Saturday, March 30, 2019

Frustrated with This Week's Results

I just wanted to give a quick rant. The last two months I've been kind of off my game due to being in a relationship (which is now over). Two weeks ago was my spring break so I allowed myself to eat with intuition (this meant I ate about 2000cals a day, still much under my TDEE). This week I got back, ate right every day, and worked out 5x this week. Last night I also took laxatives due to constipation (not to lose weight, please no one comment about this. I don't feel like getting lectured about laxatives and weight loss shit) and I weighed myself for the first time this week. only two pounds down!!! When I'm eating WAY UNDER MY TDEE. God. I just... can things work out for me??? I want to thin so badly.

submitted by /u/coyotea72
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I think I’m scared of losing the weight and I need to get it off my chest... (Long Rant-ish Thing)

Okay, so some of you might notice this is my first post, but fear not. I used to be an avid Redditor until I realized I spent too much time on it and deleted it. New account, because I think the support I’ve gotten over the years has been really helpful. Now, onto the meat and bones.

I’m around 20 lbs down, was at 25 not too long ago and feeling simultaneously great and very awful at the same time. I’ve been overweight my whole life (or nearly my whole life- officially diagnosed at 8 years old) and upon moving out for college I gained 40lbs in just 6 months. It was super worrying for me, and highlighted the severity of the issues I had with food. So I decided I would not give up this time. I would become a healthy weight and finally be able to experience the things I’ve missed out on because of my weight.

Weight loss was easier than I expected, at least physically. I can keep a healthy calorie deficit and workout routine no problem for weeks and weeks. Balancing vitamins, proteins, fats, water intake? I’ve got it. But then there comes the crash. You see, when I hit a specific milestone it’s like my brain shuts down. All the steady progress and goals are shut down and I struggle all of a sudden. In a lot of ways I think I’m scared, but I don’t know how to explain it. Maybe the worry about losing leads me to comfort eat? You might ask why I’m so worried about doing something that makes me happier and makes me feel better- I wonder too.

I feel like I’ve missed out on so much. I missed out on years of feeling pretty growing up, because I always felt like the fat friend. I missed out on feeling confident, because I felt like a failure. I missed out on years of my hobbies, especially cosplay which I enjoy but feel too fat to do well. I missed out on playing the sports I actually enjoyed because I couldn’t keep up. I’m freaking out about turning 20, because I feel like I’ve missed out on so many things I wanted to do while I was a kid/teen. Part of me feels like it’s already too late. Another part of me fears the unknown. My girlfriend says being lighter feels like flying compared to being heavy. She used to be an athlete and says that she regrets her (smaller than mine but significant) weight gain because every movement sucks more. A huge part of me wants to experience that lightness, but I find myself discouraged during my workouts. I think to myself “will this actually feel better someday?”. Finally, I worry about how I will look. Sounds a little vain, but I’ve never seen myself slim. What if I hate how I look? Will I feel good about it? Maybe, just maybe I’ll look worse?

But most of all Reddit, I fear I will continue to hinder my own progress. I fear I will continue to self sabotage because I’m caught up in the what-ifs. Seeking therapy hasn’t helped as much as I wish and while I have been trying to work on self-love and anxiety management, I just want the strength to set those fears aside and just do it.

I made this post to let this weight off my chest so that maybe, hopefully, it will help me move on. I’ve bottled up these feelings for so long that it’s nice to let them go.

If you have any tips you can share about how you’ve done that or can tell me if it gets better, I’d really like to hear it

Thank you for listening to me r/LoseIt

submitted by /u/loseit_or_loseit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I [24F] lost almost 30 pounds in 11 months

Without even trying that hard. And I feel bad saying that.

I started out at 234lbs April 2018. Between then and now I have lost 26 pounds, mostly by changing jobs to a big box retail store where I walk on average 5 miles a day, 5 days a week. I also ended my marriage so I basically stopped the NEED to drink, experimented with some gluten free foods because I figured out it makes me feel like crap, and am monitoring my sugar intake to basically not sit and binge on sugar.

Last week, realizing I had 8.3 pounds to go to be under 200lbs, I started taking a multivitamin to hopefully curb some hunger and bring my calcium and potassium levels up. I don’t know what my weight is now (I don’t own a scale because I know I’ll become obsessed with it) but I put on a size medium shirt yesterday for work and it fit great! I have been a extra large for as long as I can remember! I put on a shirt that I’ve had for 10 years, and it fits better than when I first bought it!

Eventually I’ll start going to the gym. I already have a membership, I just need to actually go.

But hooray for small victories! I never had the courage to make sweeping life changes like this in the past. Thanks for tuning in—best to you on your weight loss adventures!

submitted by /u/rainmaker291
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Everything I eat hurts my stomach (post-weight loss)

So over the past 6 months or so, I’ve went from 180-190 lbs to ~140 lbs (5’10” male). I used to have a really strong stomach and dealt with binge eating problems most of my life.

For the past 3 ish months, I’ve overhauled my diet and have been eating a lot of vegetables, lean proteins, low carbs etc.

At this point, I feel sick unless I eat at a caloric deficit. Like everything I eat makes my stomach churn, diarrhea, etc.

Currently feeling sick after 1 chicken breast, all I’ve eaten today.

Have any of you guys experienced something similar after losing weight? Like I used to eat 3-4000 calories a day (estimated) and feel relatively fine, but now even when I exercise (so I should need to eat even more), food makes me feel sick.

Also this isn’t an eating disorder (I used to have one and would know), it’s purely physical

Edit: I’ve been doing almost daily cardio for 2 months, inconsistently for a while before than

submitted by /u/dat_boi_128
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I maintained this week!

I was terrified to step on the scale all week. Last weekend I went to a three-day bachelorette weekend in Austin and felt like I ate and drank nonstop. This week has been particularly stressful at work, culminating in a 250 person party that I was mostly responsible for planning. There has been a lot of drinking and indulging around that and I gave myself permission not to count calories and just focus on treating myself ok. I had no free time for exercise. On top of it all, I’ve been on my period. It was stressful and I didn’t want my food to stress me out as well. So I didn’t. I let myself not worry but I also told myself not to eat when I was full and mostly I did not. The food I was eating was far from healthy but when I wasn’t hungry, at least I didn’t eat mindlessly.

But I told myself this morning after my run (a particularly bad two and a half mile run that I dragged myself through) I would step on the scale and assess the damage to prepare for next week. Lo and behold, I am the exact weight I was before I left for the weekend (158.6).

It’s a relief for a few reasons. First, because I can continue on without getting sidetracked, but more importantly: it’s a lesson in maintaining. Once I finally get to my goal weight, I know I can eat intuitively and until satisfaction and then stop. That’s AMAZING. My weight loss has been SLOW (it’s been almost eight months and I’ve only lost about 25lbs) but I think because of that, I have the skills to keep going and maintain once I get there.

Just wanted to celebrate that a bit. Now time to carry on and go back to CICO and exercise!

submitted by /u/quish
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Superfood Saturday: Berries

Americans love their berries so much, they actually have festivals every year to celebrate the year’s harvest.

Berries are celebrated in science labs around the world, too, because they contain high—in some cases, the highest—levels of antioxidant chemicals which are linked to everything from lower risk of heart disease and Alzheimer’s to better digestive health and lower rates of depression.

The good news is, if you’re on a Nutrisystem program, you can count one full cup of berries as one SmartCarb.

The 10 Best Foods for Weight Loss (and Your Health!)

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Low-calorie, super healthy berries are in season now all over the country. Here’s your guide to some berry good eating:


Superfood Saturday: Berries

Americans love these sweet little red morsels so much we eat eight pounds a year on average, according to the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Strawberries have a lot going for them. One cup of strawberries (about eight medium sized) is only 50 calories and supplies 160 percent of your daily requirement of vitamin C. They’re also rich in folate and potassium. A cup also contains over three grams of soluble fiber that can help lower cholesterol. Like other berries, they’re also especially rich in plant chemicals called anthocyanins, which give them their red color and provide protection from diseases including cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

Strawberries don’t ripen once they’re picked so look for berries that are bright red and shiny. Those green and white patches you often see on them aren’t going to turn red.

Ripe strawberries are sweeter than non-ripe berries, but don’t just save them for dessert or your breakfast smoothie. Toss them into your favorite salad or try this Strawberry Feta Spinach Salad recipe > for a savory-sweet treat.

10 Fresh (and Tasty!) Ways to Enjoy Strawberries

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Superfood Saturday: Berries

Blueberries are among the highest in antioxidants, supplied in part by the chemicals that give this fruit its distinctive dark blue color and is actually one of the few naturally blue foods we eat. Native Americans used all parts of the blueberry plant for medicine.

Though very sweet, blueberries are low in calories. One cup is only 84 calories. They’re also high in vitamin C, K, manganese and fiber.

Studies have shown their abundant plant chemicals may help protect memory and cognition. One University of Cincinnati study found that eating a diet supplemented with blueberries helped improve memory function and mood in older adults who were losing their memory.

In a Harvard School of Public Health study, blueberries reduced the risk of heart attack in women by 33 percent. Again, plant chemicals were at work. Other research has found that these chemicals can help eliminate cholesterol-induced plaque to widen arteries and allow blood to flow smoothly.

One of the staples of the breakfast smoothie and cereal bowl, blueberries are extremely versatile. One unusual, yet delicious way to enjoy them is in this unique and delicious take on toast, made with sweet potato and nuts. > You can also bake them into luscious breakfast bars > like this Blueberry Lemon Baked Bar > for a quick to-go meal. For an afternoon boost of energy, try these delicious blueberry energy balls. >

You can always grab a handful when you’re feeling a sweet craving coming on. Just wash and eat!

Red, White & Blueberry Pancakes

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Superfood Saturday: Berries

Don’t let their pretty pinkish color and sweet taste fool you: Raspberries are no slouches in the health department.

A 2016 review study found that raspberries can cool inflammation, the kind that can lead to chronic disease such as heart disease (including high blood pressure and atherosclerosis), type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and even obesity. They also have been shown to reduce oxidative stress, which contributes to these diseases and more, and may help stabilize both metabolism and blood sugar.

Like other berries, raspberries are full of beneficial plant chemicals, low in calories (52 per cup) and they have a whopping seven-nine grams of fiber per one-cup serving. They’re also a good source of vitamin C, supplying 44 percent of your daily needs. They also contain calcium and iron. What makes raspberries special is they’re among very few foods with the same precise combination of healing compounds which is what boosts their antioxidant power.

You can enjoy all of their health benefits as a flavorful addition to your smoothie: Try this raspberry smoothie bowl recipe that you can easily make right at home >

Also consider adding them to salads, bake them into muffins, making them into sauce for meats such as chicken and pork or try them in this fabulous summer treat, a fresh fruit popsicle. >

6 Delicious & Nutritious Smoothie Bowl Recipes You Need to Try

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Superfood Saturday: Berries

That dark color is a dead giveaway that blackberries are high in antioxidants, specifically anthocyanins, which are common to most berries. Since they supply the berry’s color, the deeper the color, the more anthocyanins.

In one University of Kentucky lab study, blackberry extract added to colonies of cancer cells made the cells stop growing. Cancer proliferates because cells fail to follow their own programming, which tells them to die at some point. The blackberry extract turned that programming back on.

In other studies, blackberries reversed age-related motor and cognitive performance in rats and were the best of all the berries in lowering levels of bad LDL cholesterol in another study.

Low in calories (62 per cup), blackberries have seven grams of fiber per serving, contribute to 35 percent of the daily value for vitamin C and also contain calcium, potassium and iron.

Blackberries are naturally sweet (they have five grams of naturally occurring sugar) so they don’t need any extra help to become a delicious dessert. But if you want to enhance them a little, try this recipe for blackberry-peach upside down cakes. >

10 Reasons You Need to Eat More Fruits & Veggies

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The post Superfood Saturday: Berries appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Before and after my 35kg (78 lbs) weight loss and diet.

Before and after picks

I work from home as a games developer,If you play d&d check out my stuff. It is important to watch my weight because I have every reason in the world to not leave the house and order food. I gave myself the cheat of coffee. I was allowed coffee when I felt like it but without sugar, instant coffee, barista coffee, macchiato, flat white, drip, cold brew, all of it is fine.

Here is my winter diet.

7am, Morning, 1 handful rolled oats + some almonds. Half cup of full milk. + 2 glasses of water.

Morning coffee x 1

Afternoon fruit salad + bread + 1 coffee + glass of water

Afternoon cup of tea + fruit (watermelon)

5pm, Dinner salad wrap + tea.

Late night Decaf coffee x1

Not super strict and when I got super hungry i'd drink more water.

Weekly workout

Mon morning ,Gym bike 15km Light weights, 2pm walk 3km

Tues morning Gym bike 17km Light weights, 2pm walk 3km

Wed morning Gym bike 10km Light weights, 3pm walk 3km

Thurs rest + walk + grocery shop + d&d

Fri morning ,Gym bike 15km Light weights, 3pm walk 3km

Sat d&d

Sun d&d

submitted by /u/alexdrummond
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from loseit - Lose the Fat