Thursday, October 5, 2023

Skinny shamed by some douchey gymrat type after losing weight?

Why do people do this? I put effort into becoming thin because I was obese,and I'm expecting most people would be supportive but I literally end up getting shamed by some random stranger I never met online who looks like he's on steroids?

28M,I am 6'1" 145 lbs right now,BMI 19.1:don't call me anorexic because if you do then you're exactly the type I'm complaining about:yes I'm very thin,but I'm not underweight,and I feel more confident and attractive at my current weight than when I was borderline obese at 230 pounds (BMI 30.3).

So basically the story here is,I was always a very thin lanky guy but during COVID I gained a LOT of weight from binge eating all day and I reached 230 pounds at one point,so I decided to start dieting eventually and after a few months I slimmed down a lot to 145 and am now skinny again like I was pre-COVID.

So I posted pics of myself before and after on Facebook to share my success:it was noticable I went from fat slob to pencil thin. Most people were praising it and saying congratulations etc. and I'm happy about that...

...but I suddenly saw this absolute rando out of nowhere jump in the comments that I never saw on my profile before,I don't even know how he found my post but anyways:the dude's pfp is him 'flexing' and it's obvious he's a generic gym rat type.

He wrote something along the lines of:

'Lmfao youre a scrawny lil shit thats no improvement. I would break you in half like a twig lol you fucking anorexic giraffe you should either begin lifting and taking protein to become JACKED or delete this post and stop bragging about becoming a pathetic lanky ass fuck.'

...why? Why would you just jump into a random stranger's post on social media and then insult them without any provocation? I was literally just thinking 'I'm happy now because I've lost weight so I wanna share my success'and then I see this bs?

I still haven't responded to him yet so I wonder what y'all think I should say. Aside from that,let me ask:has anyone else experienced something like this post-weight loss? I.e. people shaming you for improving? Discuss.

submitted by /u/Big-Winter-6678
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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