Saturday, November 18, 2023

Nearing the lowest weight of my adult life and a bit nervous I'll be stuck here

I haven't been a healthy weight since probably around 8 years old. I've been losing weight steadily since August, and I'm approaching where I was in college...which is by no means my end goal as it's still obese, but it is nice to have dropped the post-grad/covid weight and get back down to ~215.

November's been the hardest month so far though. I've had my period, daylight savings, and vacation. Due to all these, I've definitely been eating a bit more unhealthily and exercising less, and the scale understandably hasn't budged much this month.

Something I've learned is that by far the hardest part about weight loss for me is the patience required. An annoyingly loud part of my brain is telling me that I'm incapable of getting to a weight any lower than this, since I haven't as an adult, and that's why the scale's stalled...and it's the holidays and I might as well throw in the towel and stop trying. I'm going to be trying to ignore that line of thinking though, because I know it doesn't make any logical sense.

A little NSV that's keeping me motivated is that this pair of jeans from college finally fit fairly comfortably again...they started out struggling to even get over my thighs. I'm thinking of wearing them on Thanksgiving to motivate me to make more intentional choices about what I put on my plate, as opposed to leggings I've worn previous years in anticipation of bloating from overeating.

I just thought I'd post here so anyone feeling the same knows they're not alone, and maybe those that have gotten past some of these hurdles can offer some words of wisdom. :)

submitted by /u/nikallze
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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