Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Has anybody else get too Impatient about reaching their goal weight?

I started my weight loss adventure last November and I made a challenge to myself about hitting my goal weight by the end of next semester. When college started back up for me I was able to create for myself a good diet and consistent exercise and I reached my goal weight a lot earlier than I anticipated. It has been easy for me to lose weight after rough initial adjustment to a new calorie intake limit I set for myself. But now that I have reached my first weight loss goal I decided to add two new weight loss goals and I can't wait to reach them. I wake up everyday ready to keep with my diet and get closer to reaching my goals. I have recently become a little too impatient and sometimes think to myself that maybe I should increase my activity or lower my calorie limit but I know that if I do any of those two I might do more harm than good. I'm not asking for help or anything but I just wanted to share my excitement about my weight loss and how I can't wait to lose more.

submitted by /u/eschutz7
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

It’s my birthday morning and I’m in bed crying

So here I am.

A year ago, I was dying from anorexia.

Three years ago, I promised myself I would be happy with my body by my 21st.

Come now, my 21st birthday. I’m nearly the heaviest I’ve been in 2 and a half years, since the beginning of my weight loss journey which transformed into an eating disorder. I now struggle with binge eating due to my recovery, and even though I’ve slowly been losing weight over the past couple of weeks, looking at my body makes me want to cry.

I didn’t think I’d ever be back in this place. I thought I’d have my anorexia to protect me forever, to keep me skinny and numb. Now I’m fat and sad. And I actually have to feel it all? That’s bullshit.

Most days, I’m so grateful for my recovery and the life it has allowed me to live, but today I’m just sad. I feel like everything I want is always just out of reach. I want to recover, but I develop binge eating disorder. I want to be 137lbs, but I’m 20lbs away. I want to feel beautiful, but my body sabotages itself.

I’m so sad that I’m not where I want to be.

submitted by /u/givingupongivingup
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Best weight loss scale to buy? Mine fluctuates constantly, and I’m not sure if I’m losing and gaining that often, or if my scale just sucks?

I bought the “Amazon’s choice” weight loss scale: Etekcity Digital Body Weight Bathroom Scale with Step-On Technology, 400 Pounds, Body Tape Measure Included, Elegant Black

Female. 22, starting weight 247

My previous one was super old, so I purchased that one to replace it. When I started my weight loss journey it said I had lost 7 pounds. However, each time I’ve weighed in since then (only have owned it for a week or two), it measures me differently. The first time was 240lbs, now it fluctuates from 242, 245, 247, etc. I’ve been eating around 1800 calories a day, sometimes less, sometimes more, but always in a deficit from 2000 calories either way. When I visited the doctor last, I weighed in at 245, which was 2lbs less than my starting weight.

I’m more inclined to believe that my doctors scale is correct, but I weighed myself a few moments ago and it came across as 147. So, I think my scale just sucks? Unless I’m doing something terribly wrong here?

When should I be weighing myself? And does anyone have a recommendation for a good scale? At this point I just don’t know if my weight has been changing that much within 3 weeks, or if my scale is just bad. Sorry to ramble. :(

submitted by /u/MediocreSalt
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Free pizza on campus...

Hi everyone! So I’m currently a university student. This is my first year here after transferring from a junior college, and so I have reallllyy let myself go. And I’d like to blame the fact that it’s my first time ever being away from home, or the fact that I am way too busy to eat healthily.

But that’s all bs, ya know? I’ve been really overweight my entire life. For reference, I’m F/19/5”3/229lbs. I haven’t been in Onederland since like, middle school.

My highest weight was 237. At the beginning of this year I vowed to lose weight, but I only barely started taking it seriously two weeks ago, in which I came down to 229lbs. Pretty good!

But eating clean is SO hard. Which brings me to my topic: free pizza. They were giving out easily three slices to every person who walked up. they had like over 30 boxes, swear on my life. And I got in line for the slices, despite knowing I was going to have a good dinner tonight.

And then when there were only three people in front of me, I left the line. I decided: No! I can’t do this! Dominos may LOOK good, and it MAY be free, but I couldn’t.

So basically, this is a story of how I resisted my worst nightmare in weight loss: free pizza. And I think that if I can resist this, I can resist so much more! I’m really motivated to hit onederland, no matter the obstacles.

Thanks for reading!

submitted by /u/aprilfourth
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feeling Accomplished

I started my weight loss journey a couple months ago, and I’ve made some little changes to my routine since then, like taking the stairs when I can.

Well, lately I’d been feeling a little defeated, because I hadn’t lost as much weight as I thought I would have by now. And then I took the stairs to my class like I’ve been doing all semester.

I realized that I was going up the stairs faster than I usually do, and I wasn’t winded at all.

No trying to hide my breathing so people don’t see how out of shape I am. No taking it slow and pushing myself to keep going. Just nonchalantly going up three flights of stairs like I’ve been doing it all my life.

I haven’t been able to do that in almost a decade.

Thanks so much to this sub for the motivation to be better to myself and make little changes like that. Talk about a great feeling ❤️

submitted by /u/Meganella9
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feeling bummed with new scale. :/

First post (I think). (M25/5’6”)I’ve been off and on with weight loss for the past few years. (Since graduating HS in 2012) This past fall I hit my heaviest. 262. I vowed that 2019 is going to be the year. I have a graduation to attend in Florida and a cruise in December. I’m going to look my best for both of those. But January was a struggle with snow days and having the entire pantry. February was the same way. But March hit and I adopted a new mantra: “If not now, when?” As part of this new mantra, I purchased a digital scale to more accurately weigh myself. Yesterday was my lowest weight to date 247. 15 LBS!! Today the new scale got in and I weighed myself at 254... i know weight fluctuates, but I’ve never had it do that much before. I realize that is still below my start, but it’s now less than 10 lbs. I feel like I’ve digressed even though I know I haven’t. Idk why I’m posting this, but I needed to get it off my chest. I was so happy with 15lbs. Also another thing that has helped me with my mantra is another phrase I took off of /r/fitness : eat like an adult. It has really helped me. I hope someone gains something from this post. (And my gain I definitely mean lose!)

submitted by /u/kansaskid
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

You would never call someone to big....At least not to their face

Hey guys. So I started my weight loss journey last may. I was a 6'4 310 lb male. At first I would get a lot of compliments on how good I looked and how proud eberyone was of me. I was eating it up and it motivated me even more. It was a huge confidence boost. Fast forward a few months down the road, right around the 230 lb mark, is when people started making small comments here and there about how "too" skinny I was getting. I was confused because I knew people as tall or taller than me who weighed a lot less than 230 and nobody batted an eye about their weight. I brushed it off and continued on to my goal weight. I'm now 185 lb. Of course the comments have gotten ALOT worse. "You're skin and bones, you definitely don't want to lose anymore weight, RIGHT?!? Youre starting to look anorexic, etc. " 185 is in the perfectly healthy range for my height and I by no means look crazy skinny..skinnier than when I started , but by no means unhealthy. Why do people think its ok to comment on another's body when they think they're too skinny which can be just as hurtful as saying someone is too fat? People don't realize how detrimental to someone's confidence and self image comments like those can be especially to someone who has been struggling with weight most if their life.

submitted by /u/Flgyuy157
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from loseit - Lose the Fat