Saturday, November 4, 2023

I want to give up. I feel like I'm destined to be fat. I need encouragement.

Since last year January 2022, I've made a personal effort to lose weight. I did stair climbers every day and watched my calories, becoming increasingly stricter over time. Despite doing cardio, my weight loss stalled. I scoured the internet for answers and discovered "metabolic adaptation" so I switched to weight lifting, lost more weight, and stalled again. By August 2022, I'd lost about 30 lbs, and by January by the skins of my teeth I dropped another 10, but was still pudgy in my middriff area, and still too fat to switch to bulking and putting on VISIBLE muscle. I watched everything I ate, I sprinted every day until I wanted to throw up eating only 1300 calories. The scale would not budge. Even my Boyfriend was confused. I had a brief "giving up" period where I started a intense job, and had less time to meal prep and be at the gym. I literally gave up for like 2 months, and gained almost all the weight back I lost in 2 years. Try to be proactive, started a program, car breaks down, fridge breaks and my meal prep food spoils, I was down 5 lbs last week, but gained back 6 this Saturday. I feel like I'm losing my mind atp. I feel like all of this weight loss advice is bullshit lies. Was I just destined to be fat? Is there a threshold of happiness or bodily satisfaction I'm allowed to? Am I being punished for trying? None of this is making ANY sense. All of this hard work I've put into my body, and fitness while I watch people who aren't even as strong as me in the gym be naturally skinny. Why should I even try atp?

submitted by /u/AnonymousMe01
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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