Sunday, September 8, 2019

I want to be healthy again

I come from a family of fairly obese people; about 6 of my immediate family members have had weight loss surgery. I’m not talking like 500-600 lbs, but at the most like 400-450.

When I was a sophomore in high school I was 240 pounds, and I finally made a change and lost about 75 pounds. It was great! But I still had bad habits. I was mostly not eating at all and doing A LOT of insanity.

Fast forward a couple of years and I kept the weight off but mostly fluctuated between 190-210, which wasn’t really where I wanted to be.

Last year, I lost about 30 lbs in 2 months and got down to 185 or so. Again, I was not eating much and I was doing a lot of insanity.

Right now, I weigh almost 240 lbs AGAIN. I feel so horrible and helpless. Every single week I try to start. Every single week I fail. I’m literally addicted to fast food. I’m always tired. It’s all excuses, all the time. I just want to make a permanent change and be healthy.

I know I would lose it fast, but it’s just the starting that I can’t get around to. It’s really so hard. And I know a lot of people deal with this, so I would really appreciate some help.

By the way I’m 21, about 5’11” and I’m a senior in college (if that matters).

submitted by /u/doctorv33
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

MidWest to Mountain West

Hi. I just made this account because my first made me identifiable to friends/family. I've only been lurking reddit for a month and this is my first post - I'm probably going to do it all wrong.

Can I get a couple "you can do it!"?

I'm trying hard to gather the courage to lose weight proactively. I grew up in the northern midwest where sweet and pudgy german/polish/Czech grandmothers still make home made kolaches, dessert is served at lunch and dinner, and friday fish/Saturday prime rib/Sunday broasted chicken is a religion in itself. Back home, at 5'6"/203 # I fit right into the normal size range for every woman in a restaurant. Ten years ago I moved to the mountain west and instead of finding the best hot bacon dressing, fitness is the religion here.

I recently weighed myself and realized I weighed more than when 9 months pregnant (disclaimer, I was gestational diabetic when pregnant and stuck to my carbs allotment with a level of willpower I didnt know existed. I left the hospital with a ten pound baby weighing less than the day i got pregnant). Breast feeding though? Ravenous. Gained plenty during the year.

I have a lot of emotions and baggage to unpack in my weight loss journey. I have a 300+# dad that makes inappropriate comments about my weight. A 5ft 8in alcoholic mom who struggles to stay 115# because she forgets to eat. I feel self conscious in work out clothes (especially in my local rec center). I dont want anyone to know I'm trying because I dont want the comments. And I'm a stay at home mom of two with a hubs that works 12 hr days 5 days a week and I cook fresh from scratch 5 nights a week- I hit burnout a long time ago and I feel like I'm limping through this season of life. When I'm trying to be a good mom and not scream at my darling children I know full well what I do to bring my anxiety back to earth (hello box of chocolate).

I'm sick of feeling heavy and sick and hating clothes.

I have a goal for Feb 1 - 20 weeks away. Think I can get to 150 or 160 in that time frame? After I will reset my goal. If I hit 135 in my life again I will be impressed, but I'm taking that off the table for now and focusing on 150. I dont eat fast food or drink soda, I've been attempting to CICO in the same fashion I counted carbs like gold coins. Help?

submitted by /u/mountainsandcheddar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My passive aggressive mother and my weight loss.

Let’s start with some background. I was always thin growing up and I was very athletic in high school. Once I went to college I stopped playing sports and over the years put on about 70 pounds through bouts of depression and some stressful jobs. My mom has hounded me about my weight every time she saw me. It never helped me lose weight and just made me more depressed about myself and my life choices because not only was my weight an issue but always telling me to get a better job even though I’m very happy with what I’m doing and don’t rely on them financially whatsoever. For the record I’m 29.

I’ve found a job in the same industry that I’m super happy with and have basically found a second family through where I work. A few months ago I finally decided to make a change in myself and my diet. I quit drinking, starting counting and went from 246 pounds to 209 pounds in about three months. Everyone in my daily life has been super supportive and tell me how proud they are of me and it really makes me feel great about myself and what I can accomplish.

My parents moved across the country a couple years ago so now I only see them once or twice a year. We had planned a vacation to all meet up where my brother lives (in another part of the country) and since I hadn’t seen them in awhile I was excited to show off my weight loss.

About a half an hour after we are all together my dad tells me how great I look (my dad is the best) and my mom says, “yep you look great Mosby4Life, but it’s so easy to lose weight when you are young.” And my heart dropped.

I had worked so hard to get to the weight I was that everyone around me could see it but nothing is ever good enough for her. Part of me pushed hard the couple weeks leading up to the trip because I just have this inner need to make my mom proud of me. I’ve kind of been on and off the weight loss wagon after the trip.

She ended also saying an hour later at dinner that when she was young she could lose 15 pounds at the snap of her fingers. GREAT thanks mom that really validates how much effort I’ve put in to changing my health and self esteem.

I’ve been pretty low contact with her since then for other reasons. It just seems like every choice I make in life isn’t good enough for her because it’s not the choice she would have made for herself.

I’m losing weight for ME and no one else. I know I can do this and I don’t need her gratification to do it. And if she can’t be supportive of my life then I don’t know how much of her I want in it.

30 more pounds to go!

submitted by /u/Mosby4Life
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I felt better before my weight loss

It's the first time I post here and English is not my first language so i'm sorry if my text isn't well written or too long ( i don't know if it's the right community to write this post but i feel it's the best place for me to do it, if not feel free to let me know ) Before i start i just wanted to tell people who want to lose weight not to think this will happen to you, i know a lot of people who have different expƩriences with weight loss so dont worry.

Everything started 2 years ago, i was around 210 pounds for 1m75 but it was never a problem for me, i could go to swimming pools without being ashamed of myself, i would wear everything i wanted even if it didn't fit me really well and so on....

I always was this weight and it never really was a problem for anybody( of course there were some people who would tell me i was fat but i didn't pay attention). One day my mom told me that i should maybe start losing weight, but i didn't really car so i just told her that i was okay with myself. At first i thaught she was just joking or something, but as the days went on she would be more harsh on me, telling me i looked like a whale , like a cow or even a pregnant woman, and she would even be ashamed to walk near me. My dad tried to talk to her at first bit ended up being on her side, telling me that the reason i didnt have a boyfriend was because of weight and i would never have a job because people are mean etc... it hurt so much that i couldnt believe what they were saying. I was so depressed i hated myself, i didnt go to school for a long time, i couldnt look a myself without thinking about the words from my parents.

After i think less than a year, the teacher heard about this story( long story short i told my friend, who ended up talking to a teacher at school who was like a therapist or something) and they sent me to some therapist. Honestly i thaught that everything would be fine and my life would be back like it was before, but after several visits the therapist told me that my parents would never change their mind and i needed to lose weight if i wanted to end this problem. I felt so broken after that but after a few weeks i decided to start losing weight.

At first it was great, i would eat pretty healthy meals and go to the gym twice a week. I loved that. I lost around 33 pounds in 6 months and i loved myself. Everyone would tell me i was smiling so much more, people would tell me i looked beautiful and so on.

But i dont know why, i started to hate myself again even if i was losing weight. It came out of nowhere. Everytime i looked a the mirror i would see me from the past. I started going to the gym everday, i started to eat less than before, less than i should, and i started to binge so badly, like i would eat EVERYTHING i found at home. I would feel so bad that i would go to the gym all weekend to lose all those calories, i nearly fainted multiple times because i would make too much effort.

I lost another 44 pounds, which means i nearly lost 80 pounds. I always thaught i would feel great and all but no. Today i cant look at myself without feeling miserable, i cant eat anything without looking at the calories, even if it's a tomato, i only wear black clothes because it makes you thinner they say, i cant undress myslef in front of anybody and i am afraid everytime someone asks me to go out to eat something.

I never told anybody because i feel like it's stupid and i am ashamed of it, and sorry again if it's not the right community to write in but i really needed to get all of this out so thanks to all people who have read it.

submitted by /u/anobodyme
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

60 lbs down and no longer obese after about a year and a half! Forcing myself to find encouragement/inspiration to lose the final 40 lbs to reach 100 lbs weight loss goal.

Around a year and half ago I embarked on a weight loss journey to lose 100 lbs after realizing that I was getting very close to weighing 300 lbs, and was nearly 100 lbs over the 'overweight' body mass index threshold with a height of 6' 3''. I started diligently counting calories using MyFitnessPal, exercising daily, biking to work, and posting periodic progress updates to Facebook to keep myself accountable with my closest family and friends, which worked wonders for helping me stay on track.

That being said, I've recently plateaued after reaching a milestone by dipping below the 'obese' BMI category at 240 lbs. I already feel so much better than I used to in terms of both mental and physical health, and I'm able to do things that I was not physically capable of doing before like go on day long hiking adventures without completely exhausting myself. My self-esteem and interactions with people have improved dramatically as well, especially when people comment on how good I look compared to before, which is an awesome feeling. The problem is that all of those positive changes are actually making it somewhat difficult to not lose sight of my goals during the final stretch of my journey. Despite knowing rationally that getting to the 'normal' BMI category will make my health and overall well being even better, I've been really feeling the 'diminishing returns' effect after experiencing first hand how much easier it is to lose weight the heavier you are. It's difficult not to throw in the towel and say 'good enough', but that's not what I intend on doing.

I'm making this post both to share my progress so far and to reaffirm my desire to shed that final 40 lbs and reach my total weight loss goal of 100 lbs, which I know will be 100% worth it. In hopefully another 4-5 months or so when I finally get there, I look forward to accomplishing even more things that I never even dreamed of being able to do (maybe summiting a peak or running a marathon, the possibilities are endless). To everyone struggling on the final stretch of their weight loss journey, stick to it and don't lose sight! I know that's what I'll be doing! :)

Progress photo so far (shirtless fat guy, not sure if nsfw? )

submitted by /u/FalseTruism
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost 17 lbs in a very short amount of time and noticed heart palpitations, and began just eating whatever this week and they stopped. Now I don't know what to do.

I also think because I had my IUD removed it contributed to the rapid weight loss + my periods came back EXTREMELY heavy.

I'm 24, F, 5'7". I started at 187 lbs mid June and am now 168 lbs.

I noticed two weeks ago I began having chest pain/palpitations. My doctor just insists it's anxiety and to keep doing what I'm doing... I started taking multivitamins, but now it's like I can't get back into those good habits. At night I start eating because otherwise my heart starts racing.

I figured rather than only 1400 calories like MyFitnessPal suggested, I'll go back to trying for 0.5 lb a week instead which is 1700 calories. I also go to the gym 3-4 times a week.

I'm just terrified of obesity. Please help.

submitted by /u/magicalgirlsophia
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The one person who pointed out my weight gain didn't notice the loss, and I'm surprised how much that hurts

This round of weight loss started back in February after I'd visited some family. They sent a picture of me to my mother, who a few days later called me to tell me I looked like I'd gained a ton of weight and I looked awful. Which was absolutely true -- past 3 years I've been in medical school, eating terribly and spending most of the day staring at books and a computer. I'd definitely gained weight, she wasn't wrong. My mother's always been a very critical person. She does it to everyone, we're used to it, but it was enough shame to motivate me, at least. She was going to attend my graduation in 2020 and I resolved to have gotten back to a decent weight by then.

By July I was about 135 lbs. At 5'0" that was still overweight but I was feeling better, had dropped 4-5 pant sizes, skin was looking much brighter with regular exercise and better food, and I was fairly proud of myself despite still having 15-20 pounds to go til goal. I left for an away rotation in a city where I have other family, and my mother decided she was going to drive over and visit them (and me) before I headed back hundreds of miles away again. I was a bit terrified. I hadn't wanted to her to see me until I was a weight I was happy with, but it wasn't like I could tell her not to come. We hadn't seen each other in person in almost four years.

The day we met up I tried my best to look nice. I'd gotten some clothes that fit me well and was feeling pretty cute that day. Inner me was still scared she'd say something about me still being fat in front of my family. Inner me was also, pathetically, secretly hoping she'd notice that I was almost 40 lbs lighter than in the picture she'd seen. Maybe it's just growing up with a critical parent, but that praise would've meant the world to me tbh.

But...nothing. Through lunch, through the goodbye after, through a phone call a few days mention at all. And I find I'm left feeling strangely shitty, even now a few weeks later. It's almost embarrassing realizing how much I just wanted to hear some small acknowledgement. I feel like maybe my pride in myself over what I've done so far isn't warranted. Maybe the 40 lbs means nothing and I still look as terrible as I did back in February.

Anyway, I'm still struggling with this (obviously). I'm not the kind of person who regularly hinges on compliments or someone's approval. It bugs the hell out of me that I feel like this over something this trivial, ugh. If anything, I've learned that if you're going to be the person to break the news to someone about their weight, try and also be the person that acknowledges a change when it's made. You have no idea how much your praise may mean, even if it feels small to you.

submitted by /u/Practical_Sound
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from loseit - Lose the Fat