Thursday, February 13, 2020

Losing it for the wedding

My wedding is in October. I was able to lose 110 lbs from my starting weight but gained 35 back. I'm not exactly sure what happened, although my life did change quite a bit from my lowest weight - move further from my job (1 hour commute), got a second cat with some training difficulties, copper IUD insertion, new job, engagement, another new job (commute down to 30 mins)...just a lot to happen in 1.5 years. Depression did creep back up, and I've found it's quite difficult to eat appropriate portions of healthy food when my fiancé and I both don't really like to cook (we're pretty lazy) and when he can eat a ton, and I have to eat tiny amounts of food. I also don't like the feeling of being hungry but then don't feel full until I'm almost physically sick.

With our wedding coming up later this year, I want to get back down to at least 150. I think I'll be able to fit into my dress really well after alteration and look good and feel confident in it. I'm really struggling with getting going again, though. I don't remember the last time I tracked calories with any seriousness, so I know I'll need to pick that up again, and add in more exercise to keep CICO going. I'm also thinking of adding IF, because the food I do want in the mornings is not particularly healthy and is generally high calorie. I'd love to hear from others who may have had weight loss successes in prep for a wedding and I suppose just some good vibes to help get me going on this journey again. The whole thing feels very daunting, but I've done it before, so I know I can do it again.

submitted by /u/libthroaway
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tips for the mental side of weight loss

Hi everyone...never thought I'd be one to post in this thread but here I am. I'm an 18 yr old girl, 5'3, weigh around 125 pounds. Although I'm in a healthy weight range, I have an extremely petite frame and I hate where my body is right now. I used to hover around 110-115 as a competitive tennis player. I played tennis constantly, too busy to think about food plus too busy being in love with the sport. Once I burnt out and quit, the weight came on fast and it seems like my metabolism severely slowed down. I've been trying to lose 10-15 pounds since two years ago and I seem to never be able to do it. It always gets too restrictive and I end up overeating. At the height of my most motivated to lose weight last year, I was calorie counting and obsessed with food, constantly thinking about my next meal. I'm extremely disciplined in every other aspect of my life. I work out every day, study hard in school. My perfectionist tendencies help my success in every other aspect of my life...but I feel like I will never succeed at losing weight. I continue to sabotage myself. It's almost like I have this perception that " people like me" don't reach their weight loss goals and get to feel good in their bodies. that's reserved for Instagram models and YouTubers. I feel like food has now become the one happiness in my life. I'm vegan and I love love healthy food...I could binge on roasted vegetables just as much as ice cream. But it's usually the latter. I also want to point out that at my lowest weight playing tennis for hours, I didn't care about what I ate. I never put on weight.

I know that once I lose this weight, I will feel a deep inner peace in my body. That I did my body and mind justice and that I can free up all of this mental space to other things. If any of you have tips or motivational stories, I would love to hear it. I just need some hope.

submitted by /u/harsithkalai
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[HELP] My husband is struggling with losing weight

My husband (M23) is struggling with his weight loss journey. He’s been going to the gym for 2 months and has gained 20 pounds. He’s currently 250 pounds. He doesn’t know what to do. He’s been eating healthy and going to the gym. We eat together and go to the gym together. He was losing weight then started to gain weight. He does weightlifting 5 days in a row for 1-2 hours then runs for 10 minutes. He read a lot of stories on people’s weight loss journey, saw that they did weightlifting, and they saw results. I don’t know what to do or how he can lose weight. He’s so devastated. He desperately wants to lose weight, but gets heartbroken when he doesn’t see progress. Any thoughts, advice, or suggestions?

submitted by /u/dalbka
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Climbing out of rock bottom

The past three months have been the worst period of my life to date. Lots of factors went into it which we don't need to get into here, but the end result is I have gained 25 pounds, am extremely depressed, and feel like my entire life has fallen apart. Safe to say this is my rock bottom. And I really want to climb out before I find rock bottom's basement. Several times during the past three months I tried to pick myself up again, but I kept falling back down. And today, I am trying again. Yeah, I might fail agaIn, but then again I might not.

My greatest fear is that I won't be able to recover from this. That I won't be able to lose this weight. But I found this subreddit and reading all of your posts and journeys has given me a huge boost of motivation. I have a weight loss plan (mainly CICO with a touch of IF), calorie trackers, a spreadsheet with lots of graphs for me to track my progress, supportive friends, and I am seeking therapy as well.

One thing I don't have however is a weight loss buddy. I could definitely use some accountability and someone to vent to / cheer on. Would anyone like to join me on a 25 pound weight loss adventure? Even if you just want to join for 5 pounds, or continue on past me (I'll keep cheering you on!!) that would be amazing. Either messaging through here, facebook, instagram, or whichever works best for you! Let's get our lives back together!

Thanks for reading :)

submitted by /u/StormsAreMadeToEnd
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I have made huge process in my weight loss but my body image is suffering. I suddenly can't get it out of my head that I won't be happy until I reach my GW.

5'1, female aged 25. Starting weight was 235lbs, current is 150 and goal is 115... so 85 lost and 35 to go.

I have made a lot of progress and I obviously look and feel a lot better. I am completely aware that I have made a huge improvement to my health and physical appearance.

I feel like I am an 'acceptable' fat now, if that makes sense? I don't feel like anybody stares at me for the wrong reasons anymore. I feel somewhat ordinary. I have got to a weight were I am very mobile and even a little fit. I'm not concerned about my health at all anymore but god damn, the body image issues are consuming me. I used to feel great if I lost a couple of lbs, I remember getting down to 210 and really feeling myself. I was so proud! I bought new clothes, took loads of selfies lol and my confidence was really improving. I just hit 150 a couple of days ago and I was like meh, still 35 to go. I haven't wore makeup at all in 2020 so far because I am just like, what is the point? I still got this extra fat on me.

This is weird but what is killing me most these days are the compliments. "OMG you look so skinny!" I am 20lbs overweight, it kills me inside when people say that to me. I am also embarrassed to tell people how much weight I have lost because I feel like I get a look which suggests they are shocked because I am still chubby. My weight loss used to be something I was proud of, now I am embarrassed by it.

I am more conscious of my body than ever before, the details stand out. How my skin creases a little now in my inner thighs, my back rolls, my love handles... I am obsessed with my flaws in a way that I never knew I could be. I cannot escape the thoughts that I will not be happy until I reach 115lbs.

I am aware this is a very unhealthy way to think about things. Guys, I think body image is just as important as weight loss and I always assumed that they would go hand in hand but they haven't. Has anyone been through anything similar? any advice please?

submitted by /u/_Jesus_is_a_biscuit_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Where do I go from here?

I started my weight loss in January 2019 at 319lbs and I've got my weight down to 179lbs as of today. I will be the first one to say that my eating habits weren't always the best, I generally used to restrict to 1000 calories or less which wasn't too difficult, but it is becoming harder to continue as time goes on. Ever since the beginning of this year, it isn't as easy as it was to eat 1000 calories minimum, it doesn't give me enough variety in my diet.

I haven't visited a gym or have focused on muscle at all, which has left me with a "pudgy" look. As in, I can feel my ribs if I push on my chest but I do still have moobs, a muffin-top still and there is still fat on my thighs/calves. (I don't look slim)

I would still like to lose weight, but it is clear that losing it this quickly is having an adverse affect on the appearance of my body.

Is it best to bump it up to 1200 calories per day, so I'm still at a 1000 daily deficit, which should mean a 2lb weight loss per week? Ideally I would like to get 165lbs-ish by June/July.

Unfortunately I can't afford a gym membership so I'm unclear what to do on that front, I'm tired of my huge thighs and my chunky calves.

I haven't measured myself recently but my last measurements were this -

Neck: 14 inches

Waist: 37 Inches

Thighs: 19 Inches

Arms: 10 Inches

Chest: 40 Inches

Calf: 17 Inches

Height: 5FT 11

(Measurements are likely to have changed a little bit, but overall I'm still chunky.)

I am certainly not willing to give up on weight loss but I do want to get a body that I am happy with, whilst I do weigh less, I don't look thin. I do wear compression clothing and prefer tighter belts, which does help a little bit.

Guidance would be appreciated, I look at /r/progresspics for my weight and my body doesn't look anything like what I see, which sucks a little.

Is the problem too much body fat? I'm not too sure what's going on.

Thank you. :)

submitted by /u/CaptainJaneway_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Today I needed a seat belt extender on a plane. Today is day one again.

I was down to 285 in late 2018. All the way down from 410. I lost the weight in about 18 months (CICO). I was feeling really good about my weight loss.

Since that time I’ve got a divorce, sold the only home I’ve ever owned, and gained 60lbs of that weight back. I’m sitting typing this on a southwest flight embarrassed that I had to ask for a seat belt extension. I could feel my face turning red as I sucked in my gut and tried my damndest to buckle. I admitted defeat and asked for the belt. I know my face was still red because I was embarrassed....but major props to the southwest attendant, he could tell this was not something I wanted to ask for and was very helpful and gracious.

Anyway, I started feeling shitty about gaining the weight back and decided that wasn’t going to do me any good. I’m still around 60lbs down from my highest weight, and I’ve had a hell of a year and a half. I can either wallow in self pity and gain EVERYTHING back, or kick ass like I know I can and move forward. So that’s what I am doing.

Today is day one. 2.0. Thanks for the inspiration folks.

submitted by /u/garebeargg
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from loseit - Lose the Fat