Friday, February 3, 2023

Is my weight loss progress too slow?

Hello everyone, I (22F) started my weight loss journey exactly 4 months and 10 days ago. So far I’ve lost 23.4 lbs (10.6kg) and while I’m happy to be 10kg lighter, I can’t help but feel like this is taking me forever and would take me ages to hit my final goal. This feeling is really discouraging especially when I read about people on this sub who lose 20 lbs in less than a month and it took 4 months for me to do so. I also see transformation videos of girls who looked similar to me and got their dream bodies in only 6 months and I’m no where near that point.

My starter weight is 187.8lbs (85.15kg) and my current weight is 164.4lbs (74.4kg). I’m 5’2 (158cm). My average calorie intake is 1300 per day and I do cardio workout 3-4 times a week. So is a 4-5 lbs weight loss a month too slow for my stats or is it how it should be? Is there anything I can do (which is sustainable and healthy) in order to speed up my progress? TIA!

submitted by /u/52182
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Cannot lose any more weight…

Hello everybody!

I am a bit discouraged lately since I have been trying soo hard to lose my last 5 kg.

I have lost a total of 45 kg since the beginning (I was 100kgs at 14) of my weight loss journey, but now I am stuck.

I go to the gym 4/5 times per week, do mostly cardio and eat some days 600cals and some others 1000. I know this is not the healthiest I can do, but I am desperate.

Before I feel like this would have worked but I lost 5 kg in 4 months, which is a bit slow in my opinion.

I am almost 21, 55kgx164cm and I am a moderately active person. I know that eating more will make me gain weight.

What should I do? I have been trying for more than a year now to reach 50 kg..

Thank you for your help!

submitted by /u/ArtGymGeid
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Down 39 & no longer obese!!

Nearly 6 months ago, I posted for the first time while at my lowest and most miserable. I posted to get it off my chest and out into the universe, as well as to hold myself accountable. These posts are the first, and likely the only time I’ll ever acknowledge how much I let myself go. 6 months ago, I was obese at 5’2” and 199 lb. Today, I weigh in at 160 lb. Not only have I lost 39 lb, which is the most I’ve ever lost (or needed to) before, but I’m officially overweight! I never imagined living in a timeline where I’d be ECSTATIC to be overweight, but here we are! For the first time in over 2.5 years, I am overweight!!!

I’m a little more than halfway to my GW of 125. In another 6 months or so, I hope to at least be at a “healthy weight.” It took 3 children and several years to put on the weight, so I know and accept that losing it will take tremendous time, effort, and patience. I am preparing for the weight loss to slow down, plateau even; I know it’s easier to lose at first/when you have more to lose. As I approach this point, please share your experience, advice, guidance and/or wisdom on how I can stay motivated and not get discouraged. I’ll be riding this high for awhile, but I know it will start getting to me if/when it feels like the progress is waning, so I want to start preparing for that now!

I still have a long way to go, don’t have much of a plan, and I certainly don’t have any method or strategy to swear by…this is all just my two cents; take it with a grain of salt, and do with it what you will (or won’t). For what it’s worth, wherever you may be at in your journey, even if you’re still mustering the will to START, please know you can do it and that you’re worth it. I am fully aware that my “journey” thus far is small potatoes, but any progress you’re able to make is such a gift to yourself, even if it’s just getting started. 6 months ago, I looked like shit, sure, but I felt even worse. I was ready to give up and let the chips fall where they may. I made a post at 190 lb, but I got up to 199 before I stopped wallowing. Something about being so close to 200…it broke me. Whatever that point is for you, when it’s down to give up or get started, please don’t give up!! I still don’t look my best, and I have a long way to go before I do, but I FEEL so much better, physically & emotionally. Even if I never lose another pound, what I’ve gained is immeasurable. It sounds cheesy typing it out like that, but I swear it’s true.

If you read this far, thanks for listening! 💕

submitted by /u/thisbekels
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Just hit healthy BMI for the first time in 10 years

It's been a while. Today I woke up, got on the scale, and saw a number I was really excited about!

Today was also the first time since middle school of being able to wear any S sized shirt.

Inputting the numbers into the BMI formula and.. 24.8. Not ideal, but I'm getting there. Huge victory for me. Just 4 months ago that number was at 30.5.

I lost 14 kg (84 -> 70) since October by doing intermittent fasting (OMAD usually, sometimes 2 meals) to control my hunger and kept my calories around/below 1200. Dropped all sugary drinks, and all snacks. Been learning certain tricks that weren't so obvious to me at first e.g. putting the ingredients I cook on the scale rather than the prepared plate so that my tracking is more accurate. I've also cut down on some calorie heavy foods in my diet like white bread (Pita bread is too tempting...) and hummus, replaced them with alternatives that I can enjoy just as much if not more such as tortillas and any other pastry. Started cooking my own food after getting over my kitchen fears due to an accident 14 years ago that got me burns all over my body.

I have 10 more kilograms to go until I hit my initial goal, although seeing how great and quick my progress was - I've been contemplating whether I should shift the goal to 5 kg under that. But perhaps I will have to measure my body fat percentage after hitting my initial weight goal before making such a decision or choosing to maintain.

I'm aware I've been rushing it way too quickly but I think I'm managing. Fortunately I WFH so I don't need to be so energetic.

Still not 100% happy with my body which makes sense because I look at myself in the mirror daily. But even earlier into the weight loss journey I've had family ask me "have you gotten thinner?" :) so that's awesome.

That's all. Just wanted to share my progress so far and maybe even post progress pics once I hit my go

submitted by /u/170cm_bullied
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: Saved money on a new Apple Watch

It's been almost a year since I've been in maintenance and I'm still finding ways that my body/life have been positively impacted by my weight loss. My Apple Watch broke and I had to buy a new one.

My old watch was the larger screen size with a M/L band. I guess I never paid attention but when I went shopping for a new one, I realized how big and bulky the bigger size looks on my smaller wrist now. I saved money by buying the smaller configuration, which was a perfect fit, and also got a S/M band size instead.

I hope I never stop finding these little 'reminders', they keep me going when stuff gets hard :')

submitted by /u/edamamecheesecake
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Need a little advice???

Weight loss/work out (fitness) plan for a beginner?!

Age: 24 Sex: Female Height: 5’3” CW: 191.0 pounds GW: 140 pounds

Hi there, I am looking to start a healthier lifestyle. I need help with calorie deficit and a work out plan.

It has been a year today that I have quit smoking cigarettes, I do not drink alcohol unless I am at a social event (I would only have 1-2 drinks). I do not do any drugs. I have quit vaping entirely 3 weeks ago.

Now I need to lose some weight and get in shape for my health. I have been trying a calorie deficit for 5 days now, I am just unsure if I am getting the correct amount of calories a day or if I am eating too much. I have gotten different answers on the calorie deficit calculators. Currently I am eating 1816 calories a day.

  • [ ] Monday-Friday I average around 10,000-25,000 steps.
  • [ ] Saturday and Sunday I average 6,000 steps if not more.
  • [ ] I do beginner 10-20 minute yoga 3 times a week
  • [ ] I also take my dog for a walk 30 mins - 1 hour every single day.
  • [ ] I drink 2 litres of water a day.

I also don’t have a solid work out plan. I just try to keep active throughout the day and I use yoga to stretch my body. I would much prefer at home work outs then to go to the gym.. as I work 10 hour shifts 5 days a week and I do have a dog that I don’t want to leave at home for any longer. I do have a small treadmill (no incline unfortunately) and I have 5 pound dumbbells and 10 pound dumbbells.

Thank you!!!! Really looking forward to any advice I may receive!

submitted by /u/veeg8991
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Should I diet break as planned or keep on going?

I started to diet with /r/MacroFactor on Jan 1. My original plan was to cycle my dieting by eating at a deficit for 5w and then eating at maintenance for 2w. My reasoning is that I have way to far to go to just try to lose it all in one go without burning out. Diet breaks would have the following advantages:

  1. Psychological break from eating at a deficit.
  2. Gives me a third option between a deficit and a surplus.
  3. Gives me practice in keeping off the weight.

I've lost almos 6lbs over almost 5w so far. I'm coming up on the 5w mark this weekend. Now I'm doubting the wisdom of the plan and want to keep my momentum and just keep going. But I also don't want to wait until I'm burnt out before diet breaking but would rather prevent burnout before it happens. I don't want to lose momentum but also want to make sure my weight loss is sustainable long-term. What do you all think?

submitted by /u/dneal12
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from loseit - Lose the Fat