Saturday, July 27, 2019

17/f went shopping today for the first time since i’ve lost weight, and i’m the happiest i’ve been in a while.

i really don’t post on reddit that much, but the experience i had today has really struck a chord in me, and i wanted to express that some place.

to preface, i began my weight loss journey in early march, and have been continuing since. i started obese, weighing in at 165 pounds (which doesn’t seem like a lot, but when you’re only 5 feet tall, it adds up). now, flash forward 5 months, and i weigh in at 125, an achievement that i pride myself in.

as you could imagine, none of my clothes fit me anymore; every thing was baggy, and hung off my shoulders. naturally, i went shopping to find something that flatters my body more now.

at my original weight, i never would’ve dreamed of fitting into size ten jeans, and medium sized shirts. but now i can. and i don’t know, thinking about all the sacrifices i’ve made to feel confident in my body just made me cry in the dressing room of the H&M i was in. i quickly dried my tears and moved on with my day, but realizing that i’ve dropped 2 sizes made finally notice that “hey, what you’re doing is actually paying off, and you can actually see the results.”

so, to anyone struggling, just know that it seems hard now, but 6 months from now, you’ll get to see the true pay off of your hard work. i hope you all manage to achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself :)

submitted by /u/-taylor-the-creator-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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