Monday, March 18, 2024

TDEE/Deficit Help

I 31F 5’11 have been actively strength training 3-4 days a week for an hour or more and getting 10k steps or more for 6 months. I do have PCOS so it makes weight loss harder but that aside I feel like I should see more progress. I am a trained chef so I do eyeball some measurements here and there(I double check often) and also weigh foods with a well calibrated food scale. I measure everything butter/oil, condiments and foods/beverages unless there are no calories ex. certain hot sauces or water enhancers. I feel stronger but I’m still not seeing much change visually and only around 10lbs difference on the scale and not much in inches from the start. Which makes me think I did something wrong in calculating my TDEE/Calorie deficit. I used THIS I started at 296lbs estimated BFP 48 and am now 284lbs estimated BFP 47. I put in those original numbers and the moderate exercise and got 2911 calories so for cutting 2411. MyFitnessPal gave me the same number at 2410. Should I have done something different? Any help is welcome but please be kind depression and then parenthood really packed the pounds on.

submitted by /u/LiviInTheGalaxy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Weight Loss in a Month

Hi all. I’ve been on a weight loss journey for the past 3 ish months. Started going to the gym about 5 times a week and started eating cleaner and significantly fewer calories. I’m currently 341 (highest was 350) and I’m going on a trip in about a month. I always hear people say that losing weight is easier for obese people but I feel like 9 pounds over 3 months isn’t a lot. Is there anything I can do in the next month to really shed off some pounds? I think I just need help making manageable goals for my weight. Thanks! (and if your answer is as simple as “move more, eat less” you don’t need to respond thanks!)

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from loseit - Lose the Fat

"Pms" from weight loss?


I've been tiiired for the last week or so, despite sleeping more than usual. I've also felt like I'm having pms (low mood, feelings of hopelessness, feeling ugly). A few breakouts as well (uncommon for me). The thing is, I'm nowhere near the end of my cycle - in fact, I expect to ovulate in a week and should feel GOOD!

Could this have anything to do with weight loss? I've lost around 10 pounds/4,5 kg in the last couple of months, so it's not a very fast loss. But I'm just a few kilos from my goal weight and had a thought that maybe the "oldest" fat had accumulated more hormones/toxins etc. Am I stopid? 😁

I know stress/low iron/spring tiredness could be possible culprits (checkup is booked), but I'm still curious about the weight loss aspect.

submitted by /u/Snigelskinn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, March 16, 2024

just need some reassurance:/

First time poster longtime lingerer 😅 hiiii I’m a 21F, 5’4ft and 216lbs. I paid for and took this RMR test this week and idk why but it was very hard for me to believe my rmr is 1728. But the lady giving me my results said in order to lose weight I have to eat above this or at 1700. In my weight loss journey i’ve never eaten anything more than 1400 but i haven’t been successful. When i use calculators online most of them say 1576 is what I should eat to lose weight, but the lady at the rmr test says other wise:/ I just really need to get this weight off me and what calorie deficit to stick to because I feel like anything around 1700 I’ll be setting myself up for faliure.

TLDR: Do I eat above/more than 1700 calories to lose weight or stick to what online calculators say and eat 1576?

submitted by /u/Dramatic_Witness_552
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Looking for accountability partner 36/M.

Hi all, so this is not my first foray into weight loss. I started in 2019 and in two years I lost over 100 lbs. I went from 290 to 170. I was ecstatic, and the best part is that I've been able to maintain it for the past 5 years until recently. Before Christmas I decided to stop vaping, and I was 100% successful, however I gained nearly 40 lbs in 6 weeks. Luckily I haven't gained any in the past month and a half and I've been sitting at 210 steadily. I just need extra encouragement to get back moving.

I'm looking for someone to regularly talk to and motivate (each other). I have experience with calorie counting, ketogenic diet, hrt, and regular exercise - these are all the things that worked for me in the past. Let me know if you're serious and interested! This can be done!

submitted by /u/King-ofthe-Trees
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

An update post on my weight loss and reversing type 2 diabetes

I made a post here about how I lost 80 lbs and reversed type 2 diabetes. In march of 2023, my A1c was 7.5, and it scared the crap out of me as a 21 year old. I started exercising every day and I started eating less, note-unlike most diabetics, I didn’t cut out carbs. I wanted to see how my body reacted to just exercise and a calorie deficit.

By June of 2023, I had lost 35 lbs and my A1c was down to 5.8! I decided to keep it up, and as of march 10th, 2024, my A1c is now 5.2 and my fasting blood sugar is in the 80s.

I say I REVERSED diabetes because I can now eat a heavy carb meal like spaghetti, or cake and my blood sugar never goes over 120. I show no signs of ever having diabetes even though my 7.5 A1c indicated that I did.

So in my case, weight loss actually did eliminate diabetes. My body uses insulin like everyone else that doesn’t have diabetes. So if you’re diagnosed with it, lose weight and exercise every day.

submitted by /u/2006gto1234
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, March 15, 2024

Accurate TDEE - Worried I’m not at a big enough deficit.

I’m trying to get a handle on my caloric deficit as I get more serious about losing weight. For context, I’m 30/M, 5’9”, 190lbs. I lift 3 days a week and hike once a week, putting an emphasis on trails with incline to get my heart rate up.

I’ve been down the weight loss road before. I’ll spare you the details, but I got down to 140 in high school and 165 in college. Fast forward 10 years to marriage, desk job, and clinical depression and I can’t stand to look at myself in most pictures.

Without getting too off-topic, I’m worried that my caloric deficit isn’t enough. I’ve used multiple TDEE calculators online. Some say my deficit should have me at 1600, others say 1800, one said 2000 which can’t possibly be right. I use the MyFitnessPal app which autogenerated 1760 as my goal so I just stuck with it. I’m typically under that number by 200-300 calories per day anyway, but I still wonder if 1500 should be my daily “goal”.

I only started counting calories about two weeks ago, so this is not a “I’m not losing weight!” post. It hasn’t been enough time to worry about that yet. I’m wondering if I should stick to this 1760 for a month or two, continue to aim 200-300 under, and see what happens. But I’d also like to hear from others if this is clearly too high and I’m wasting two months of potential loss. If I set my goal to 1500, I’m probably just going to shoot for 200-300 under from that too.

Thanks and feel free to let me know if I’m leaving out any important info or any questions you may have for me.

submitted by /u/MADBARZ
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