Monday, October 16, 2023

Cardio vs weight lifting - when is which better for weight loss

How do you assess whether to focus on weight lifting or cardio for weight loss ? Like I see both being recommended but I don't really get which in which situation and which info is needed to decide that?

Weight lifting is for building muscles and cardio for burning calories and your heart etc that's clear, but sometimes people say not to do too much cardio for losing weight as it makes it harder to eat less in long term and it supposedly makes the body burn more muscle mass or sth..? I'm confused, please enlighten me.

So far I thought about doing 2 weeks with 3x cardio and 2x weight lifting and then 2 weeks with 4x weight lifting and 1x Cardio and 1x liss cardio in sync with my energy levels throughout my cycle to get"the best of both worlds" but not sure if that makes any sense at all especially for maintaining muscle mass.

submitted by /u/langweilmichnet
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

6 Easy Ways to Lose Weight This Fall

If you’re like most people, your weight loss journey typically begins on New Year’s Eve―and not a moment sooner. However, you’re actually missing out on the best season for shedding pounds: fall! This time of year presents optimal opportunities for weight loss and overall health improvement. So start your healthy living routine now and you’ll be prepared to face the unhealthy holiday temptations that lie ahead. Check out these six simple ways to lose weight this fall!

1. Enjoy the Great Outdoors

raking fall leaves

Summer, with its sweltering temps and scorching sunlight, isn’t exactly conducive to outdoor exercise. But fall’s lack of humidity makes exercising outdoors a breeze. And, since we all know that increasing physical activity is a great way to speed up our slim-down, taking advantage of autumn’s cooler temps is a fast pass to weight loss success.

Try catching up on a loved one’s day with a pre-dinner stroll, or get off to an active start with a morning jog. Not sold on the whole exercise thing? Torch some calories engaging in fun fall activities like apple or pumpkin picking, a local corn maze or raking leaves!

2. Snooze to Lose

Woman getting restful sleep

One of the things people like least about fall is the shorter days. But in a nation of sleep-deprived multi-taskers, is it really so bad that we’re forced to wind down a little earlier?

Time and again, studies exploring the relationship between sleep and weight have demonstrated that adults who skimp on sleep tend to weigh more than those who get adequate pillow time.

Considering the fact that a 2013 Gallup poll revealed that fewer than 40 percent of adults are getting the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep a night, chances are good that an earlier curfew could work in your weight loss favor.

Start by setting an earlier bedtime. But don’t stop there; decide on a to-do curfew as well. This will be the time you ditch the devices, stop cleaning the kitchen, silence your cell and start unwinding. To make drifting off easier, avoid eating, exercising or napping right before you hit the sack.

3. Take Advantage of the Healthy Harvest

Organic vegetables. Freshly Picked Beetroot and Carrots.

Aside from dishing out filling fiber and a slew of other nutrients, fruits and veggies are cholesterol-free and low in calories, fat and sodium. This makes them an important part of any weight loss plan.

In fact, a 2015 study, published in the journal PLOS Medicine, demonstrated a clear connection between increased consumption of fruits and non-starchy vegetables and weight loss. That’s one of the reasons why we recommend eating at least four servings of non-starchy vegetables per day on the Nutrisystem program.

Autumn, with its tasty array of seasonal produce, makes it easy to load up on these nutritional powerhouses. Hit the grocery store or farmer’s market to stock up on your fall favorites, and toss them in a crock-pot with some chicken or vegetable broth for a cozy fall stew. Or visit the Recipe section on the Leaf for some other produce prepping ideas.

4. Savor the Structure

easy meal prep tips

Although one of the things we love most about summer is the spontaneity, the lack of structure can make planning meals and scheduling exercise kind of tricky. Add to that weekend after weekend of BBQs and picnics and you’ve got a recipe for diet destruction.

But with the kids back in school and the weekend commitments slowing, fall is a great time to get organized. Try planning out the week’s meals on Sundays, then hit the grocery store to grab everything you’ll need.

Get a head-start on healthy by chopping up and packaging your daily produce picks in individual serving containers. Check your calendar for commitments, then mark the days you can work in a workout.

When it comes to weight loss, a little planning goes a long way. And autumn is the perfect time to plan out healthy habits for the year.

5. Plan Ahead for the Holidays

Whole Homemade Thanksgiving Turkey

Planning ahead is a crucial strategy for weight loss during the fall season. As the weather cools down, we find ourselves surrounded by holiday celebrations, gatherings, and an abundance of comfort foods. These can easily lead to overindulgence and weight gain. But, with a bit of foresight, you can navigate these challenges successfully.

Before attending any event or party, consider eating a healthy, filling meal at home. This will help curb your appetite and reduce the temptation to overeat.

Additionally, try to anticipate the types of food that will be available and strategize about which ones you’ll choose and how much you’ll serve yourself. By having a plan in place, you can enjoy the festivities without compromising your weight loss goals. There are many resources on the Leaf to help you navigate holidays while on a weight loss plan. Learn how to plan your Thanksgiving plate to lose weight.

Remember, successful weight management is not about total deprivation, but about balance and making mindful choices. We’ve got plenty of holiday-inspired recipes on the Leaf that allow you to enjoy the flavors you crave in a healthier way. Try these healthy Thanksgiving pies and these Christmas dinner ideas.

6. Step on the Scale

weight loss person on a scale

Regardless of the season, one thing is for sure: weighing yourself regularly is a great way to stay on the trim-down track. In fact, in a two-year study published in the Journal of Obesity, researchers found that frequent self-weighing and tracking results was helpful for losing weight―and keeping it off.

Don’t lose sight of the scale just because the season changes. Try weighing yourself once a week, around the same time of day, and with the same amount of clothes on each time. Record your weight on a calendar, spreadsheet―whatever works for you.

Just be mindful that your weight is susceptible to many factors, including fluid and sodium intake. So don’t panic if you’re doing everything right and that number on the scale goes up or stays the same across two weigh-ins.

Another easy way to lose weight this fall? Sign up for a convenient meal delivery service like Nutrisystem! Get started with a weight loss plan today.

The post 6 Easy Ways to Lose Weight This Fall appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

35F, suffering from PCOS. Recently joined gym but didnot loose weight. Instead gained 2kg being in calorie deficit of 1200cal

I need community opinion on my weight condition. Small background. Got diagnosed with PCOD in 2013 since then left junk food since I was told it will help in cure of my condition.Multiple Doctors simply tell me to loose weight but when I tell them I dn eat junk or extra food except with some exceptions they have no answer. All my tests done multiple times. Hormone, diabetes, vitamin deficiency thyroid but everything is normal in my body.

Now 3 month back my weight was 65 kg which was constant since 2 years. Suddenly I started feeling my clothes are getting tighter hence checked my weight a month back it went to 72.8kg. In these months again my periods stopped. Same day i joined gym out of guilt.

Since 1 month every week I workout for 4 days a week. I follow strict diet as suggested by my trainer with mostly my calories going upto 1200calories. Today when I checked my weight it was 74.4 kg and I felt like crying. Trainer said it must be because of muscle gain but my main purpose was weight loss because my clothes are getting tighter and I hate looking in the mirror because I feel I look ugly.

I dont know if someone can relate with me or not but would like some genuine advice.

submitted by /u/EducationalSympathy7
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, October 15, 2023

NSV: I am officially 5 months in!

Alright, super exciting news and post today! I am officially 5 months into my journey today and 37.8 lbs down.

This is the longest that I’ve ever been on a weight loss journey & I never imagined I’d be able to actually stick with it. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve started and stopped. And started. And stopped. Over and over again.

What’s nice is not only have I had longevity, but it feels sustainable. The weight slowly comes off & I am learning to enjoy my life with the weight coming off slowly.

Sometimes I consider tightening up - there may have been a world where I could be closer to 50 pounds down by now. However, I’m learning to enjoy the journey of weight loss rather than being super hard on myself.

At first, I didn’t allow myself the freedom to drink or eat with friends - but now, I’m allowing myself to do those things while being conscious of my choices.

I don’t weigh every piece of food that goes into my body anymore, but make more informed decisions about what to eat. And the weight is still coming off.

Anyway, I can literally taste onederland & I’m getting so excited to be getting the body I’ve always dreamed of having. Also, as always, here is a little progress photo! Feeling amazing. Looking so much better.

submitted by /u/earthyisland
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting my weight loss journey

Hello weight loss gurus of reddit i'm 15 years old 185cm tall and around 98kg depending on when i'm weighing myself. I've been made fun of my entire life for being fat and i do indeed have manboobs and i'm tired of it so a week ago i started trying to lose weight. I am hitting the gym 4 times a week for 2 hours and mostly doing arms, abs and back cus it's my school gym that doesn't have a lot of equipment. I am also soing intermittent fasting i don't eat from 6pm-12pm the next day. I'd say i'm around 800+ calories deficit everyday really depends on what i eat. My goal is getting to 80kg or below while possibly gaining muscle how unrealistic is this? And how long do the professionals on this subreddit think it would take going at this pace also will loose skin become a problem?

submitted by /u/time_traveler420
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: Knocked 7 and a half minutes off my 5K time!

I took up running and a weight loss journey starting in November of 2022, weighing in at 317 pounds (6'2 male). I started running every other day, and since I live in Canada, purchased a treadmill to run during the deep freeze months. In early June, I ran my first 5K race, and clocked in at 38:05. Since then, I started running outside, training towards 10k, and after losing the first 40 pounds started upping my run frequency to 4-5 times a week, mileage around 20-25km a week. Currently doing a 10k long run on Sundays, my young kids bike with me while I run and it's become our little tradition on Sundays.

Figured it was time to gauge my progress after a summer of running and watching my diet (now down 65 pounds, currently at 252) before it's back to running indoors here in Canada. My 5K race this morning clocked in at 30:24!! Likely still a comical time for seasoned runners, but I'm proud of the progress I'm seeing.

Long time lurker on this subreddit, and felt like I wanted to share this little win with the community. Big thanks to everyone on here for posting their journeys, it helps a lot with staying motivated and pushing through the struggles.

Pics or it didn't happen!

submitted by /u/Sionn3039
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, October 14, 2023

31 female needs help!


I need some help, I have been denied weight loss medications as well as surgery due to an exclusion on my insurance and I feel so lost. I am 31 female with PCOs, I currently weight 283 and am 5’7. I have been on a weight loss journey for a year now, I work out 3-5 times a week with 30-45 mins of cardio as well as HIIT. I have started to count calories about 3 months ago and have not seen any weight loss. I consistently stay below 2000 which is less than my tracking app is suggesting. I am trying so hard and I feel so lost and upset that I can’t get any help from insurance. My dr and I have tried to get me every medication and it just gets denied and I finally decided to go for a surgery consult and was again told my employed refuses to cover it. I tried to speak with HR about having an insurance advocate and they said we did not have one and that they would not be discussing adding things to our plans. Can anyone offer me any advice?? Thank you 😊

submitted by /u/Desperate_Site_9215
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from loseit - Lose the Fat