Monday, June 19, 2023

Anyone else still struggle with the mirror after weight loss?

I (22M) have lost about 60lbs so far, but I still have about 50 to go. I’ve nearly dropped a shirt size, and multiple people have told me they can tell i’ve been putting in the work. I feel great, have much more energy, and am much more confident.

However, when I look at pictures of myself or look in the mirror, in my eyes I’m still the same size I originally was. Is this normal, or is this something I need to just work through? It makes it tough to stay motivated when I can’t see physical results in myself (even though I can through clothing sizes)

submitted by /u/Savings-Dirt-1854
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Don't know what to do.

Hey y'all, hope you are having a great morning/afternoon/evening. Honestly I'm just lost. Lost with the weight loss shit. 2 years ago today I posted to this sub regarding how I had officially lost 100 pounds and was moving into my career of choice. I went from 318 pounds to 208 pounds in the span of a year. I was so happy with the way my life was going and just to ready for whatever life was ready to throw at me. Especially after losing all that weight. Fast forward a year, I started seriously hitting the gym and continuing to eat decently up until about 6 months ago I'd say. My old habits caught back up with me. Seemingly out of no where and for the next six months I'd say I started eating 5-8 thousand calories a day again with the excuse in my head being that "I workout at the gym now, I can afford to eat this" so yah. I'm back to square one. I had a moment of realization last month that I was pigging out again and started bawling my eyes out. I don't want to feel sorry for myself, but I have no motivation to want to eat good anymore. I still workout every single day, so I am a pretty strong dude, but I am so packed on with fat now it doesn't look like it whatsoever, all my progress is gone. I'm at 298 pounds now. I feel worthless. I feel stupid for allowing myself to do this to myself again. I just needed to vent, any potential advice is appreciated though. I love reading the stories on here. You are all inspirations.

submitted by /u/Icy_Mistake2730
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Officially down 40 pds (F 19 56) and Im feeling happier and healthier all the time

I’m officially down 40 from my highest weight of 244 (5’6, F), and am looking to lose 50 more this year. I definitely know I’ll be able to do it, and I’d also like to introduce some gains as well.

Since February 7th, I’ve been giving myself space to float between 1200-1400, and so far I’ve seen really great success.

Probably 1.5 to 2 pds a week. I eat much more protein, vegetables, and fruits than I have ever had in my whole life.

But I still eat McDonald’s, sweets, and fajitas! I’ve also garnered a whole new love for cooking, just tonight I made nachos that knocked my damn socks off. 😁

The thing that I noticed early on is the “healthier” you eat, the MORE you can eat in a day. And I’m a chubby soul so that forces me to eat right so I can eat lots of volume.

Sure, I eat McDonald’s here and there, and a cosmic brownie sometimes, but I tend to choose healthy stuff so I can be fuller for longer.

It’s not significantly fast weight loss, but I’ve never felt more proud and more confident in myself than I have today. I also haven’t had any issues with loose skin, fingers crossed.

My face is smoother and thinner, my waist is much more defined, and although my boyfriend loved the way I looked at the start, it’s like he can’t get enough now!

Good luck to all of y’all, y’all inspire me all the time.

submitted by /u/Peeweefanclub
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Please Help

Hello Everyone! This past week I had a major wake-up call to what comes with being overweight and having an unhealthy lifestyle. I ended up needing to go to the ER for an extremely infected Pilonidal cyst and will need surgery in a few weeks to keep it from coming back. What causes this? Being an overweight, inactive, white male. I have never felt the need to lose weight because I am happy and generally pretty healthy, but it seems my health is starting to catch up with my habits and I need to begin to make some changes. I have some problems with food and like to eat quite a bit even when I'm not hungry and I know that's going to be really hard to get past because it's something I've always done...but I know It's the main reason I am overweight. How can I get past this habit of eating so much and also eating when I don't need to? Also, what are some good diets/meal plans to go by during my weight loss journey? I feel like I am ready to make a change and that it's what's best for me, I just need some advice and some help getting started. I am a restaurant server, so I am moving a lot, but I have started a gym membership to hopefully help me out, just need some determination to get out regularly and work out. I am currently about 250 pounds and want to get to about 180, I feel like that should be an achievable goal with some hard work. Thank you guys and I will keep y'all updated!

submitted by /u/Presidentwiggins
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

weight plateau after losing some weight

hello! I was wondering if someone can help with some tips to push past this!!

I am a 24F 5’5 started out at 235lbs (highest) and lowest weight being 183lbs I’m currently fluctuating between 185-193lbs and I’ve been maintaining my weight for the last 2 years which I take as a WIN because it’s it’s hard to do so once you feel like you look a certain way. However, I do want to maybe go to down to 150-165 and my weight has been not budging I am active and I have pretty good workouts 4-5week. I definitely feel like my maintenance calories and deficit has changed and I’m having a hard time figuring it out I want to lose the extra 15-20lbs and see how I look. I use to work with a trainer and it was amazing but we have parted ways I’m not sure if it’s me or my body has adapted to a different way of functioning now. I do know with schools my stress was high at some point so being a female it can throw my hormones off balance as well as maybe having a copper iud but I’d like to think this maybe not significant to my weight loss maybe I haven’t been eating the best either or miss workouts so to be conclusive I feel like it’s a bunch of different factors but any feedback is appreciated so much!

submitted by /u/Worried-Win-5101
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Need to lose weight.

I'm currently 25 years old, weighing approximately 79.5 kilograms and standing at a height of 5'7" to 5'8". I have been feeling quite insecure about the excess belly fat I've gained over the past four years. To address this issue, I am determined to lose weight. My plan involves reducing my daily calorie intake to around 800-1000 calories and a daily walk of 5-6 kilometers. My goal is to lose around 5-7 kilograms within a two-month period. Is it possible for me to lose 5-7 KGs with this plan? Due to my strict schedule and the high temperatures in Islamabad, Pakistan, I am unable to spend more than an hour outside. However, I am considering joining a gym after a month to further enhance my weight loss efforts. I am open to any additional suggestions or advice you may have.

submitted by /u/awaisgt
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I backslid and recovered

Went from 298->235 the past six months. I started out just worrying about calories and then building healthier habits slowly. The past two months I saw a big drop in my blood pressure and heart rate. I started planning every meal I eat. I have the habit of choosing the most convienant thing in the moment which is usually unhealthy. It's helped a lot to not have any excuses and my diet had been very clean.

I am dealing with a loss right now and it's brought out the worst in me. I was drinking, gambling and eating fast food for 5 days straight. It just made everything worse and made me feel like a failure. When I fail it gets easy to continue failing. I have never lost this amount of weight or been this consistent with weight loss my whole life. I have a long way to go but thinking about how far I have gotten helped me stop snowballing. I always go off the deep end once I cheat and feel like I blew it. You can start to believe it's not possible to lose weight sometimes. Well after 12 years of failing over and over I'm figuring out what works for me.

submitted by /u/OlWizardTower
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from loseit - Lose the Fat