Monday, July 29, 2019

Nighttime Binging

About a week ago, I decided to get serious about my weight loss. I've definitely sensed a corrolation between my mood and my diet for years now, and documenting when I eat and my mood 30 minutes afterwards for a month now has proven this to be the case.

That said, I've been documenting what I eat through MyFitnessPal for over a week now. To keep my mood stable, I eat some fruit in the morning regardless of whether or not I'm hungry so that I'm not grumpy midmorning. I eat a 500-600 calorie lunch, again regardless of whether or not I'm hungry so that I have energy for the gym in the afternoon. I suppliment this with an apple midafternoon.

By the time I finish my afternoon workout, I'm feeling great. I make another 500ish calorie dinner, and things are looking good for the day until about an hour after I eat dinner, which is around 7 pm.

I crave food at this point. My mood starts to plummet the longer I go without satisfying this hunger. So I binge food. Ice cream. A frozen meal. Tons of bread and peanut butter. Muffins. The craving goes away, but my mood is still in the doldrums but instead of being related to craving food, it's related to having eaten so many calories to satisfy the craving.

I don't think the craving is related to not getting enough calories from dinner, it appears completely psychological. At 7 pm, I'm essentially done for the day and have nothing to do but read Reddit and watch Netflix. I'm bored, and I crave food.

The only thing I can think to do is wean myself from binging at 7 pm, but I don't know how. Anyone else have or had this problem? I'm looking for ideas.

submitted by /u/pacifien
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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