submitted by /u/flashtvdotcom
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/uSR1dac