Wednesday, July 31, 2019

I have now lost 2 stone (28lb)!!! And am now officially under 200lb!

F 22, 5’4, SW: 227lb, CW: 199lb.

I have struggled with weight loss for my entire life, and have been overweight/obese since I was 8 years old (save for a brief growth spurt at age 11). Since I was 15 or 16 I have been putting myself on various diets, from doing extreme detoxes to the 5:2 to cutting my calories down to a ridiculously low level. Nothing ever lasted more than about a month. I started University at 19, weighing around 185lb, and over 2.5 years I piled on another 42lb from medication and overeating and going out on nights out and lying in bed all day.

In March, I was the heaviest I have ever been. I had been neglecting weighing myself because I knew that I had put more weight on and I didn’t want to face the reality of how heavy I had become. I was writing my dissertation, and stress eating even more than usual.

The day I handed my dissertation in, my boyfriend took a photo of me proudly holding up my project. This was the first full body photo that I had taken in a long time. I was horrified. Whilst I have always been big, most of my weight has always been on my thighs, but in this photo I had an extremely noticeable and large stomach. So I swallowed my pride and weighed myself. I was honestly shocked. And so it began. I paid more attention to what I was eating. I started walking where I had previously driven. I stopped eating 4 large meals a day.

Today, for the first time in around 16 months, I am under 200lb. I have lost 28lb, DOUBLE what I had ever lost previously. I know that this is a relatively small achievement compared to a lot of people in this subreddit, and I still have a long ways to go, but it feels incredible. I finally had enough of being the fat friend. Of being scared to wear certain clothes for fear of judgement. Of being scared to eat in front of people. Of hating myself.

I am more confident, happier and I feel better than I ever have. I wanted to share this with y’all because I never ever saw myself here. I want people to see this and realise that you can get there. This is my first hurdle. There will be more. But I did it. And you can too.

submitted by /u/DBear423
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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