Monday, December 11, 2023

Excited for your before and after photos?

Is anyone else just SO excited to get to a point where they feel comfortable/ready posting their before and after pics to r/progresspics ?

Even though most comments are the same over and over again, I still really do think the approval and celebration will be very exciting. I might even go to a professional photographer and get all dressed up the day I reach my goal. Naturally those photos wouldn't be shared publicly, but just for my OWN record.

Additionally, how do you personally approach weight loss on your personal social media? (Like your Instagram and Facebook) Are you going to post befores and afters there? Do you simply not acknowledge it? Do you actively discourage discussing the topic?

Personally, I'm not quite sure about what I'll do in my future, because it'll be PRETTY noticeable so I'm not sure if I should discuss the elephant shaped hole in the room. I'll probably have a clearer idea in the future. I do admit, sometimes when I don't have as many chins or my collarbones look nice, I may post that to my personal social media. A while ago, I posted some photos of my holiday and an acquaintance commented "don't gain weight while you're on holiday! 😂" (Ironic, because I actually lost 1kg when I got back) Naturally, the second I saw that comment I hid/deleted it because I'm not ready to talk about everything so openly and also because that's not an appropriate comment, I'll eat whatever I want whenever I want ESPECIALLY if im on holiday.

Regardless of anyone else from my real life or on Reddit, I will cherish ALL the photos I have of myself and my journey of getting to my GW. And I hope every single one of you can have enough self love and compassion to love yourself at every size too.

Let me know if any annecdotes or interesting media you would recommend relating to the topic (Social media, weight loss before and after pictures, other people perceiving your weight loss, etc.)

submitted by /u/stabby_coffin_salt
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Last 10/15 lbs is making me go insane

Hey guys! So im 25F 6'1 tall (SW 400+ CW 199 GW 185) Ive lost almost 200+ lbs over the course of the last 3 years, most of which happened in the last 24mo. Im finally in the home stretch of getting to my goal weight! But i have a MASSIVE dilemma. I legit no matter how hard I count calories or exercise cannot for the life of me move past 198.6 and im literally ripping my hair out. And before you ask yes im eating at an insane defecit. I also work at Amazon and burn anywhere from 430-700 calories a shift which i monitor closely. I also dont cook and while living on microwaveables is frowned upon by most, i enjoy it because i have a very busy lifestyle and it also works better financially. So everything I eat i track. If it doesnt have a listed calorie count i wont touch it at all. I also dont have cheat meals, i dont drink anything but water, and everyday I eat anywhere from 700-900 calories a day. I keep telling myself that this isnt that hard, i mean I dont just lose 200+ lbs and suddenly begin to defy the laws of physics. Also with every 5 lbs i lose i always go and recalculate my calories needed. I know that eating as little as i am is considered extreme by most, but i have a hard time convincing myself i even am hungry most of the time. I dont get why TF these last 10lbs are stupidly not budging, and the fact that i eat as little as i do and for some reason defy the laws of CICO? Like does my body somehow forget what tf its doing? Like it does realize when you are on a VLCD that you will lose weight, i mean for christs sake starvation patients and others dont just decide yea im being starved lets GAIN weight? Or do i need to submit myself to a scientific study for them to show me i am an outlier and a freak of nature when it comes to weight loss? Im just seriously at my wits end with this, that being said, im not giving up at ALL. I just dont know what more I can be doing besides dipping even lower caloricly which im fine with, but its just so freaking frustrating to deal with this shit when im so damn close to my goal weight. Its been like this for the last 3.5-4wks and im ready to throw something lol. This post is kinda venting but if you have any tips on how to get over this weird plataeu thing and also just reassure me im not totally crazy and that being in a deficit and exercise will eventually result in me losing weight id appreciate it. Ive just worked so hard this last year to be stuck so close is so frustrating and i know i can lose the weight, i just dont know why my body decided to go on strike and be an asshole about it. I just want to hit my goal weight by february so badly and i feel like im never going to get there even with all my restricting :(

submitted by /u/PossibilityLost2172
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

It’s so hard getting back on track

Started my journey in March at 244.4lbs which is a lot for a 5’2” woman. Since then I’ve gotten down to 185lbs and I’m so proud of myself.

My big goal for losing weight was to feel confident and beautiful at my wedding! I had my wedding last weekend and I am so grateful for the progress I’ve made since March!

This last month and a half leading up to the wedding has been so busy and I haven’t really been tracking and eating the way I should be. I’ve been fluctuating between 180-185 for a while now because I keep getting back off and on track again.

The wedding is over and I’m ready to get under 180 and inch closer to my ultimate goal weight! Any tips for getting back on the bandwagon after you’ve been off for a while?

I’m ready to continue on my weight loss journey, but for some reason it feels so much harder now.

submitted by /u/pancakequeens
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Frustrated but not at reality, just my brain's inability to grok it

Two and a half years ago I weighed 123. With loss and pandemic and other great excuses I'm now at 150, my; highest. I've managed to bounce to 140 a few times but there's just been some chaos. The chaos is finally ebbed and from all looks my life should be calm enough now that I can begin working out regularly again and eating well again. Goal is that 123 again but more fit, so I would be happy with more weight but better actual fitness (I was just skinny, not toned). I'm 48, perimenopausal, recently put on estrogen, the middle aged spread is real.

So, I started working out regularly about 9 days ago. A routine I've used in the past that has worked well. Tracking my food and staying around 1,200-1,400 (5'5" woman). I weighed in when I started with my fancy scale and today was my first weigh in since starting. I KNOW, I fucking KNOW what happens the first few weeks. But to prep myself I also read some articles last night and confirmed that you really can't expect weight loss in the first 2-4 weeks of working out. In fact a slight gain is common. But when I got on the scale and saw I had gained a pound (149-150), I cried. My muscle mass went up a tiny bit as did my lean body mass but so did my body fat and my water went down.

I'm working really hard to not let this set me back and feel discouraged enough to stop eating well or working out. I really want to be near my goal weight by July which shouldn't be impossible even though losing weight as we age is definitely tougher. I just don't want to feel depressed and like this isn't working. I know if I keep at it the trend will reverse but seeing that high weight and yet feeling my sore muscles just hurts. I was hoping to at least have stayed the same, now part of my brain is "well if we are gaining this way, might as well stop trying". Shut up, brain.

Also estrogen tends to help you lose weight but the first month or two you will retain a lot of water so the scale will reflect that, too.

I just need to stay motivated and positive about this. I am not happy at this body shape and size. I know I can do this and I know today's weigh in isn't a reflection of the work I'm doing. I just don't believe it yet.

submitted by /u/Fit-Jasmine
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, December 9, 2023

I need honesty.

I'm 22 and weigh 336lbd.

Is it truly possible to lose over 200lbs without surgery or medication?

My mother came to me a few months ago, and brought up weight loss surgery. She said her insurance will pay for it and that she would pay the deductible if I would agree and get it.

I thought about it for awhile and agreed to go to a doctor, but I wasn't quite prepared for the things that followed.

I don't want to commit to taking so many pills for the rest of my life, or not being able to do some of the things I like ever again.

Now I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I have till spring to lose at least 50lbs or I have to get surgery. I don't want the surgery. I want to prove to myself that I can do this on my own, but it feels impossible.

submitted by /u/madnys-Manor
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost 85 lbs, struggling to lose the last 20 and seeking guidance

Hi everyone

This year I’ve lost 85 lbs (230-143) after having the gastric sleeve in February. I’m 5’0 so I’m aiming to get to 125 because I still feel like I am fat. But I’ve been bouncing between 142-148 since October.

What I currently do: I play tennis 3x a week since August, recently added in F45 and been doing that 5x a week and tennis 2x. One rest day a week.

I eat(what I consider) little so it’s not as easy as just eating less. One protein shake, one egg and one bacon, 2 servings of fruit, dinner I usually have chicken and a carb and veggie at about 500 cals. This puts me even being generous at 1,000 cals most days, maybe one day a weekend where I have sweets so I’m at 1,300.

What else can I do to kick start my weight loss again? Should I start tracking macros? More calories? Less carbs? Do I bite the bullet and get a trainer/professional help? I’m so close to my goal weight I’d love to be there by my 1 year surgery anniversary in March.

submitted by /u/emiliaemilio
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Magic formula

Hi everyone, I just to want to share my personal experience.

Im on a lose weight journey since almost a year.

While I was trying to lose weight I continued to hang out with friends at bars almost every night, trying to limit alcohol cocktails and avoid binge drinking (that I was used to do before my decision to lose weight).

38M SW271 - CW220 - GW190

My weight loss was not constant during the journey and at the beginning I tried only to keep my calories tracked on my phone, I tried some fasting, I started to cycle few days a week with a friend during this summer.

Then I subscribed to this reddit, reading posts in my spare time..

I slowly felt that was on the right way to lose weight but everytime my balance was going down after few days everything was going up again.

I felt I was stuck and couldnt do anything about.

Then something changed.

I started to hang out with this beatiful girl, that after a while rejected me, then I felt miserabile and alone again, in the bar drinking for no reason.

Then I quit everything was a bad habit for me (also negative people) and started to focus on myself and nothing/nobody else.

I started going to the gym and quit alcohol, going to bed everynight at 11pm and waking up at 7am. Then I started to noticed few changes (few lbs off, my upper body in the mirror looked a bit differenti). I was still afraid that the journey ahead was too long and difficult due quantity of fat I had to lose. My motivation was still low.

Then I felt very bad as my habits were still very poor due the sedentary work that I do (office job).

Then one month ago I dropped everything for a bikepacking trip for 20 days. I cycled 900km through France and Spain, 15 effective biking days, 40 to 80 km a day, 3 to 5h of biking everyday.

That was a game changer. I lost my last 11lbs but the funny thing was that biggest change was not on the balance but in the mirror. I realized that those days actually did a lot. (Most of the routes were offroad or steel roads) so very intensive sessions and I was mostly rating only a Little breakfast and a normale dinner..

Now Im not afraid anymore about my journey cause I know where Im heading to.

The magic formula is get out of your current lifestyle and all its bads habits. No excuses. Focus, discover and respect yourself and workout hard to stay happy and strong! The goal is right there between your hands!

Thank you everyone.

submitted by /u/master_985
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from loseit - Lose the Fat