Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Never thought doing burpees would ever be a thing I could do. Was super intimidated by them. I just did 3 sets of 10!

This is a huge fitness win for me and wanted to share. You can do anything you put your mind to with just enough determination and willpower and most importantly never giving up on yourself and believing you are worth it.

Able to do a high quality burpee, with the pushup, was surprisingly easy. Obviously the weight loss helped make it possible as there is no way I could do a proper one for most of this journey. I've only been able to push my weight up since this February, but those were really poor form I realize that now.

Do you guys do burpees? We're you always intimidated by them like I was thinking that's not for you? They may be more in reach for you than you realize. If you can't do the pushup part that's fine.

Do you have a full calisthenics routine if so what do you do?

I'm thinking I'm gonna do 3 sets of 10 every night from now on and potentially add more or do different things in the routine as well. This is just day one, on a whim.

Hope you get what I'm trying to say with this post. I want you to know that if I can get into the shape needed to do a burpee, anyone can.

I believe in you.

submitted by /u/Nolan-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/Os2cIV9

Has anyone done a medically restricted 800 cal diet?

For other morbidly obese (or formerly so) people, did you ever do a 800 cal diet? One done under a doctor supervision for a few weeks? If so, what did you do and what were the results? Were there bars you ate or vitamins you took or a plan you followed? What were your macros and micros?

I have done research about it online as I am 5.4’ and 250 lbs and it reads that you can stay on such programs for up to 12 weeks. (Largely due to such high starting weight)

This is something I am considering as I seem to be stuck in my weight loss, and I generally enjoy fasting. I actually used to be 309 lbs and do fasting 2 days (eating at night only) every week at the present moment. However I am concerned about the health risks… my insurance starts next month but I want to do more research before taking off work to see a weight loss doctor and I find it helpful to know what I am talking about prior to seeing doctor so I know what questions to ask

submitted by /u/Relative-Resist-436
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/R25aeZh

27 pounds to go and I am stressing over maintenance

I started my weight loss journey at 241 and am now 187 lbs. My goal is 160. (will probably try and get to 145, but 160 is the last time I was comfortable in my body) I have been steadily losing 10 or more pounds a month, so I’m pretty sure I’ll be hitting my goal around mid November which isn’t too far away. I am so over this diet, that I’m worried about how to maintain. In the beginning of my diet I kept thinking when I’m done with this I can’t wait to go out to eat and be able to order actual food or I can’t wait to not count every single calorie. I quickly realized, though, that that’s exactly how I got myself here. Going out to eat usually involves a 1000 or more calorie meal. Cooking “whatever I want” usually means a high calorie meal. Being able to “finally eat chips” means putting on some pounds. I’m worried that I’m doing all of this work to soon reach my goal, but I still have a very unhealthy relationship with food. The last thing I want to do is get all this weight off and put it all back on. The thing I’ll never understand is how people just eat normal. How do I get myself to the point of balance?

submitted by /u/Bleeblabbs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/xADs2Hn

My weight loss strategy (excluding diet, which I'm not wholly qualified to speak on)

Each week I hit a new target weight just once. The target weight = last weeks target weight minus 1 pound

I don't worry about how my weight fluctuates throughout the week.

Got the strategy from my Sales job. Where my boss doesn't give a fuck about what Im doing throughout the shift. Or when I clock in. Or how long I work. All my boss wants is leads. He just wants a number.

I am always on the high end of a caloric deficit.

High protein. 180 grams of protein.

I work a job where I stand all day.

On off days I run/walk constantly throughout the day, and I am on an incredibly intense workout regiment.

I'm aiming for a pound a week.

I was at 187-191 when I started a month ago.

Now Im at 183-187. Will keep dropping the pounds until my lil brother can overpower me in the paint and score. Then its bulk season

submitted by /u/Visual_Habit_8784
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/br9jk6O

Has anyone found that protein shakes caused them to stall?

A brief history: I peaked at about 280 around 2.5years ago, but I was pretty steadily 250 for the last 4 years or so. I lost the 30lbs with portion control, working with a dietician, but her method was painfully slow, so I jumped on Ozempic bandwagon early last year and I lost 15lbs but then fell into a depressive episode and jumped back to 250, but the ozempic helped me stay at 250. Once out, not finding the max 2.4mg dose of ozempic/wegovy helpful, I found out about Moujaro and then the miracles happened. I went from 250 about 7 months ago, to 178 today. I was probably only eating 800/900 calories a day tops. 260 calories for breakfast, and the 600 or so calories for dinner. I always tried make dinner a protein, but I could feel that I was losing muscle, and I was able with a Dexa scan, showing that I could've lost up to 10lbs of muscle during this journey. Knowing that I wasn't eating nearly enough protein, especially for such a deficit, I cut 160 calories out of breakfast and replaced it with a low carb protein shake (30g) (so still 160 of oatmeal and 160 of protein shake), and then I would have another protein shake as either a snack, or after I worked out (started doing pilates about 3 weeks ago). I still kept dinner protein heavy, and around 600 or less, So I was hopefully getting 90-100g of protein. My lean body mass is 115lbs so I thought close enough.

My weight loss got really slow about 2.5 months ago. I started with the protein shakes 1.5 months ago and ever since then it's pretty much been a complete stall. I fluctuate between 182 and 178. That's it. I also have noticed that I'm sleeping way more. I have less energy.

I'm still on the Mounjaro 15mg.

What can I do to push/break this stall. I thought starting to workout would help but it hasn't made a difference. I do pilates like 3-4 times a week. I don't keep any snack food at home so it can't really be that. I've cheated here and there, but again, not enough to cause this. No different than a cheat day here and there when the pounds were melting off. The mounjaro still works, it still makes me full pretty darn fast. I've been on it about a year now. I know people eventually plateau, but I'm at a caloric deficit, I should still be losing weight.

I would appreciate any advice/help.

submitted by /u/jlesnick
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/SzLMho4

Monday, August 14, 2023

Weight loss tip

One good weight loss tip that I believe helps you stay on track on those days that you overeat/ go over your calorie limit is to think of your calories in terms of each week.

Most people when they try to lose weight they think of the amount of calories they need to stay under each day. The problem with that is obviously those days that we end up eating more due to going out, feeling stressed or whatever happens that day.

Those things usually demotivate people and makes them wanna give up all together. However if you think of the total amount of calories you need to stay under each week, it can feel more like a small slip up rather that a catastrophe on your weight loss goals

To illustrate my point let’s say you eat 500 more than what you are supposed to that day. Let’s say the amount of calories you need to stay under is 1700. If you think of those 500 calories in comparison to the amount you are supposed to eat that day, it might feel like you “ruined” your diet. However if you compare those calories to the amount you need to stay under each week (1700x 7= 11,900) it doesn’t feel like that big of a deal. You can just be a little more careful the next couple days and you can feel like you are still on track.

Hope that helps!

submitted by /u/NecessaryRude
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/m9MY0kS

eating the correct amount?

hey there, first post on this sub! i’m 18f 185lb 5’10, relatively active 6x week (1hr ish cardio from dancing & another hour or so of resistance training), about 8k steps a day minimum, and on semaglutide for non-diabetic insulin resistance. i’ve been eating around 1500cal a day of lean protein, complex carbs, and some healthy fats. i’m feeling pretty good, no fatigue or extreme hunger, but i was wondering if this seemed like an ok amount to eat so as to not lose muscle too? i’ve always been pretty slim and active while eating well, but due to some health issues earlier this year i gained from muscular 130s/140s up to untoned 190s. i’m pretty new to weight loss haha so any help or advice is appreciated!

submitted by /u/EnvironmentalLog8208
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/R4x2KEv