Thursday, December 26, 2019

Need some advice (currently 286lbs)

Hi all, looking for some advice on what I'm currently doing. But first some back story!

I was 315lbs about 3 months ago, since then I have started to count what I've been eating and joined a Gym. But I have a question about if I am doing the right thing or whether there is more I need to do.

I eat around 1600-1800 calories most days, and lately I've been only lifting at the Gym as cardio hurts my knees a lot. I've been doing a 4 day split which I do a morning heavy lift then the same muscle group at night as a lighter higher rep set until failure. Breakdown below:

Day 1: Chest & Shoulder Day 2: Legs Day 3: Biceps & Triceps Day 4: Back

My question is I'm heavily overweight as you can see, will I still be able to lose weight by only lifting weights and eating between 1600-1800 calories? Or am I eating too little calories? I don't really watch my macros but I do take a protein shake ofter my morning heavy lift.

The end goal for me is to get to around 200 pounds, and gain lean muscle mass while I'm at it. I've been told a lot that I should only do carido as I will lose weight faster etc, but I can still lose weight only lifting heavy right? Or will my weight loss plateau?

Again open forum here so please any advise would be great!

submitted by /u/Willis_gets_fit
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Picking a gym

I need help looking for a gym in the Houston area. Specificity closer towards the Laporte, Pasadena and Baytown area. I started on my weight loss journey about 4 months ago and lost 20 pounds (70 to go) and managed to keep it off. But I know that just eating less calories than what I usually did wont last for long. I need to start working out but I don't know what gym to start with. I have heard from different family members how gyms like to scam people and i have heard that if you try to cancel they will still charge your card and give you the run around( I've seen this for myself when my mom tried to cancel month after month when we where going through a hard financial time and they still charged her card after she jumped through hoops and put her in the negatives a few times)

I just want to see if there are some gyms that wont do this to a customer if for whatever reason I do have to cancel since things to come up.

submitted by /u/LilMissChaos
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

From one perfectionist to another: a tip for when a hard calorie limit is not a feasible solution for you

When I lose weight and choose a calorie limit (1200 kcal, booh) that is hard to maintain on a daily basis (fine, but those weekends, bruh), I find it easier to be a bit more flexible in my deficit.

At my weight, my TDEE is 1700 at sedentary activity levels. By eating 1200 kcal, I'll lose half a kilo/week, and less as the weight loss progresses (less mass demands less energy, so the deficit will get smaller and smaller, assuming an equal activity level).

But 1200 kcal/day sucks. I think it sucks even when I eat a lot of vegetables and end the day full and bursting at the seams.

So I allow myself a calorie range instead. I'll eat up to 1400 kcal per day. But sometimes eating above the "allowed" 1200 kcal leads to a bad conscience, I say, using my perfectionist voice. Like, I'm failing at losing weight, so what's the use anyways. Ofcourse I can have those three slices of cake. I already failed.

Nonsense, I say, using my logical voice.

I find it helps to put those calories into a graph that visualises the date of the end goal. Using's calculator, I'll hit goal weight 14th of May by eating 1200 kcal. By eating 1400 kcal, I'll hit goal weight 28th of August. So I took the numbers and put it into a graph.

So whenever my black hole of a stomach just screams for a small, sugary snack at the end of a 1200 kcal day, I take a look at this graph and tell myself that, yes, I will still hit goal weight eating an extra 200 kcal a day. Just a little later.

It's not a sprint, it's a marathon.

submitted by /u/svvvaffles
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Getting back into it after over a year...I'm feeling really overwhelmed

Hello! My brother directed me to this subreddit after we had a conversation about my weight loss and health... and I really need some advice and support. I'm hoping this will help.

I've had many struggles with my mental health the past 6 years; depression, anxiety, PTSD,, from sexual violence and rape, and I developed binge eating disorder after a stint of bulimia. I became an alcoholic because I couldn't cope, and my issues were all treatment resistant. This all started after getting out of an abusive relationship going into my second year of university, and all of the above has made it so I gained about 70 pounds over a span of the past 2 years.

In the beginning when my mental health wasn't as debilitating, I was a gym rat. I went 6 x/week with a friend who was a bodybuilder and PT, and I learned all about weightlifting and HIIT and that good stuff. I haven't worked out since 2018 though.

In April 2019, I finally found a treatment that worked and a therapist who treated my eating disorder properly, and put the gym on the back burner along with school and work (with the loving support of my amazing parents) and have focused 100% on my mental wellbeing.

Now, December 2019, I'm no longer an alcholic. I'm off my meds, no longer have diagnosed depression and anxiety, and my eating disorder and PTSD are 10000x more manageable. Mentally and emotionally I'm a lot stronger and I'm really proud of myself for putting myself first. Without going to the gym and just focusing heavily on therapy and reigning in my eating and drinking, I'm now sitting at 170 LBS, I'm scared.

I don't like my body and am not comfortable or healthy, but I have NO IDEA where to start. Now that my mental blocks are being managed on the therapy and self - help front I don't ... I don't know how to proceed. How do you get back into working out when you haven't in a year? When I think of everything I have to do to get to my goal (meal prep, eating healthy, calorie counting, making workouts, VARYING my workouts, etc) I'm freaking overwhelmed and intimidated.

Where do I even start? Any advice or a direction I could be pointed in would be so appreciated. I really want to live to my full potential and lose more weight but goddamn I don't know where to start. When I think of what it'll take I get emotional and worried.

For reference, I am 25F, 5'7, and 170.6 LBS as of this moment. My goal is to get down to the 130-140 LBS range, as I used to be swimmer and athlete and I felt my most comfortable at 20 when I was about 120 LBS. Please help! Thank you.

submitted by /u/ginngerbread
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The difference a year makes (1 year progress)

Good day. About a year ago, I started my weight loss journey. I decided to go to the gym 2 times a week minimum. I cut soda and a majority of sugary drinks from my diet. I unfortunately did not weigh myself when I started. In April, 8 months ago, I posted on here for the 1st time. At that time, I was 368lbs. I had managed to keep my gym commitment for all but 1 week. I had said at that point that I would start tracking my calories with my fitness app. And now after 8 months, I want to share my progress.

I unfortunately could not stick to counting my calories entirely. It was more work than I anticipated and I wasn't ready to get that serious about it if we're being honest. However, I did try to be mindful of what I was eating throughout the year. Almost like keeping track in my head by using estimates. It was at least somewhat effective. As of December 1st, I weighed 315lbs, which puts my total weight loss since April at 53lbs. My goal had been to be under 300lbs by the end of the year, which I will not be hitting it looks like. This month has been very tough for my diet and exercise. I got a tattoo which took my out of the gym for a week. And with the holidays everyone has sharing my biggest weakness at work; sweets.i know I could have been stronger, but I think I needed the break to enjoy myself a little.

However, January is right around the corner and I'm ready to tackle this with full force. I'm going to commit to CICO completely starting today. Not only that, but I'm going to continue looking for healthier options for my meals. I just need to find what works for me. I just know my diet needs to improve. If anyone has any tips I would love any sort of help. Good, low calorie foods to eat, how you control your impulse to eat, anything like that. I will continue to go to the gym twice a week at least. My goal is to get to 250lbs by the end of 2020. So only 65lbs to go. If you read this, thank you for your time. Thank you all for being inspiring everyday. I'll see you all in 2020.

submitted by /u/FlyingFish13
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m 20 years old, I’m fat, and I hate it.

Throughout my whole childhood I was slightly overweight, maybe carrying an extra 5 or 10 pounds, my parents always pushed exercise and sports on me but I was never able to commit, they figured I’d hit a growth spurt and lose the weight, but I never ended up being that tall so the weight stayed. When I was 18 I probably weighed 165 or 170 pounds and I’m a 5’6” male. Not terrible but not great either, college has had it’s ups and downs and my freshman year I managed to take off the first semester weight I put on with a gym routine, but my eating habits were terrible and they’ve just gotten worse. Now I’m going into my second semester junior year and I’m 180 pounds, I don’t look good, I always thought of myself as fat but the people around me usually didn’t, but now it feels like they do. I hate it, I hate the way I look and the way I feel. I have started doing a HIIT routine every day for the last 3 days, it’s been okay, I’m keeping it simple because I want to create a routine, and build up from there once I have a healthy habit. My biggest problem is eating, I love carbs, and I eat a lot. I kind of eat my feelings as they say. If I had a bad day, I think this pasta will make me feel good for 10 minutes, not feeling great about myself tonight, this cookie will give me a minute long dopamine rush. It’s how I cope with a lot of the depression I’ve been dealing with for a couple years. I am definitely less depressed than when I started, but the unhealthy eating habits have only gotten worse. I’ve started to mix in salads and fruits, but it just feels like it’s never going to get better. I’ve tried everything, my problem is actually committing, I always end up falling back into the same bad habits. I’ve tried CICO, OMED, Intermittent Fasting, everything. I don’t know what to do, but I can’t keep looking in the mirror and seeing myself like this. I can’t keep bending over and feeling the extra weight on my body, I hate it, but I don’t know how to fix it.

TLDR I eat emotionally, and it negates any weight loss progress I make from exercising. I’m heavier than ever, and I just want to look good and feel good about my body for once in my life.

submitted by /u/cparkhurst17
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost 36.2 lbs and it's an emotional rollercoaster

Started losing June 19th of this year at 187.8 lbs. As a 5'4 woman, I knew I needed a change and reduced my caloric intake. Eating at 1350 - 1400 calories a day has been super sustainable for me. Today, I weigh 151.6. That's 36.2 pounds lost. I celebrate my little weight loss victories when I step off the scale for about 10 minutes. Then the disappointment sneaks in. I ask myself why I haven't lost more since my last weigh in. I convince myself that at this rate, it'll take me forever just to get to the 140s. Why tf is it slowing down? Lol. But after all the negative thoughts, I feel some sort of clarity. I remind myself that I've been (fairly comfortably) losing weight. I've been weighing and logging my food. It's not a race. It's a lifelong lifestyle change, not a short sprint to the finish line. I'm good :) I really don't know what I'm trying to say in this post, but just wanted to share my little experience. Hope you all have a happy holidays!

submitted by /u/mesosa214
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from loseit - Lose the Fat