Sunday, October 15, 2023

NSV: Knocked 7 and a half minutes off my 5K time!

I took up running and a weight loss journey starting in November of 2022, weighing in at 317 pounds (6'2 male). I started running every other day, and since I live in Canada, purchased a treadmill to run during the deep freeze months. In early June, I ran my first 5K race, and clocked in at 38:05. Since then, I started running outside, training towards 10k, and after losing the first 40 pounds started upping my run frequency to 4-5 times a week, mileage around 20-25km a week. Currently doing a 10k long run on Sundays, my young kids bike with me while I run and it's become our little tradition on Sundays.

Figured it was time to gauge my progress after a summer of running and watching my diet (now down 65 pounds, currently at 252) before it's back to running indoors here in Canada. My 5K race this morning clocked in at 30:24!! Likely still a comical time for seasoned runners, but I'm proud of the progress I'm seeing.

Long time lurker on this subreddit, and felt like I wanted to share this little win with the community. Big thanks to everyone on here for posting their journeys, it helps a lot with staying motivated and pushing through the struggles.

Pics or it didn't happen!

submitted by /u/Sionn3039
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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