Friday, August 16, 2024

No change in thighs after 40 pound loss

Hellooo, I’m 21F and my cw is 146 lbs. My sw was 185 lbs around 3-4 months ago. I don’t weigh myself very often but I do measure myself and I’m at a loss over my thighs. My waist went from 32 inches to 27 inches. My hips went from 47 inches to 42 inches. My bust went from 40 inches to 34 inches. But my thighs have barely lost 2 inches. They look the exact same from when I started. I feel like my weight-loss is barely even noticeable and I’m so exhausted because my thighs were one of the main reasons I decided to start losing weight. Now I feel like my weight loss was pointless because atleast when I was bigger my thighs looked proportional?? Now I’m somewhat thin up top and humongous down below. I’ve looked everywhere for any kind of solution and at some point thought I had lipedema but my doctor said I don’t have any symptoms (no pain, no nodules, no swelling, etc). I know I’m bottom heavy when it comes to distribution but there has to be some kind of limit to it right? I’m 10 pounds away from a healthy bmi (i’m 5’2) but my thighs look bmi 33. Should I get a second opinion? Are there any other medical issues that could cause this kind of distribution?

submitted by /u/ctrlhoya
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Losing motivation, what do I do?

Hi guys! So I have always been small or at my biggest medium but a few years ago I started BC (Nexplanon) and it made me gain a WHOLE bunch of weight. I was a hormonal mess in all senses of the word.

The last few years has been a bunch of yoyo dieting, unhealthy weight loss habits, and binge eating. I am so tired of this cycle and have lost motivation. I barely go out anymore and am scared that if I keep this up I will waste these last few years of my 20’s in the house too afraid to date because of my weight. I have also just recently broken up with my ex and that has been difficult to navigate as well.

I wonder if I will ever be able to get out of this rut. Wondering if anyone has been here before. Are there any strategies or books that helped regain motivation? I really don’t want to lose hope but I am mentally exhausted.

submitted by /u/ChemistryOk4056
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

loose jawline after weight loss

I have lost about 15 pounds another 10 to get to my goal.

I'm running into an issue though, ironically my jawline looks a bit worse as there's a bit of loose skin under the jowls now. I already have a prominent chin/jaw so fillers or inserts or whatever they're called is not an option

What are my options, will the skin tighten up on its own, im 37 or is there a procedure that's not too invasive or cosmetic that has helped for you guys.

So my stats, 37 Male, 5'10 180 lb

Any advice would be appreciated and I would love to hear any personal stories about this topic as well. Like if anyone else is going through something similar

submitted by /u/Round_Astronomer_89
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

How do I be patient with my weight loss journey?

I’m 5’4 and weigh in at 155 pounds. My shoulder and stomach fat is honestly getting to me since I feel so uncomfortable in my body wearing tight clothes and how it looks on me. I recently started a calorie deficit, consuming roughly ~1,500 calories a day and although I know the weight loss journey isn’t supposed to be perfect, I just can’t stand being in my body for one more day, as dramatic as it sounds. I hate how my weight fluctuates, as I was 150 lbs a few days ago and now I’m 155, and it makes me feel like I’m earning no progress.

I’ve started walking a minimum of 10,000 steps a day, and just purchased a food scale so I can be more accurate with my food intake, along with cutting down on sugary drinks (which I often indulge in). What are some things I can do to be more patient with the process? I know it’s going to take half a year to a year to get to the goal weight I want to be at, but it’s genuinely eating me alive having to commit to these limitations daily in order to achieve my goal physique.

submitted by /u/mangohabanerowingz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does your body adjust to the calorie intake you are at and require less calories to keep losing?

So I have recently started weighing my food and tracking calories after a failed attempt at losing weight with the carnivore diet. It became pretty apparent that I was obviously over eating and that’s why I wasn’t seeing weight loss but I am now starting to see weight come off. I am currently eating 1,600 calories a day as a 25M with very little physical activity due to my job. My concern is when I hear about plateaus in weight loss. My question is if I’m seeing weight loss at 1,600 calories is it possible that my body adjusts and stops losing weight and requires me to eat less calories? 1,600 already seems pretty low and I have lost 4lbs in 2 weeks so it seems like it’s coming off quick but I worry that if I have to eat less at some point I’m going to be really malnourishing myself to reach my goal. What’s your experiences with this if you were tracking calories? Did you find a calorie range that worked and kept losing or did you have to keep dropping?

submitted by /u/Relative-Status-9000
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Only seeing the weight loss on the scale?

Hi all, I have a question just to see if anyone is on the same boat.

I started my journey April 18th at 81.1kg I've been slowly and steadily losing weight, at least according to my scale and family members. Today I'm at 62.4 kg.

I'm happy, kinda? This was the lowest I've been in since 2018?

But all of my current clothes still fit? I mean all of them, haven't lost a pants size, bras fit just moving the hook from third to second instead and a Medium shirt that I had still fits me just as snug as it did before.

The clothes don't fit me any looser they fit just like normal? The only difference to me is that my collarbones are a bit more visible.

Obviously the scale and the people telling me I lost weight can't be lying but I guess the weight I lost are from my boobs and butt cause it's not showing on my clothes 😭

Anyone else? I'm sure my hands to my elbows are slimmer but my shoulders still bulge out in my t-shirts.

*I'm only walking, and will continue swiming and suba diving in October as thats my job and I can't do high intensity workouts/strength training due to a recent injury and subsequent surgery.

submitted by /u/Intelligent_Health90
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Struggling with meals for entire family

I’m on my weight loss journey, counting every calorie that passes my lips. My husband could give two shits about what he puts in his body and my teenager is trying a new meal plans every other week it seems like, mostly to “bulk up”.

Every time I make a plan for dinner someone is unhappy. If my husband makes dinner, I typically can’t eat it because it’s too many calories or I could have a tiny bit but still be hungry afterwards.

I’m at my wits end making multiple meals to appease everyone or arguing about it every damn night. My husband makes me feel like shit about what I’m doing to try and get healthy. He’s naturally thin, eats junk, and drinks beer and stays the same size. I am beyond frustrated.

What are some easy meals that are low calorie but don’t taste like it?

submitted by /u/Nash_M28
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