Thursday, July 4, 2019

125 lbs down. The final 20 to follow.

I've largely been a lurker on this sub but a bit about myself. I'm M(31) - 6'3" and a pretty reserved person. I started this journey when I randomly stepped on the scale roughly 2 years ago to find I weighed 322 lbs. This hit me hard and only added to what I consider the lowest point of my life (mentally and physically). To be blunt I wasn't happy and I was one mental break away from seeking an extreme option. Thankfully, I was so horrified that the thought had even crossed my mind let alone seriously contemplated it that I decided I needed a change.

I started by setting 2 goals to lose the weight and turn my job into a career.

I started my weight loss journey by changing my diet. I first worked with a low glycemic diet and the pounds began to shed. In a months time, I went from 322 to ~300 (I don't remember the exact weight). This continued for another month into the winter holiday season and I was worried that I wouldn't be able to resist the time of infinite cakes and pies. Thanks to willpower that I didn't know I had I made it into the next year down another 20 lbs. At this time coworkers began to notice and a few had asked if it was intentional or if I was sick. I informed them it was intentional and received my first confidence boost in the form of compliments from people who weren't my mother.

Then by mid-February, I transitioned into a keto diet and incorporated DDP yoga. The pounds then began to shed even faster through the spring and into the summer. I hit my goal of 180 lbs. and was able to maintain for almost a year and then I slipped. I put on 15 lbs. and told myself it was okay. I had grown complacent.

Then last September I had another reality check by realizing I crept back up to 250 lbs, because I had fallen back into old habits. I realized that as long as I was at my current job (regardless of position) I wasn't going to be happy, so I enrolled at the local college in the IT program (wish I would have done this sooner) and focused on diet and exercise again. I went back into keto, DDP yoga, and introduce kettlebells. At first, it was slow, but progress is progress.

This brings me to now, closing in on my weight loss goal for a second time, and the ultimate goal of just being happy. My confidence is higher than ever to the point of trying to get back into dating after a decade of being single.

submitted by /u/Mjollnr
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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