Wednesday, July 31, 2019

[tip] Another month, another challange. Dealing with hardships.

Hello everyone, happy Wednesday! Like many people, today is weigh-in day as it is the last day of the month. After another good month (10 more me) it made me reflect on how and why everything works out the way it does, here are some tips that I personally have used and I think are very valuable to anyone starting their journey.

1) Having a bad day is exactly that, a bad day. We all lose and give in to that craving sometimes, that doesn't mean you should feel like you have "lost" the battle and give up. Admit that you messed up the day, and do better tomorrow. never stop trying to improve, even if you lose control.

2) Don't put hard-limits on your eating. If you want to have a slice of pizza then go for it, but remember that it is high calorie for low amount of food and adjust your day accordingly. Some people can quit all bad foods cold turkey but in my personal experience when you try and do that it is possible to fall out of your routine. Remember, this is a lifestyle change, not a temporary one! Calories in, calories out!

3) Speed isn't everything. Some people can lose 10-15 pounds a month, others can only manage a couple. This does not mean you are necessarily doing something wrong, as long as that number is going down, you're killin' it! Weight loss is a long process, but it's worth the it!

4)Be happy. A lot easier said than done, but try and be positive during the journey. When you look on the bright side you see more chances for oppertunity which can help you develop skills and habits to keep you in the healthy routine.

These were a couple of things I wish I was told when I started, I really hope it has helped some of you.

submitted by /u/cosmicsoybean
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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