Sunday, June 4, 2023

what are your favourite low effort meals to make?

Ever since I started my weight loss journey I've been closely monitoring what I ate and logging it into a calorie tracker. Alongside that I've been making most of the meals I eat these days, it's actually pretty fun!

I noticed I've been making a lot of salads (namely tuna salad and egg salad) lately, not because of the stereotype that salad is healthy, but because they take very little effort to make.

I don't mind existing on mostly salads for lunch, and it's not all that I make, but I thought I'd like to ask you friendly folks what your go-to lazy meals are! (bonus if they're high in protein for satiety factor)

submitted by /u/beancuwurds
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Any tips for someone who's horrible at sticking to goals?

I'm 29M 5'8" 250lbs. I'm once again trying to get into the habit of creating a calorie deficit and increasing my physical activity.

I get really motivated to do it for about a week, then I become less and less passionate until I'm like "screw it, too much effort" just shy of a month later. I've tried to lose weight several times and followed that same pattern. I've done this in the past with big craft projects, school projects, budgeting money; literally anything that's long-term I just can't seem to follow through to completion.

Supposedly it's a trait of ADHD (which I do have), but that still doesn't help me with trying to figure out how to stick to at least tracking calories and abiding by the limits, even if I feel like it's a huge chore.

I'm very much an instant gratification person, so I think it just get incredibly impatient when I don't see results right away - which of COURSE is incredibly unrealistic, but my brain just refuses to accept the fact that it takes a lot of time and effort to finish long-term things, such as weight loss.

Does anyone else have this same type of personality and have found ways to overcome it? I'm desperate for advice. I want to fit in my old clothes again :(

submitted by /u/DumpsterPuff
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Lose It or other apps calorie tracking question

I’m doing CICO and I’m a little confused by the calorie tracking. I’m not sure but it seems like they’re giving me calories back because I’ve reached a calorie target. But it also gives me calories back for apple watch recorded Walks and Yoga. Wouldn’t that double up on the total calories expended? Or does it account for that?

The other day I hit well past my calorie target (17500 steps) and also recorded an outdoor run. They gave me a 1000 calorie bonus. I’m concerned that there’s no way I can lose weight as that day gave me 2400 calories.

How much lower could I go? my baseline given for weight loss is ~1350-1450

my TDEE is ~2250

submitted by /u/Practical_Argument47
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

i’ve finally found something that’s working for me and it feels great

long story short: i lost 30lbs last year, but was constantly binging and regaining some and then losing it and then gaining some back. in february of this year, i completely fell off and started binging horribly everyday. i’ve gained back almost everything i lost last year.

i’ve spent the last three months feeling terrible about myself. i felt like i was gonna be stuck here forever and like i ruined all of my progress. i haven’t been able to find ANYTHING that’s worked for me consistently. except for now. i finally took a step back and REALLY thought about what i was doing and why it wasn’t working for me. here’s some things i’ve started doing recently that have helped tremendously!

  1. breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday and at least 15g of protein with each meal.

before, i would see how long in the day i could go without eating. i called it fasting, but it honestly wasn’t. i would wait until 4pm and then eat. and guess what happened every time. i ended up binging at night. three meals a day has been soooo important and helpful. they’re nothing special or anything, but they’re something. i know everyone says to eat like 30g or 40g or something for each meal, but that’s just not realistic for me right now. so i aim for at least 15-20g and it’s been helping a lot. i’m not constantly thinking about what i’m gonna eat next and haven’t binged since i started this. i usually count protein for breakfast and lunch, but i always eat a lot of protein with dinner so i don’t usually count.

  1. limiting carbs at dinner.

listen. i’m not saying i’m on some keto diet or something. that definitely does not work for me personally. i just end up binging on carbs later. but i’ve tried to limit my carbs with dinner. burgers without the bun, 1/4 or 1/2 a cup of rice instead of 1 or 2. just whatever i can do or what i’m feeling like. also, for my fellow type one diabetics out there, this has helped me tremendously with overnight highs. i’m not waking up in the 400s from huge carb filled dinners. it also helps me to stop and think: “if i eat all these carbs right now, how is that gonna make me feel later? what if i just take out whatever carbs i can while making sure i’ll still be satisfied?” works great. and if i’m feeling like eating more carbs some nights, then i’m eating more carbs those nights! idk if any of that makes sense but yeah. i also feel like this has helped with the binging too and wanting something sweet after dinner.

  1. focusing my mind on other things. making goals. finding a hobby.

it’s so easy to get lost in all of this weight loss stuff. it’s hard not to constantly think about it. finding a hobby and focusing on that has really helped. i started reading awhile ago, but it didn’t really help me get my mind off things too much. but lately, i’ve been falling behind on my goal for how many books i wanna read this year so i’ve been really determined to get back on track and read a lot of books this month. so i’m always thinking about it. “oh i need to go read so i can get to my goal this month!” “oh i wonder what book im gonna read next!” “i really wanna finish this book today! i’m gonna try really hard to finish it!” literally just focusing on reaching my reading goal has helped so much. sometimes i just sit in my room and talk to myself about books lol. it really helps to calm the voice in my head that’s panicking about food and how much i’m gonna eat today and when i’m gonna eat and what i’m gonna eat. (forget to mention but eating three meals a day does this too! my thoughts about food have decreased by at least 70-80% everyday.) replacing one obsession with another lol

  1. small amounts of exercise and changing my “why” for exercise.

i’ve never really exercised consistently or anything. i usually would tell myself “i need to start exercising so i can lose weight quicker.” so i’d find some crazy intense workout and do a large amount of it for about….three days or so and then give up. it wasn’t sustainable. i’ve found doing small amount everyday has really helped me. even just a short 12 minute workout video before bed. or half of one of those videos before work. or 20-30 minutes in the pool. and it’s not the end of the world if i miss a day. i also changed my reason. instead of exercising bc i wanna lose weight faster, i started exercising bc how cool would it be to be stronger?? it would feel so amazing! picking up that heavy box? no big deal! going on a long hike? no big deal! working 8 hours on my feet? no big deal! i feel weak and tired all the time so how cool would it be to feel even just the tiniest bit stronger? i think it would be pretty awesome.

and that’s it. nothing crazy, but it makes a huge difference. i’m feeling so much happier and free. it’s really great. i’m already seeing progress so i can’t wait to get to my goals!

submitted by /u/CarpetOne1076
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, June 2, 2023

Biggest Misconceptions in Weightloss and Fitness?

One of my friends is trying to lose weight. The more I talk to him, the more I realize he has some incredible misconceptions about weight loss, diet, and exercise.

For example, he only exercises 2x per week. I told him it would help his efforts if he spent some time at least walking every day. He said he wants to build muscle because muscle helps burn fat (true), but walking will destroy the muscle gains (not true). He also doesn't think drinking every day is a problem because 2 drinks or less per day is still "drinking in moderation."

This made me curious: what are some of the biggest misconceptions you've seen or used to have, and how did you overcome them?

submitted by /u/erikpavia
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Summertime & Sunshine: The Perfect Time to Get More Vitamin D

It’s been long known that vitamin D plays a valuable role in health. From supporting our immune systems to promoting brain, bone and lung health, it’s very important to get enough of the “sunshine vitamin.”

Our bodies require vitamin D for many functions. For example, we need it in order to absorb calcium, iron and other essential nutrients. Vitamin D deficiency is a serious concern and unfortunately more common than many may realize. Vitamin D deficiency symptoms include fatigue, regular sickness or infection, bone or muscle pain, mood disorders or hair loss. If you are a deficient for a long time, it can lead to serious problems, such as autoimmune, cardiovascular and neurological conditions.

Since vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin, it’s also possible to get too much of it. While this is rare, vitamin D toxicity is serious and can lead to high amounts of calcium in the blood. This is generally caused by large doses of vitamin D supplements. If you have any questions or concerns about vitamin D supplements, speak with your doctor to assess your needs and determine what is right for you.

It’s important that you’re finding ways to get this important vitamin in healthful doses. With summer just around the corner, now is the perfect time to soak up some sunshine and get vitamin D! Incorporate healthy vitamin D-rich foods and outdoor exercise into your Nutrisystem weight loss plan. Here are some tips that may help:

7 Signs You Need More Vitamin D

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Get your vitamin D naturally from foods.

Healthy foods containing vitamin D

As with any vitamins and nutrients, whenever possible, it’s ideal to get your intake naturally. According to The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, “Nutritional needs should be met primarily from foods and beverages — specifically nutrient-dense foods and beverages.”

There aren’t too many food sources that contain naturally occurring vitamin D. However, there are some healthy options that can easily be incorporated into your Nutrisystem weight loss plan. Salmon and other fatty fish are one of the best choices! You can also get it from certain types of cheeses, egg yolks and mushrooms that are grown under UV lights.

Many of the foods in America are fortified and can give a dose of this important vitamin. Fortified foods have the potential to provide most of your vitamin D intake. Common fortified foods include cereal, milk, plant-based drinks, orange juice, yogurt and cheese. Check the label to make sure you are buying a fortified version.

Seek the sunshine.

sunshine in heart shaped hands

Vitamin D is the only nutrient the human body produces when exposed to sunlight. And now that summertime is rolling around, it’s a great time to start getting those daily doses of vitamin D by getting outside!

According to Medical News Today, “The skin produces more vitamin D when in the sun during the middle of the day, the time it is at its highest point in the sky. When spending prolonged time in the hot sun, wear sunscreen, and stay hydrated.” They also explain that your skin color and the amount of skin that you expose to the sunshine will influence how much and how quickly you make vitamin D.

Make sure that you’re using proper sun protection. Sunscreen is important to help reduce your risk of skin cancer, which is the most common cancer in the United States. Overexposure to sunshine can be problematic, so as with most things in life, balance is key.

According to experts at Yale Medicine, “Because skin cancer, particularly melanoma, can be such a devastating disease, it’s best to use sunblock when outdoors in strong sunlight for any prolonged length of time. Because this may limit the amount of vitamin D you get from sun exposure, make sure your diet includes sources of vitamin D from foods or supplements.” Again, always speak to your doctor before taking a new supplement.

Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D?

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Get out and get moving.

Woman walking outside in the sunshine with her yoga mat

With the weather continuing to warm up, you can make getting outside a win/win by not only boosting your intake of vitamin D but also being on the move and torching calories. The key is to get outside and get moving.

Whether you want to go for a walk, hit the trails to hike, ride a bike or maybe go for a swim, people tend to really enjoy being outdoors—and may end up burning more calories as a result. There may be mental health benefits, as well. A study, published in Mental Health & Prevention, found that exercising outdoors reduces stress and improves overall wellbeing.

For so many reasons, green space is good for us! We spend so much time in front of screens and breathing in filtered air that simply being outside really does our bodies good. And it gives us lots of ways that we can keep our bodies active and moving!

One of the best ways to stay active all summer is by switching up your routine so that you don’t get bored. There are many different summertime exercises and activities that can keep those pounds coming off all season long. Check out some of our favorites here! >

Smart choices for your body.

Man on a bench relaxing, checking his phone and enjoying the summer sunshine

At the end of the day, it boils down to making the best choices for your body. Spending some more time outside during the summer will give you just the vitamin D boost you need along with more opportunities to stay active. In the end, that’s a win for your health.

*Speak to your doctor if you have any questions about vitamin or vitamin D supplements, as well as before making any dietary changes. 

10 Foods High in Vitamin C

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The post Summertime & Sunshine: The Perfect Time to Get More Vitamin D appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Seek some guidance advice to devise my fat loss plan (37% to 15% or lose 94 lbs). Please Help!

My stats - 31| Male | 5'4.75 or 164.5 cm | SW: 247lbs or 112 KG | GW: 154lbs or 70 KG

I aspire to drop 93 lbs and/or bring down my body fat from 37.5% to 15% by the end of next year. This amounts to a time frame of 1-1.5 years

I had some questions with regards to nutrition & fat loss rate.
1. Considering that I am Obese Class III currently , should I cut at 1% per week until becoming overweight i.e from 112 KG to 82 KG and then cut at 0.5% for dropping the next 7-12 Kilos ?

  1. Will losing at this rate (1%) impair my ability to put on muscle? P.S- I am a newbie lifter.
  2. Will consuming 160g protein per day be optimal during this entire journey to build muscle?
    The method I followed to reach this number is 1g of protein per pound of my Lean Body Mass (71.9 KG). Also this number is closer to 1g of protein per cm in height (164 cm) as well as 1gm protein per pound of my desired goal weight (72 KG).
  3. If I start my journey with a 20% or 600 calorie deficit from my current maintenance (this amounts to 2462 calories), on average how long will this deficit expected to last (in terms of number of months or weeks) before I have to lower the calories again?
  4. When having to lower the calories the second time, will I lower 20% (400 calories) from 2462 calories which is the new maintenance calories for me because the weight loss would have stalled?
  5. Is the following exercise routine sufficient for me to take through the entire journey & get me to my goal weight?
    GZCLP - 3x per week
    8000-10000 steps per day (6x per week)
submitted by /u/ansseeker
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