Thursday, July 4, 2019

PSA: If you feel like you’re often tired and have low energy, and you feel like you are always hungry, do yourself a favor and get tested for sleep apnea.

From 2015 to 2018, I gained over 100 pounds. I was in law school. I was often tired and unmotivated. I almost flunked out because I had no energy to study. I went from an ambitious, intelligent person who had managed to get into one of the best law schools in the US, to being completely unmotivated and sleeping 12 hours a day. Despite my excessive sleep, I was still constantly tired.

I thought I was just depressed, but I didn’t want to see a doctor about it because I was too ashamed (my mom managed to ingrain in me a sense of shame and fear related to all mental health issues because her own mother was put in an insane asylum for schizophrenia when she was young, and my mom and her siblings had to go into foster care).

When I graduated law school, I immediately had to start studying for the bar. It was extremely difficult because I was so tired. Being tired had become such a way of life that I didn’t even realize how tired and groggy I was. I couldn’t make it through a single Barbri lecture without falling asleep. I couldn’t make my eyes focus on the page when I was reading. I failed the bar the first time, then buckled down and (somehow) passed it the second time. I was still exhausted. But I thought that once I passed the bar, my “depression” would suddenly disappear. It didn’t. In fact, it seemed worse.

My dad has severe sleep apnea, so you would think that I muhht have guessed what was going on. But his symptoms are so much worse than mine. He falls asleep in the middle of a conversation with you. One time he fell asleep in the middle of a conversation while holding a cup of coffee, and spilled it everywhere. He had to get a semi self driving car so that it keeps him in the lane, regulated his speed for him, and vibrates his seat when it feels him fall asleep. My symptoms were nowhere near as bad, so I never thought that I might have it too.

At work, I would have trouble remembering what my boss had just told me. When I went to speak to my boss about something I was working on, I had to write it down verbatim and then read it to him so I wouldn’t forget what I wanted to say. My memory had gotten so bad. On numerous occasions, I seriously contemplated taking a nap on the floor of my office. I often would put my head down to rest my eyes for a few minutes. I wasn’t productive. And I was constantly craving food. It was like the hunger would never go away. I could stuff myself full of food, but my brain was just like, “Nope, you’re still tired! Clearly you need to eat some more to get more energy!” I also was having some hormonal issues. Cystic acne, missed periods, a few whiskers growing on my chin that I hadn’t had before. But again, I thought I was just depressed and that the hormonal changes were due to weight gain, stress, and getting older.

I would have never found out about the sleep apnea if I hadn’t decided to seek out weight loss surgery. My insurance made me get a sleep apnea test before it would consider me for surgery, and I did that a few weeks ago. It turns out I have “mild” sleep apnea, which means I stop breathing in my sleep about once every 6 minutes, which I guess prevents me from having REM sleep because my body keeps waking itself up (unbeknownst to me) to kick start my breathing again.

I started trying to use a CPAP machine last week. It was very difficult and uncomfortable at first, and I have only slept with it for about 3 nights total. But on the nights that I have used it, the difference is remarkable. I feel alert for the first time in years. I don’t feel starving every second of every day. I can easily skip meals and not even think about food. My dieting efforts have become a million times easier. I’m not even sure if I’ll need to go through with the surgery, because my self control is so much better.

So, if you’re overweight, feel tired a lot, feel like you have no self control, and feel like your hormones are out of whack, GET A SLEEP APNEA TEST!

submitted by /u/dlv9
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Cutting off family due to weight comments. Extreme? Has anyone else done it?

It’s July 4th and I’m inside the house, in my bathing suit, crying. My boyfriend and I went to a big family pool side BBQ and yet again, aunts, uncles and cousins make mean comments about my weight in the name of “humor”. I loaded my plate with veggies, chicken and a little mac and cheese and was told to load up more on “the good stuff” followed by “come on we all know that tummy didn’t come for eating al the veggies don’t be shy”. Others laughed of course and more comments were made to add on to the “joke”.

I’m sick of crying at every holiday and family event. And sure, I shouldn’t have gained so much weight but people shouldn’t be so fucking mean and if they are I don’t want them in my life. The only family who doesn’t make me feel bad about my weight are my parents (they make comments but out of concern not to make fun of me). I’m over it. Has anyone gone no contact with family over stuff like this? Did you explain yourself when you skipped out on holidays or provide a generic “other plans” reason? Has your self esteem improved?

Side note: is this the right sub for posts like this? Or is there a more appropriate sub for all the emotional / social factors of weight and weight loss? Happy to remove if it doesn’t belong .

submitted by /u/orangepirateb8
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

F/5'8"/125lbs - I lost 30lbs since last October and feel better than I ever have

Last October I was around 155 and accepted this as the new normal for myself. On Thanksgiving, some family members and I decided to do a weight loss challenge so I figured why not? I didn't have a lot of confidence that I'd be successful but I gave it a try. Until a couple months ago, I limited myself to 1200 calories a day. Around June, I hit my goal weight and switched to exercise. I had never exercised before in my life until then. I now do kickboxing 3x a week, walk to a further bus stop each day, and feel great. I have little muscles now! And I can do a chin-up! For the first time in my life, I'm proud of how I look and feel. The first few weeks were a challenge, but after that my body adjusted and it just worked. Slow and steady really made it happen. Also, motivation to look good in a wedding dress. Only downside is that my alterations are going to cost more and none of my clothes fit. But that's a small price to pay for health and happiness.

submitted by /u/Gerbille
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

At the fat burning stage rather than weight loss, and stumped.

I've spent the past ~4 months just keeping my weight neutral at 140 while trying my best to lose my skinny-fat I hit 100g of protein every single day and run a 3 day a week dumbell routine with cardio twice. I also practice Intermittent fasting to really target that fat.

Progress is interesting on general weight lifting stuff. Some exercises I've had to increase weights on. Others like the Arnold Press feel just as hard as day 1.

My pull-ups went from barely being able to do 2 to doing 20. Planks went from 40 seconds of pain to 3 minutes of boredom.

Despite all of this, I am still surrounded by a tire of flabby stomach. The "skinny fat" as it is called. If I'm losing weight and getting stronger, where the hell is the fat being burned off? I'm so confused. I took progress pics from 2 months ago vs now and see 0 difference in fat and barely any added definition in arms. It doesn't make sense that I'd be getting stronger, losing some weight, and still have the same flabby belly.

Anyway, just a general question. I'm trying to solve this one.

submitted by /u/Venerablehasibash
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

125 lbs down. The final 20 to follow.

I've largely been a lurker on this sub but a bit about myself. I'm M(31) - 6'3" and a pretty reserved person. I started this journey when I randomly stepped on the scale roughly 2 years ago to find I weighed 322 lbs. This hit me hard and only added to what I consider the lowest point of my life (mentally and physically). To be blunt I wasn't happy and I was one mental break away from seeking an extreme option. Thankfully, I was so horrified that the thought had even crossed my mind let alone seriously contemplated it that I decided I needed a change.

I started by setting 2 goals to lose the weight and turn my job into a career.

I started my weight loss journey by changing my diet. I first worked with a low glycemic diet and the pounds began to shed. In a months time, I went from 322 to ~300 (I don't remember the exact weight). This continued for another month into the winter holiday season and I was worried that I wouldn't be able to resist the time of infinite cakes and pies. Thanks to willpower that I didn't know I had I made it into the next year down another 20 lbs. At this time coworkers began to notice and a few had asked if it was intentional or if I was sick. I informed them it was intentional and received my first confidence boost in the form of compliments from people who weren't my mother.

Then by mid-February, I transitioned into a keto diet and incorporated DDP yoga. The pounds then began to shed even faster through the spring and into the summer. I hit my goal of 180 lbs. and was able to maintain for almost a year and then I slipped. I put on 15 lbs. and told myself it was okay. I had grown complacent.

Then last September I had another reality check by realizing I crept back up to 250 lbs, because I had fallen back into old habits. I realized that as long as I was at my current job (regardless of position) I wasn't going to be happy, so I enrolled at the local college in the IT program (wish I would have done this sooner) and focused on diet and exercise again. I went back into keto, DDP yoga, and introduce kettlebells. At first, it was slow, but progress is progress.

This brings me to now, closing in on my weight loss goal for a second time, and the ultimate goal of just being happy. My confidence is higher than ever to the point of trying to get back into dating after a decade of being single.

submitted by /u/Mjollnr
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

F/24/5’1” - i’ve lost 56.2 pounds and I feel amazing.

56 freaking pounds!!

I’m someone who has always struggled with my weight. Chubby child, slimmed out a little in high school, then the stress of full time college and working to pay bills led me to an alcohol dependence which packed the pounds on.

In 2013, when I graduated high school, I was 155. In 2018, when I graduated college, I was 215. My highest recorded weight was 226.6.

I slowly began losing weight in 2018 - I thought that was going to be my year. In reality, I worked out a lot more consistently, but did not change my eating (or drinking !) habits very much at all.

Come November of 2018, I got ridiculously ill with some kind of bronchial infection and couldn’t eat (or get drunk) for a couple days. Weirdly, this was the kickstart I needed.

I stopped eating meat and cut back on drinking (almost completely stopped, actually). My weight loss was a slow trickle at this point.

In January, I bought an exercise bike off of amazon. I plopped it in front of my TV and swore to myself that if I wanted to watch TV or play video games, i’d use the damn thing.

I have.

I’ve lost 56.2 pounds overall - 37.8 of that has been since January.

I fit back in clothes from high school, i’m so much happier and more confident, and I feel so much more comfortable in my body now. I can’t believe the things I used to do when I was fat to avoid simple movement and stairs. My life has completely changed. :)

submitted by /u/crashbandico0t
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The 10 Best Burger Recipes for a Healthier Fourth of July

If it’s summer, it must be burger time! If you’re not as excited about that since you started your weight loss journey, get ready to rejoice. Burger recipes are still on the menu when you’re on the Nutrisystem program. They’re even on the menu if you’re a vegetarian or just trying to cut back on meat.

How to Get Your Grill BBQ-Ready

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So get out the grill (or the broiling or sauté pan) and get ready to enjoy a burger-filled summer with these 10 tantalizing burger recipes :

1. Italian Turkey and Mozzarella Burger >

Italian Burger

This turkey burger goes Italian in the best possible way: With marinara sauce and melty, crispy mozzarella cheese. Think of it as turkey burger parm.  It starts with a flavorful burger, spiced with red onion, garlic powder,  oregano, crushed red pepper flakes and fresh basil, mixed with an egg, salt and pepper.  You can grill the burgers (this recipe makes 5) or cook them in a pan on your stove top. When they’re done, simply dab on two tablespoons of marinara and a slice of mozzarella, pop them into the oven and heat until the cheese melts and get slightly crispy. Serve on a whole wheat bun and enjoy one of our delicious burger recipes you won’t regret!

Counts as: 2 PowerFuels and 1 SmartCarb.

2. Spicy Inside Out Cheeseburger >

inside out burger

Your family will know where the beef is, but they won’t know the whereabouts of the cheese till they take their first bite of this spicy beef burger. Made with grass-fed beef mixed with a delectable combination of Worcestershire sauce, japalpenos, smoked paprika, red pepper flakes, salt and pepper, this burger isn’t topped with cheese. . .the cheese is inside! You simply make thin patties, place two Tablespoons of shredded pepper jack or cheddar on top of one then place another on top of that, sealing the edges. Every bite is a treat.

Counts as: 2 PowerFuels, 1 SmartCarb, and 1 Extra.

3. Lettuce Wrapped Mushroom and Swiss Burger >

mushroom and swiss

You may give up buns forever once you bite into this crispy, juicy, flavorful mushroom beef burger topped with Swiss cheese… no wonder it’s one of our favorite burger recipes!  The coolest thing about this sandwich, besides the crunchy “bun” of iceberg or romaine lettuce, is that the baby bella mushrooms are mixed up inside the grass-fed beef burger, along with sautéed onion and garlic, then flavored with sea salt, pepper and Worcestershire sauce.

Counts as: 2 PowerFuels, 1 Vegetable and 1 Extra

5 Low Calorie Condiments to Use at the BBQ

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4. Mega Beet Burger >

beet burger

Did you know that some of the most popular meatless burgers on the market today get their real beef feel with beets? You’re not going to believe how good this meatless burger tastes—and how juicy it is! The burger is made with brown or green lentils, onion, garlic, chopped walnuts, cooked beets, rolled oats, with “flax egg”—a combo of flaxseed meal and water that makes a gel after five minutes—and a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon to add a surprising flavor. It’s slathered with a homemade goat cheese spread made with goat cheese, nonfat Greek yogurt and a little honey and served on a whole wheat sandwich thin.

Counts as: 2 PowerFuels, 1 SmartCarb and 1 Vegetable.

5. Cheeseburger Egg Rolls >

egg rolls

Now you can have one of your favorite appetizers without guilt. And you can have it for lunch or dinner! The recipe is simple: Saute lean ground turkey with diced onion, black pepper and garlic powder, add low-fat cheddar cheese and egg white, then scoop two tablespoons of the meat mixture into each of 10 egg roll wrappers. Seal the wrappers with water, brush with egg yolk, and bake for 25 minutes. Serve with ketchup.

Counts as: 1 PowerFuel and 1 Extra.

6. Sweet Potato and Corn Veggie Burger >

burger recipes

Serve this meatless burger as a vegetable side or you can add a PowerFuel like cheese and turn it into a flex lunch. They’re easy-peasy to make too.  In a food processor, you just combine cooked sweet potato, carrot, and spinach, then stir in some corn, cumin and pepper. Form into patties and broil. In five minutes, they’re ready to serve!

Counts as: 1 SmartCarb. Make sure you make note in NuMi if you’ve also added a PowerFuel or two.

7. Edamame Quinoa Burger >

burger recipes

The edamame and the egg give this meatless burger a big hit of protein, which makes it extra filling.  They’re added to quinoa, and spiced with garlic powder, cumin, coriander and pepper and topped with spicy sriacha, thick-sliced tomato, and wrapped in iceberg lettuce leaves.

Counts as: 1 SmartCarb and 1 PowerFuel.

 8. Caprese Turkey Burger >

burger recipes

Take advantage of summer’s bounty of off-the-vine tomatoes with this flavorful burger made from lean ground turkey, garlic powder, almond flour and pepper.  You can broil or grill the burger, then top it with a slice of part-skim mozzarella, a slice of big juicy tomato and fresh basil leaves. Serve in a small whole wheat bun.

Counts as: 1 SmartCarb and 2 PowerFuels.

4 Ingredients You Should Never Eat Again

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9. Salmon Burger with Herb Cream Sauce >

burger recipes

Get a great big dose of health omega-3 fatty acids with this restaurant-worthy salmon burger topped with enough creamy (but no guilt) sauce spiced with chopped fresh dill and parsley that you get some with every tasty bite. The burger is made from uncooked salmon ground in a food processor then seasoned with paprika, garlic powder, cayenne and black pepper, then broiled. The sauce is a simple combo of reduced fat cream cheese, nonfat plain yogurt, lemon juice and herbs.  It’s served on a whole wheat bun with arugula.

Counts as: 1 SmartCarb, 1 PowerFuel and 1 Extra.

10. Hawaiian Jerk Burger >

burger recipes

This garlic-spiced turkey burger get an island makeover with jerk sauce—generally a mix of hot peppers, garlic, and spices including  nutmeg and allspice—and slices of pineapple. Served on a whole wheat bun, this burger may have you hearing the wind in the palms.

Counts as: 1 PowerFuel, 1 SmartCarb, and 1 Extra


The post The 10 Best Burger Recipes for a Healthier Fourth of July appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf