Monday, July 24, 2023

I wish I could start sooner

Hi, I’m L (F17|11Months) and im talking on my burner. So I might not reply to comments right away.

Anyways, I have been overweight/obese my entire life. My family is shitty in the ways they eat and at one point in time my mom told me about a weight loss program that’s anonymous and it was okay but the meetings made it feel cultish and I cut it out. The foods that they were restricting me to was to hard for me. I was doing full on meal prep for a month spending about $200 every week and a half. Obviously I stopped because @ 17 years old I didn’t have money like that. I still don’t.

2nd Anyways, I ended up doing my own things. Cutting out snacks completely and I had already cut out sodas so it was going nicely with no working out. I lost 10 pounds fast, 10 more slowly and 10 more again. But now I have plateaued and it’s not my fault. Is it? I can’t go grocery shopping for my family because they won’t let me. So imma eat what’s cooked for me.

3rd anyways, the point of this was to say I wish I could’ve had the opportunity to change what I ate (earlier). I loved being on meal prep (around early March) . Not the tastiest because I have no culinary skills but I would always relieve myself 30 minutes or less after I ate. I felt amazing. I’ve never felt body happy like that. It’s been a few months now and my body hasn’t been happy for a while. I was sick for 2 weeks and now I keep relieving myself every other day. I only drink water and I have been hungry asf @ night and ordering out more which im not happy about but im about to move out and be on my own. I WILL HAVE ALL THE POWER TO WHAT I WANT. (little backstory if you care/irrelevant) I have been sharing a room for about 16 years or more. I have been taking care of people for about 5 years. I have been cleaning after more than 4 people for 6. I haven’t had my own privacy in the last 3.

I am so ready to move out but I’m scared on what food choices I’ll make. It is 100% my choice on what I eat and I’m trying to figure out what’s good @ college that I can eat that won’t be tasteless. I am also moving into dorms in august not an apartment ╥﹏╥

Last anyways, are there any tips you guys would have for a college student with barely 2k in her savings? Other than budgeting. I plan on doing that later when I get the gist of my new life. I do not have a car. I plan on riding a bike when I get out there to everywhere. Even though the weather is like 90+ till estimated October. I love my tasty water so I’ll be very good on being hydrated ≖‿≖

TLDR: I wished I could eat healthier and now it’s here. I’m moving out for college and am afraid I’ll make bad choices when it comes to food. I’ve felt body happy before. I want to again.[●_●] Are there any tips y’all have?

submitted by /u/Few-Sun-3998
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Help me understand my deficit

Stats: 30F 5’2” SW: 170lb CW: 122lb GW: 115lb

I’ve lost 48lb since the end of January through CICO and IF, I do 1200cals/day. I run most mornings but I’m just getting into running so nothing intense. I also try to do strength training (beginner there too) 5 days/week and I get 15-20k steps per day. According to my Apple Watch, my TDEE is ~2000kcal/day. Adjusting for the presumed 20% margin of error puts me at 1600kcal/day, so 1200 calories is only about a 400 cal deficit which doesn’t seem like anything crazy. I feel like garbage lately though…weak and often dizzy and irritable and just generally wrong. On paper that sounds like my calories are too low, but a 400 cal deficit seems pretty normal I think? I know I have access to all the TDEE information I could ever want through the internet, and I will do my own math too based on my weight loss patterns so far, but I just want some other inputs from non-me people.

submitted by /u/lexicution17
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’ve been eating at 1,100 - 1,200 calories for a while now and am worried about increasing my intake…

I (f19) have been trying to loose weight since the beginning of the summer and have been eating and exercising accordingly.

I do a HIIT workout on the treadmill for an hour everyday (which is said to burn approximately 450 calories) and eat at a pretty extreme deficit of 1,100 to 1,200 calories daily.

I often feel tired and weak throughout the day which I know is not good even if I am loosing weight. I’ve dealt with ED’s in the past and I’m certain that I’m relapsing into old habits (eating too little, exercising too much) and want to start eating enough to energize me.

I still want to loose weight but just maybe at a smaller deficit, which would be approximately 1,500 kcal/day if my TDEE of 2,022 is accurate. I guess I’m just nervous that upping my calorie intake from 1,100 kcal-day to 1,500 will cause me to stop making progress on my weight loss.

Right now I’m 5’4 and 118Ibs, hoping to reach 112lbs in the near future… working towards this goal really helps with my depression (since it motivates me) but I recognize that it can be a little self destructive if I take it too far.

Can I still reach my goal if I increase my caloric intake?

submitted by /u/Default4567
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Can anyone relate?

Anybody lost a significant amount of weight (100+lbs), not at the “healthy” bmi but according to blood work you’re pretty much healthy, but still want to lose weight?

I went from 300lbs down to 187, stuck there for the past month. Goal weight 160. 5’5 23F. According to my blood work, I’m no longer considered diabetic, everything is amazing except my iron which I’m taking supplements for. Always had this issue even before weight loss.

Obviously my body changed, but everyone around me is telling me to stop losing weight, that I look fine etc. but we are so used to seeing ourselves that it can take our brain a while to catch up. I don’t know why I just wanna get down to 160. I still have fat on my tummy and my curves are starting to show but it’s still hard to show it under some of my fat. My legs still rub and get dark in between. I really feel like losing 27lbs will help me in those areas. I know there’s somewhat of a “set point” theory, where your body gets comfortable at a weight which could be based off genetics, but when I look at for example my niece, who is 19 and possibly 150lbs, but taller then me (maybe 5’6) her shape is immaculate. Like I’m jealous lowkey. Maybe that’s why I am stuck on that number, hoping to lowkey look like her🤦🏾‍♀️ I know that probably sounds bad but I really feel like my full potential is at a smaller weight. Can this all be mental? Anyone gone through something similar ?

submitted by /u/Thatcanadianchickk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Looking for advice and suggestions

I’ve been on my journey for about a year now. I’ve lost 15 pounds and gained about 7 back. So I sit at about 226, I’m 5’5 and 24f I have some questions if anyone can help me out with this.

I really struggle with consistency. I will track my food and hit my macros pretty consistently. I can go for about 2-3 weeks of being consistent. I’ll see a pound or two come off and then I fall off. It’ll take me about 2-4 weeks to get back on it and then the cycle will continue. Any tips with this? Is it normal for weight loss to be this slow? I also do strength training 2-3x a week and cardio about 4x a week.

I’m also thinking about doing intermittent fasting. Most likely a 16-8 fast, does anyone have any recommendations or experience with this?

Thanks so much for any advice and I’ll respond to comments with any questions!

submitted by /u/babygorl23
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting my weight loss journey

After the initial shock of seeing I gained almost 10 kg since the last time I got on the scale gave me the kind of piece of mind that tells me to go work out. I feel very uncomfortable in my body and if I had the possibility of loosing just 13 kg I'd be happy.

Unfortunately I have severe AuADHD so aside from failing to function like a normal human my food choice is pretty slim since I can't eat most foods because of my food sensitivity. If you yourself have either ASD or ADHD and got the hang of how to loose weight, please share! I deal with terrible dysfunction and just really want to work out but can't.

submitted by /u/SaltySilv3r
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm new to this subreddit.

Just to give a bit of background, I'm 22, I'm approximately 213 lbs. Thats a big deal for me because I'm only 5' tall and according to every calculator in existence, my BMI is a whopping 44, which qualifies as morbidly obese.

I grew up with a mom that was overly conscious of what we kids were eating, sometimes even commenting on our weight and that we needed to be "eating better." I know she meant well, but I am convinced it was damaging to me, as I saw eating junk food as a way to "rebel" against her. As I gained more freedom in what I ate, I also gained weight. I also went through a crap ton of emotional turmoil, with numerous deaths of friends and family, friends walking out on me, struggles with my ADHD and autism (as far as social situations go, whenever I felt lonely or overwhelmed, I found solace in the snack table, cringe I know, someone I used to call a friend commented negatively on this habit).

I have tried and failed so many different diets, including, but not limited to, carb cycling, weight watchers, calorie counting, calorie counting again, (complex recipes are so hard to calculate), intermittent fasting, restricting and binging, the "see-how-long-I-can-go-without-eating," and so on. So far, I have found nothing that works long term.

I just started a new job that makes me move around a lot, and for a while I was losing weight. (Though only a few pounds). I had a week off, and despite my efforts to eat intuitively, I gained those pounds back.

I'm just feeling really discouraged right now. People in other subs tell me to "just lose weight" but they don't realize how hard I have fought, because I have nothing to show for it. Also, both of my parents have lost weight and weigh less than me now. You heard right, I even weigh more than my own father. I am also not very attractive, so I feel like weight loss is the only thing that will make anyone give me the time of day. At this point I've kinda submitted to the reality of me being the "fat funny friend" because I swear I can't envision myself being anything else.

Thanks for listening to my rant, advice is welcome, but please be kind.

submitted by /u/Upbeat-Quality1421
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from loseit - Lose the Fat