Saturday, August 10, 2019

What books would you recommend that encourage a healthy relationship with food and your body while also encouraging weight loss?

May sound like an odd request, but I’ve always wanted a self help book about loving my body and learning to love eating in a non binge / restrict way, but I’ve always avoided those books in fear that they wouldn’t let me “lose weight”. That is, I wanted a book that said “you should love your body because XYZ, and it’s okay to love it into change” and not a book that said losing weight = inherently messed up relationship with your body.

I’ve read eating in the light of the moon, and I really loved it but I also felt like it was the sort of book I could use lines from for OTHER people when they shit on their bodies. For me, my self hate for my body as it stands runs to deep for that to work.

Also, I don’t want those self-hating books that describe your eating disorder or weight loss struggle as though it were a “pig” like this stupid book I once read that was just 400 pages of the author describing binging as a pig inside you smh.

It’s 3AM, and I just binge ate 4 Pb&honey sandwiches because I was feeling depressed and empty, and I really realized just how messed up my relationship with food and body is. I keep saying I will “fast” away these cravings and mentality, but I know deep down I am masking an eating disorder with a health technique (fasting) that should only be utilized by those who already have a healthy relationship with food.

I want to lose the last 50 pounds, I really do. But I don’t know how if I will constantly trick myself into believing the crazy gymnastic conspiracy theories I set up for myself to do various diets. I want a book that will deeply convince me that I can change my relationship with food and my body and still lose weight. I don’t want to fear recovery because I think it’ll mean I won’t lose weight.

Does this make sense?

submitted by /u/115goal
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Opinions on treat meals/days?

Just curious what everyone’s opinion is about this subject and why. I know a lot of people have strong feelings about it.

For me, I like to do a treat meal every weekend. I choose if I do it Friday or Saturday depending on my plans for the weekend. The reasons I do it are:

  1. If I “mess up” and overeat junk food on a day I wasn’t planning to, I have a tendency to beat myself up about it and have even given up weight loss regimes multiple times because of one or two little screw ups. I know if it is planned, I don’t feel guilty and I have no trouble going back to my healthier diet the next day.

  2. I say I have to do it Friday or Saturday for a few reasons. First of all, I do most of my socializing and therefore eating out or drinking on weekends. Second, I like knowing it’s coming at the end of the week as something I can look forward to. It keeps me from snacking on things I shouldn’t for the rest of the week. And third, I weigh myself every Friday morning m. When I see I’ve lost weight, I often will feel so great that I won’t even want to indulge THAT much because I want to keep the progress going.

I know some people don’t like it and say if you need a treat meal or day, then your diet is too limiting or isn’t sustainable. But for me, this just isn’t the case. I like it this way personally. And I can be flexible when I need to be, but overall this schedule works for me. So I’m not looking for a debate, just curious about all of your opinions and also if you DO choose to have treat days/meals, how you fit them into your lifestyle.

submitted by /u/mycatsagirl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Won an IG weight loss challenge at the perfect time

I have been at a plateau with my weight loss for almost 2 months now. I tried changing up my diet and exercise and nothing was working, even with the increased weight training sessions.

I decided to give Intermittent fasting a try and started it last week. I lost 1lb which was exciting because my I hadn’t lost weight in so long.

This afternoon I was running errands with my family and got a notification that I won an IG weight loss challenge! I am not sure if anyone follows fit girls guide, but it’s what I started with when I decided to start changing to a healthier lifestyle. I still follow the exercises 3x a week in addition to my other workouts at the gym.

I honestly don’t even care about the prize. But the fact that I was recognized in a community that sees hundreds of progress pictures made me so happy as I hav felt like a failure recently.

submitted by /u/tortsy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Let’s talk about the scale real quick

Assuming your scale is functional and accurate (which it most likely is), the moment you step on it is the moment you face reality. The scale is a reflection of all the good and the bad you’ve done. It is simply a mirror of your actions. Accepting that fact is probably one of the biggest steps you can make towards reaching your goal.

But before you go and step on that scale, I want you to present your best self. What does that mean? It means weighing yourself in the morning when you’re the lightest. It means weighing yourself the morning after a solid day of dieting. Avoid eating anything after dinner the night before. The morning of the weigh in, avoid having anything in your stomach. And most importantly, hit the treadmill, go for a walk/run or do any kind of cardio that will make you sweat off some water weight.

Only after all that should you give yourself permission to step on the scale. Seeing that initial boost of weight loss will make all the difference in the world. Use that as a spark to light up your enthusiasm. And tell yourself that you never want to see that new lowest weight ever again. Keep yourself accountable and do this on a weekly basis and you will undoubtedly begin to see some results.

submitted by /u/markmikinsta
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

First 10 lbs lost!

I'm excited and I wanted to share the news with everyone! I may have commented to other members on this site but never actually posted myself, so here it goes.

I'm lost my first 10 lbs! I'm so excited and proud of myself. I've been keeping track of my calories, eating a good bit healthier than I used to, and exercising a little more. Honestly I should probably add more exercise but you have to start somewhere! This is the first time I have seen good track-able results. I only wish that I had taken before and after photos to be able to compare those as well. I'm not sure if what I'm doing consists of an actual CICO basis. I track my calories, and I track my exercise, but I don't normally let the app remove the "burned" calories from my daily calorie allotment because I'm not sure how accurate that is. I was also weighing in weekly because I had been doing it daily and that was depressing me because it seemed to never move and it would fluctuate making me feel like I hadn't made progress. I think I need to incorporate my vegetables into my diet and if anyone has a suggestion on the best way to do that I'm all ears! Fruit not a problem, vegetables are a little harder for me do unless I'm using the steamed bag veggies during dinner. I like quick simpler dinners that don't entail too many crazy ingredients and if there's some suggestions for where to find those I'd appreciate it as well!

I'm just finally happy to see results and it's encouraging to know that I might be able to attain my goal weight! It doesn't seem as unattainable as before. So to everyone who is currently going though their weight loss journey don't give up! You'll get there. Find what works for you and most importantly stick with it! The sticking with it part is so important. If you're like me and don't like exercise, then find a way to move that is fun. I dance! Horribly, and in my living room to videos I find on the internet but it's a great workout in the end. I'm normally sweating puddles at the end of just 25-30 minutes and it makes me feel good. Good luck to everyone who is still on their journey, congratulations to those of you that have made it and are maintaining, and thank you for letting me share my achievement with you all!

submitted by /u/ewemousebeekitten
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Been battling my weight on and off since I was a kid - What's changed?

As the title says, I have been battling my weight, food addiction, and impulsiveness issues since I was a kid. I had undiagnosed ADHD up until I was 20 years old, after which I was put on medication and such. Before being diagnosed, I "controlled" my symptoms using a flurry of maladaptive coping strategies like disordered eating behaviors, self-harming behaviors, self-sabotaging, etc. On the outside I was normal weight, but on the inside I was not healthy.

Eventually I ballooned into obesity during a particularly co-dependent relationship and got into HAES in my early 20's. After being diagnosed with PCOS and ADHD, I sought the help of a doctor and they prescribed me medication. I stopped believing in HAES and the body positivity movement and started trying to get healthier again, but I was still holding onto my maladaptive coping strategies from my youth. Obviously, this turned into yo-yo dieting and extreme weight fluctuation. I could gain 20 lbs in a few months, and lose the same weight over and over again over the course of the year.

Last year I went vegan. Cut calories, ate like a kid, eventually got down to my lowest adult weight of 153 lbs. The upper limit of healthy for my height. I broke up with the co-dependent partner, but I couldn't keep up with my limited diet forever. I gave up again, and went back to "not caring". Found someone new, and gained weight together. I'm 20 lbs up again, and I don't want to keep losing these 20 lbs forever.

Finally, around March I told myself enough was enough. I stopped going for the familiar (crash dieting, self-flagellating behavior), and got my medication in order. I now set a schedule so I take the damn thing every day instead of when I remember, I keep a feelings journal for when I struggle with self-harming thoughts, and I'm seeing my first therapist in a week. So far I've lost 5lbs. Not world ending, but it's progress.

What's changed? Seeking immediate gratification and extreme weight loss doesn't work for me. I sabotage myself into old habits that way. I ask for help now, where before people had to guess at what was wrong. I take my mental health more seriously now. I wonder if anyone who reads this can use it as a wake up call if this sounds familiar to them? If you keep trying, and trying, and failing? Ask for help. Trust that people will love you anyway and not judge and humiliate you. Let go of negative habits and people (I myself block all social medias except reddit, and even then I block some subreddits). It's okay to take some time to heal. You don't need to be "woke" all the time if it's making you depressed.

Finally, drink water and get some sleep. I often forget how important those two things are. :)

submitted by /u/androgenenosis
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I am new to dieting and have a couple questions if some lovely redditors could help!

Hello! F/24/322Lbs SW

CW: 314.2Lbs

INFO: I am currently doing 1,300Cal and am mostly sedentary - I was going to pick up a gym membership once I'm comfortable and can afford it, but for now I try and walk through the oark every now and then

Question 1: I started dieting in late July and I know all the weight I've lost is water weight - when will it stop being water weight and be the typical 1-2 Lbs a week?

Q2: Is saving calories a thing? My birthday is next Sunday and I was wondering if I didn't eat on Saturday and went to sushi with friends on Sunday would I then have 2,600 I can use or would that be bad and put me in starvation mode and hurt my weight loss?

Q3: Is there a sub just for women to lose weight? I am really not trying to be sexist and I would just be more comfortable having a gathering place for OW and Obese women like myself to mingle and discuss their weight loss. I am extremely proud of all the men and women here trying to change their lives.

Thanks so much everyone for reading and good luck on your journeys!!

submitted by /u/Hobbette
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from loseit - Lose the Fat