Tuesday, October 25, 2022

I'm finally overweight!!

I started this journey 8 months ago and now according to the BMI scale I'm finally considered Overweight and it feels good. I thought I'd be more excited when I actually got here but I realise I still have a long way to go.

I started at 236lbs and currently weight 206lbs. It's taken a long time than it should because I wasn't really able to stick to my calories every single day. I also started this with IF but in a few months it just didn't fit my schedule and it wasn't for me but I think it can be a great way for someone to get started if they have a habit of snacking constantly.

I hit a plateau as well, everybody does and what helped was starting to move more, initially my idea was to just reduce my calories and lose weight that way because I hate exercise but I knew I eventually would have to start exercising (to lose weight and for my overall health).

I tried running on the treadmill for a week and just stopped, I HATED IT.

Then a few weeks later I just read a post about walking and I just started walking around my house while browsing on my phone. It was so much better and I could do it at any time without having to put on without clothes or set a separate time period for it. I also have a fitbit so I joined all these challenges for steps that motivated me to move more as well.

It genuinely helped me a lot both in weight loss and also it helped reduce my RHR and I'm still really surprised that all I had to do was walk, so if you're dreading lifting weights or running on the treadmill, just walk. It's not the same but it's better than sitting all day.

I hope some day I can enjoy strength training and fast paced cardio the same way that I enjoy walking.

submitted by /u/Putrid-Television-22
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/yxKCLi2

There and back again

Alright. Finally time to admit it.

In 2017 until 2019 I went on an amazing weight loss journey that changed my life forever. I went from roughly 350lbs down to my lowest of 190lbs - a total loss of around 160lbs. At my lowest, I felt great. My previously non existent dating life changed for the better, I found an amazing girlfriend, got the dream job and everything was looking great.

Everyone always warned me about the statistics of obese people who lose all the weight are likely to put it all back on in the end. I didn’t think this applied to me. “How could I ever go back to that lifestyle after all this hard work?” I thought. Boy, was I wrong.

Fast forward to today. I’ve put back on over 100lbs (current weight - 275lbs) While I still am in a great and loving relationship, my relationship with myself (and food) has never been worse. I’ve found myself scouring my old Lose It posts from my initial loss to find some motivation. Old progress pictures make me feel sick to my stomach to see what I have in front of me.

I’m going to pick myself up and give it another go. This is a never ending battle and I’m excited for this next chapter.

With that said, does anyone have any tips for someone going through a second weight loss journey? Has anyone dealt with something similar?

submitted by /u/HuntersRun54
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/wZW6Mt0

i ate a whole pie in 2 days

this is my first slip up since starting my weight loss journey. i’m not beating myself up too bad about it and in a sense i’m glad i realized i have less self control than i thought (before accidentally going overboard during thanksgiving or my birthday trip).

i bought the dumb pie thinking i had the willpower to portion it out and have sweets available for a while. i’ve kept sweets in the house but never this much (make some gummy snacks, a candy bar or the little snack cakes) and i just kept going back for more slices. going forward i’ll know better and just not buy it but i know this is probably going to set me back a bit 😅. how do you guys recoup after mishaps?

submitted by /u/stillaflower
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/wqcHR4l

Don’t try too hard

So I’ve been on a weight loss journey for almost 2 years now. My weight has gone up and down more than the stock market it seems like. I’ll lose 5-6 lbs then gain it back. Then lose it and gain it back. I do know I am the issue because I’ll get bored of my diet, or fall off completely and not get back on track till way too late. Another reason is I set goals and then when I don’t hit that goal, I say to myself, what’s the point?” and then it’s back to eating out. So for the who knows how many times, I’m back on it and hopefully it sticks. Some things I leaned through this “journey” are:

1) Don’t stress a bad day. We will all have them. And it’s not a bad thing to have a cheat meal or a cheat day. What matters is how you respond the next day. If you eat healthy 6 of the 7 days and are in a calorie deficit overall, guess what? You lost weight! That’s success. If you wake up and tell yourself, “I can’t believe I ate half a pizza on day 2 this week? I give up”. Then it’ll be a bad week. Just start overall. Not about how you start, about how you finish.

2) Scale can be an enemy. I OBSESSED over the scale. I tried everything to weighing myself every day to once a week to every other week. If the scale didn’t meet what I “thought” I did, then I was a failure and gave up. Don’t worry about the scale. Worry about how YOU feel. How your clothes fit. The scale will eventually catch up.

3) Weight loss goals won’t always be achieved on time. As I mentioned, I didn’t hit my “lose 5 lbs by this day goal”, I failed. Don’t worry about the “lose this much by this day” goal. Your goal should be “lose weight”. Period. Yeah, it would nice to lose 2 lbs/week or 10 lbs/month. And if you achieve it, amazing! If not, as long as it went down, you met your goal. That’s my goal forward. Lose weight!

4) Don’t let someone else’s success be your success. This one sounds weird, so I’ll explain. I see tons a post of people having success. And first, CONGRATS! One thing I did was read, “I was able to lose 20 lbs last 2 months” and think, “I can do that”. If I didn’t, why? One thing to remember about anyone else on here is, we all live different lives, lifestyles, work life’s, etc. Someone’s job may be more active than others. So they burn an additional 400 calories per day at work than someone else. That’s 8000 calories per month on average, which is roughly 2.2 lbs! Others may have genetic things going on, such as an underperforming thyroid. Be your own success story! Let them inspire you to start and keep going. But their goals/success may not be yours.

5) Track. Track. Track calories! For a while, I tried to “guess” what I ate. I would know a small fry at work is 280 calories. But I may get more than that. Or use ketchup and not track that. So that 280 calories I’m guessing is really 380. 100 extra? Not a big deal. Over a month, that’s almost a pound! So if you do that 3 times a day, it adds up! Track everything! Even the ketchup. It adds up overtime.

I’m not saying I know everything with weight loss. Heck, I may know nothing. This is just a post so if there is anyone out there who is beginning their journey or stuck or starting over again, like me, maybe you won’t fall into one of my mistakes and have success! Good luck!

submitted by /u/Legitimate-Chair
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/FxeVg6q

Lost 5 lbs in one week and I don’t know what went wrong

Hi, my first time posting in this sub. :D

I (17F) started on WeightWatchers this summer so I could try and slim my figure a bit before Prom- I just ripped into overweight during the pandemic, and last week some blood work from an OBGYN appointment indicated I had high cholesterol. I started at 178.4 lost about fifteen pounds, started slacking and gained ~5 pounds over the course of the next two to three months.

These past few weeks, I started it back up, along with intermittent fasting, since my main problem was spending a bunch of points at the start of the day and giving up by dinner time. Skipping breakfast and sometimes lunch helped, especially since my food doesn’t offer many healthy options and I don’t have time to meal prep. These past weeks I started back up have been pretty consistent with weight loss, 1-3lbs a week, but this week I suddenly lost 5lbs, which to my knowledge isn’t healthy. I don’t think it’s water weight, since I’ve been losing weight consistently otherwise and I ate before weighing in, unlike how I normally do (I usually weigh in right after I wake up).

I really just don’t want to hit that metabolism rut everyone talks about. To be fair, it could be a combination of things- my medication inhibits appetite, I was more active than usual this week, plus I was sick for a few days, but I was eating like usual, if a bit unhealthier since I ate out a lot. I just really don’t know where I’m going wrong.

submitted by /u/skeletxn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/oGDW6dS

Can I eat whatever I want if tracking macros?

TW: binge and weight - Hello all, I am 5’3 (f) 130 pounds. I am currently trying to loose 15 pounds while also battling my binge eating disorder, I need to loose weight for health, I feel better when I am lighter. Am I able to eat whatever I want as long as I am hitting my macros? I am trying to make sure I can still fit in an ice cream cone and eat within my macros and still loose weight. Does it truly come down to macros and calories for weight loss or do certain food matter too?

submitted by /u/Brookemariei
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/ulVvWNc

Monday, October 24, 2022

The gym was great!

I just signed up for a YMCA membership today since my weight loss specialist told me to start exercising instead of just controlling diet (low carb higher protein). I started seeing this specialist August 31st starting weight 266 lb. Current weight 235 lb.

Ended up doing about 30 minutes of weight lifting between 30-50 pounds and then did about 30 minutes of light cardio. I feel sore from my workout but Im a bit rusty (haven't been in a gym since 2016).

I am going to visit the personal trainer tomorrow that comes with the y membership (total of 2 visits included in membership price)

submitted by /u/EnvironmentalSchool7
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/Tuh7liN