Thursday, May 30, 2019

30 Day Accountability Challenge - June Sign Ups

A new month is starting! That means a new Daily Accountability Challenge.

This is the sign up post to make your goals for the month. There will be a daily post for you to post your progress on said goals. At the end of the month, there will be a wrap up to talk about your general progress & how you feel about everything! If you miss the sign up post, no biggie, you're always welcome to hop in, the waters fine!

You can also read everyone else's progress & commiserate, congratulate & whatever else needs ating. Your goals can be weight loss or general health related, creative, self care or whatever else you need to focus your mental energy on. We try to foster a supportive place to chat about your successes & failures & what you've learned from both.

Leading by example, here are my goals for June, subject to mild tweaks as needed!

Weight by end of month (- 5 to 7 pounds): I'd like to lose 5 to 7 pounds this month. We'll see what range that becomes by the first of June.

Stay in calorie goal (weekly average): I've had some trouble here lately so I'm going to focus on weekly average & really push for that sweet spot 1500. X/4 weeks.

Exercise 5 days a week: It's been tougher this month but I'll keep pushing it! X/X days.

Self-care journaling once a week & love journals: Good habit for self care! Keeps me in the neighborhood of sane. X/4 weeks.

Self-care treat once a week: Face masks, pedicures, wax appointments, alone time, new fitness gear etc etc. X/4 weeks.

Practice drawing with pencils/art supplies: Still going okay! I'm definitely better than when I started. Wanna keep it going! X/X days.

Chime in with your goals friends!

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Have I become skinnyfat or am I still fat? Where do I go from here?

Hey everyone,

5’8” M/22 here.

To keep this brief, I was either overweight or obese since 13. Back in February 2017, at 265 pounds, I jumped into a diet, doing mostly CICO. Original goal weight was 150 pounds. Went down to 170 pounds by February 2018, but back up to 210 pounds by Jan 2019 (stupid). Woke up, discovered /r/fasting, and now I’m at 155 pounds 6 months later.

I’m 5 pounds from my goal weight (and at a healthy range according to BMI), but I’m flabby as hell. My face still looks chubby, I have a gut (waist measurement is 36”, neck 15”) and some manboobs. Here are some pictures (with before pics, too). I look different from where I started, and for that I’m thankful, but I still look like crap.

So obviously body composition is a problem. I have not exercised (neither cardio nor strength training) for any of the 110 pounds I’ve lost. /r/fasting will tell you that fasting (I do either one meal a day, alternate day fasting, or extended fasts) will preserve your muscle mass. Beyond that, I have no idea how much of the 110 pounds lost was muscle. I can do 12 pull-ups in a row if that says anything and my thighs and calves still seem pretty muscular. Also, on the days I’m not fasting, I make sure to take in a lot of protein (usually 300g of chicken breast).

My question is, where do I go from here? First things first, I’m going to incorporate some sort of strength training to make sure any weight loss from here on out is emphasized on fat loss. Anecdotally, I know a lot of (skinny) guys my height (or even taller) are around 125-140 pounds. I was thinking of just going down to 130-140, seeing where I stand, and maybe start serious lifting then. Otherwise, I’ve seen some posts suggesting people with my problem just start bulking now, but I’m really hesitant to go from pretty steep caloric restriction to +250-500 calories over TDEE when I still have this much fat.

Any advice?

submitted by /u/throwmeariversong
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost 4 pounds in 2 weeks (!!) and taking control back. Thank you all for helping me begin!

I’m recovering from disordered eating (emotional and binge eating) that caused crazy weight gain. I realized that it was time for sustainable weight loss that didn’t include some horrible fad diet. I’ve been eating 1122 calories a day (according to what Lose it suggested for my height and weight, and since I am relatively sedentary.) I’m a 5’3 female and I started at 164 two weeks ago and now I’m at 160. CICO honestly feels like magic because I can eat whatever I want as long as it’s within my budget. It feels nice to not be bingeing and taking control back, I just hope I can keep it up. This community has been such an inspiration for my and without it would never have begun. Thank you all for your posts 💓 you’ve helped me start and I hope I can continue

submitted by /u/thebrunettegal
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: I’m in Day 8 of my first plateau, and surprisingly not freaking out!

Stats: 34m / 5'8 / SW: 212 / CW: 187 / GW: ??? / Day 46

Diet: 1600cal max a day / 18:6 IF (2x meals & 1x snack) / Scale meal prepping with lots of lean protein and veggies w/ minimal-to-no carbs. I cut out alcohol as well.

Activity: Averaging 10-12k steps a day + random cardio and free weight exercises in my basement gym here and there until I build out a proper gym plan. I’m not eating back my workout calories.

Hello r/loseit friends!

So I started this journey at 212 pounds on 4/15, and have had a pretty steady decline in weight loss the following 5-6 weeks. It was thrilling to say the least.

Now I’ve been stalled at 187 pounds for the past week-and-a-half. I was told this would happen but in my newbie ignorance shrugged it off and convinced myself that it wouldn’t happen to me. I mean, there’s no way you can’t lose weight at such a controlled calorie deficiency. Right?

But, you know what, I’m OK with it. I haven’t once hesitated these past 8 days or so. I’ve kept up with calorie counting, and even increased my workouts a bit as well. Even though the scale is not moving, I’m still noticing differences in my body. My chest and gut feel tighter, and my clothes feel looser. Something is happening I say!

Not really sure what the point of this post was, but just thought I’d post it as a reminder to myself and others to stay strong during your plateaus! Hang in there!

submitted by /u/cheddarmakesitbetter
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I (f21) have been trying to lose weight since I was 14, no progress.

SW:150/68kg CW: 187lbs/85kg GW:165lbs:75kg I think I am going to give up...I (f21) have been trying to lose weight since I was 14.

I always remember having a stomach I hate and weighing more than I should. I feel like I've been trying forever on and off and just keep gaining weight. I've done 30-day shred, insanity, going vegan, doing keto, intermittent fasting, cardio, swimming, intuitive eating and just plain CICO and I'm honestly disgusted with myself at this point.

There is no reason for it or take this long or be this much of a challenge. I'm trying to be completely honest, every once in a while I binge but I always count the calories and make up for it by fasting or working out more the next day. Every time I eat I feel like I've failed myself, I just want to fast until I reach my goals but every time I try I fail. I can't stand my body and hate that it's getting warmer and I have to wear fewer layers. I know I'm objectively not the worst weight and my body is strong and all of that but at this point, I just want to finally reach and maintain the body I want to have.

Right now My Fitbit says I go through about 2400-2800 per day with walking and working. And even though I track my calories and calculate my supposed weight loss, my weight goes up and down and I am losing motivation. I've lost some inches but I barely see any progress anymore. I've been on a diet doing CICO and IF every day and low carb (<100g) on weekdays. This is what i've figured out right now as I am unable to prepare food for myself and where I am doesn't have many low carb options. I'm honestly not sure where to go from here. The more I research it the more confusing it all gets. I'm mostly confused about the BMR and the need to eat at that level. I've been usually aiming to eat less than 1200/day but discovered I should eat something like 1600. I'm terrified to eat this much as I don't want to lose any progress I may have made. I don't know when I gained this weight though I must have eaten more than I burned at some point I honestly only ever remember dieting so I guess I've just been undercounting all of my calories and I don't want to start intentionally eating more and go over. Last year, I had a kitchen scale and cooked with that to truly control my calories in, but I'm on a temporary relocation for work right now and didn't bring it as I don't even have a kitchen to cook in.

I'm just tired of trying. My friends are just thin and eat without calculating or worrying about calories or any of that. I want that so badly. I hate myself for letting this go on for so long.

So if anyone can just tell me simply what to do I'll do it. I have 11 weeks left where I am right now and the work is exhausting and it's hot. The gym is not financially feasible but I can rent bikes and cycle around the town for 1hr a day for free. I've been doing yoga every morning for 30 minutes for the past 2 months and am going to start incorporating bodyweight workouts at home. If I don't figure it out this time I'll find a dietician or personal trainer or something when I get back to my town. And if I can't figure it out by December I'm gonna just going to give up on losing the weight.

If you want to help (thanks so much) Let me know if there is anything at all I should be doing differently or if you need more information. I think I mostly just want to rant to someone who isn't tired of hearing me talk about how I'm finally going to lose the weight. I know this isn't meant to be a kind of free diet planning service so I would be truly humbled to get any advice at all. Thanks for reading and for coming to my Ted talk.

(I tried to include photos but I don't know how to put it in)

submitted by /u/the_happi_girl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Am I losing weight too fast???

So, I’m 37M with SW 237 and CW 224. I’ve only been at it for 20 days...

I’ve been tracking using Loseit, which suggests 1755 per day, which I have stayed pretty rigid on.

I’m not doing a lot of extra exercise, maybe an hour or two a week. Was my existing lifestyle not as sedimentary as I assumed?

Sticking too the 1755 doesn’t have me exhausted or anything, in fact quite the opposite. I feel fantastic.

I realize it will not sustain at this rate, nor do I really want it too. In the mean time, is there any risks to the rapid weight loss, as long as my macros are good? Or should I just enjoy it while it lasts?

Any input appreciated.

submitted by /u/kneedtogethealthy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to Trim Hundreds of Empty Calories: Summer Edition

Extra fats and sugars show up unnoticed in so many of our food choices that empty calories can be hard to avoid. And they can slow your progress to your weight loss goal, even when you’re eating well. Good news: Cutting out those empty calories without losing any of the pleasures of tasty food is easier than you realize. We’ve got some simple swaps you can make this summer that will add up to a big difference in your daily calories.

10 Simple Ways to Stop Eating So Much

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Here are 10 easy ways to trim empty calories:

1. Cooler coffee

iced coffee

Frappuccinos and other cold coffee drinks can come with more than 200 empty calories in a small, 12-ounce cup. Simple iced coffee with almond milk and a sprinkle of cinnamon has less than 20 calories, according to United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). If you’re craving a bit more sweetness, try our easy recipe for making your own Caramel Faux Frappuccino. It has just 134 calories per serving.

Calories saved: 160

2. Whole benefit


Real fruit juice may be better than soda or other artificially sweetened drinks, but many still come with lots of sugar and empty calories. Plus, often fruit juices are created by straining out the fruit’s pulp, which means you lose the benefits that come with fiber. Whole fruit gives you all of the sweet taste you’re after, but you also get fiber to help you feel full. A cup of apple juice, for instance, has 110 calories. You get 57 calories in a cup of apple slices.

Calories saved: 53

3. Nicer cream.

nice cream

Want a frozen treat on a hot day? Whip up our luscious Mint Chocolate Chip Nice Cream, with only 134 calories per serving, about 20 percent fewer than the 160 calories in store brands.

Pass on the sprinkles and you cut out another 50 calories (per tablespoon), according to the USDA.

Calories saved: 76

5 Healthy-Sounding Foods That Aren’t Actually Healthy

Read More

4. Oil free

oil free

Sauté vegetables to bring out their rich flavors and get them to that perfect balance between crunchy and tender. But keep them from sticking with zero-calorie cooking spray rather than vegetable oil, such as canola, which adds 120 calories per tablespoon.

Calories saved: 120

5. Dressing light


Creamy salad dressings pile extra fat, sugar and calories onto a healthy bowl of fresh vegetables. Just two tablespoons of ranch dressing comes with 110 calories, according to USDA. Try one of our delicious and light salad dressing recipes, or go with calorie-free red wine vinegar or lemon juice instead.

Calories saved (using red wine vinegar or lemon juice): 110

6. Leaner burger


Ground turkey makes tasty burgers that have less than half the calories of ground beef (166 vs. 349). To trim even more calories from your burger, hold the bun (220 calories) and wrap your patty in a sturdy lettuce leaf (one calorie).

Calories saved (turkey in lettuce vs. beef in a bun): 402

10 Simple Swaps That Save Calories

Read More

7. Homemade marinade


Marinating adds flavor to grilled foods, but beware of those with lots of oil or sugar. Popular brands can have more than 30 calories in two tablespoons. Instead, stir up a  homemade marinade for less calories.

Calories saved: 20

8. Better drinks

White wine

You can enjoy a drink with alcohol or two each week and stay on track toward your weight loss goal, if you remember the important guidelines from our expert nutritionists. When you choose a drink, pick a light beer (103 calories per 12 ounces) or dry wine like Chardonnay (123 calories per five ounces). Regular beers have 145 calories and mixed drinks such as margaritas can have 300 or more calories in eight ounces, according to the USDA.

Calories saved light vs. regular beer: 42

Calories saved dry wine vs. cocktail: 277

9. Hold the mayo

greek yogurt

Plain, nonfat Greek yogurt gives your potato salad the same creamy texture as mayonnaise, but it comes with just 73 calories in seven tablespoons vs. the 700 calories in the same amount of mayo. Substitute steamed cauliflower (12 calories per half-cup) for the potatoes (170 calories) and save even more.

Calories saved yogurt vs. mayo: 627

Calories saved Cauliflower vs. potatoes: 158

How to Save 600 Calories a Day

Read More

10. Primo pasta

empty calories

Likewise, pass on the mayo for pasta salad and dress it with a simple vinaigrette, which has just 245 calories in seven tablespoons. Add fresh or dried herbs for even more flavor—they have less than two calories in two tablespoons.

Calories saved: 455

*All calorie estimates come from the USDA Food Composition Database.

The post How to Trim Hundreds of Empty Calories: Summer Edition appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf