Sunday, November 5, 2023

Re-starting weight loss journey

27F, 5-4ft, 180 pounds. Calliper test shows 27-30% body fat.

I've always been into weight lifting. I have muscles everywhere but the amount of fat I have doesn't allow me to look fit..more like...strong fat. People around me can't believe I'm this heavy.

I don't drink juice or coke. I cook every meal. Rarely eat out. But my weakness is sugar. I can eat chocolate, pastries, cake non stop. And those things add many calories and very little macros. Usually I replace main meals for those sugary things because of guilt. I also know that I calm anxiety and stress with sugar.

I want that to stop. I want to stop justifying myself. I know I can achieve great results in a sustainable way. I started today.

submitted by /u/PossessionSmooth2453
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Metformin for weight maintenance/ weight loss

My doctor is prescribing me a new antipsychotic and metformin as my paliperidone shot caused me to gain 50lbs in 4 months and I no longer have a period. She said it may not necessarily help with weight loss but I eat one small meal a day and walk five days a week and the scale is still going up.

Does anyone have experience with metformin for weight loss. Any tips maybe I’ve heard there’s plenty of side effects?

I’m hoping it will aid in weight loss because my metabolism has been destroyed by the antipsychotic.

I’d like to hear your personal experiences because I start the medication on Nov 12 th and I’m excited to hopefully make a change.

submitted by /u/frootkid
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Can’t seem to lose weight, giving up hope that it’ll ever happen

I’m a 5’9, 31 year old male. Several years ago I gained a ton of weight (70 pounds) from Prozac, going from 160 to 232 pounds. I got off prozac and have gone down to as low as 179 but it’s been years now and I cannot get rid of those last ~20 pounds.

I’ve tried exercise- I love to work out and typically will lift or run 2-3x a week. I can’t seem to stay consistent though no matter what and I’ve been trying for a while. I have been very busy with applying to medical school but I think I’m just being weak and undisciplined; ie not going to bed on time so I end up too tired to wake up early and lift. There’s a discipline problem there and I don’t know how to fix it.

I’ve tried altering my diet - but even when I have good weeks I tend to ruin it by something ignorant like eating a large quesadilla and chips and guac at my favorite local Mexican spot after a long day/week of work. Even when I’ve been at my most consistent with the diet, I still have more than 20 pounds to lose to get to my pre-Prozac weight. Lowest I’ve gotten to is about 179. I’m currently around 187 again.

I’m starting to feel like I am just incapable of achieving my goal and that I should accept that I will never again be at a healthy weight. But there is something within me that resists this. I still believe that I can achieve my goal if I set my mind to it. But I also want to achieve permanent weight loss; I want to build a more healthy relationship with food and keep the weight off for good.

However, what the hell else can I do to achieve my goal? I live alone in an area where I don’t have a lot of friends so I can’t rely on a gym buddy. A lot of it is discipline/motivational; how can I ensure I follow through on my workout and diet routine even when it feels like it would be soooo nice to sleep in or eat Mexican food?

Please share your success stories of how you overcame this lack of discipline, or perhaps it’s another issue?

submitted by /u/Pure_Ambition
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Hair thinning with weight loss? (26F)

Question for you all - I've lost a not-insignificant amount of weight over the past six or so months (175 -> 130ish, not sure my exact weight since I don't have a scale and just periodically check in when I'm at a family members house. The # doesn't mean a ton to me). I'm 5' 4'', so very much now in the 'normal' weight category for my height.

And I've found that more and more of my hair is falling out, and my hair is thinner than when I weighed more. (Not thinning, per say, I don't have any concerning bald spots or it's not pattern-based, but more so just less hair overall, all over the head.) It's not like this is out of my pattern, I've found that when I've weighed more, my hair has been thicker, historically, but is there a rhyme or reason to why this may be happening, or is there anything you know of to prevent this from happening?

submitted by /u/confettiqueen
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I want to give up. I feel like I'm destined to be fat. I need encouragement.

Since last year January 2022, I've made a personal effort to lose weight. I did stair climbers every day and watched my calories, becoming increasingly stricter over time. Despite doing cardio, my weight loss stalled. I scoured the internet for answers and discovered "metabolic adaptation" so I switched to weight lifting, lost more weight, and stalled again. By August 2022, I'd lost about 30 lbs, and by January by the skins of my teeth I dropped another 10, but was still pudgy in my middriff area, and still too fat to switch to bulking and putting on VISIBLE muscle. I watched everything I ate, I sprinted every day until I wanted to throw up eating only 1300 calories. The scale would not budge. Even my Boyfriend was confused. I had a brief "giving up" period where I started a intense job, and had less time to meal prep and be at the gym. I literally gave up for like 2 months, and gained almost all the weight back I lost in 2 years. Try to be proactive, started a program, car breaks down, fridge breaks and my meal prep food spoils, I was down 5 lbs last week, but gained back 6 this Saturday. I feel like I'm losing my mind atp. I feel like all of this weight loss advice is bullshit lies. Was I just destined to be fat? Is there a threshold of happiness or bodily satisfaction I'm allowed to? Am I being punished for trying? None of this is making ANY sense. All of this hard work I've put into my body, and fitness while I watch people who aren't even as strong as me in the gym be naturally skinny. Why should I even try atp?

submitted by /u/AnonymousMe01
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, November 3, 2023

Has anyone else felt a lot worse about themselves as they've lost weight?

I have lost 42lbs in 3 months. It has been unintentional weight loss, really, I stopped smoking and treating my addiction to smoking also unexpectedly helped with my addiction to food.

I am still very much overweight, because my start weight was 265lbs, but I feel like I look worse now than when I started??! The lines and signs of aging in my face are more pronounced because there's less fat plumping it up I presume, and I have new stretch marks in places I never had them before like even near my ankles!

I didn't have a problem with how I looked before, but I can feel the positive health benefits (my asthma is considerably easier to manage and I am able to walk and exercise for longer than before), however the new body image issues are really bringing me down.

Is this common with weight loss? Does it subside? I'm seriously considering cosmetic work once my weight loss stagnates, because of how I feel about myself :(

submitted by /u/ProfessionalWolf8122
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

6 month progress, down 30kg (66lbs)

(April 2023 - November 2023)


Height: 177cm (5'9)

SW: 98kg (216lbs)

CW: 66kg (145lbs)

Very proud of myself. First time ever having visible abs.

Context: Had been lazy for the past year, constantly ordering food online as I had been living at university. After coming back home I decided to make a change. As a teenager, I had lifted on and off without a real programme and caring about my nutrition, and this time I was determined to track calories and macros. I am astonished at how straightforward the process was, though I have to admit I was very close to quitting due to how long it took for the results to show. I plateaued several times, and I remember being so frustrated. But I simply kept at it.

If I had to do it again, something I would change is to make sustainable changes rather than going from 0 to 100. For example, I was barely eating at 1300 calories a day while doing a LOT of physical exercise during the first few weeks (fuck HIIT). I was dreading every single day, constantly had some sort of physical pain and quickly realised that this was unsustainable.

So to summarise, I:

- Ate in a high protein calorie deficit

- Strength trained to maintain muscle

- Did exercise I enjoyed (and therefore continued to do)

- Built sustainable habits

- And most importantly, did not give up.

Best of luck to everyone on their weight loss journey.

submitted by /u/violent_tendencies69
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from loseit - Lose the Fat