Thursday, February 13, 2020

I have made huge process in my weight loss but my body image is suffering. I suddenly can't get it out of my head that I won't be happy until I reach my GW.

5'1, female aged 25. Starting weight was 235lbs, current is 150 and goal is 115... so 85 lost and 35 to go.

I have made a lot of progress and I obviously look and feel a lot better. I am completely aware that I have made a huge improvement to my health and physical appearance.

I feel like I am an 'acceptable' fat now, if that makes sense? I don't feel like anybody stares at me for the wrong reasons anymore. I feel somewhat ordinary. I have got to a weight were I am very mobile and even a little fit. I'm not concerned about my health at all anymore but god damn, the body image issues are consuming me. I used to feel great if I lost a couple of lbs, I remember getting down to 210 and really feeling myself. I was so proud! I bought new clothes, took loads of selfies lol and my confidence was really improving. I just hit 150 a couple of days ago and I was like meh, still 35 to go. I haven't wore makeup at all in 2020 so far because I am just like, what is the point? I still got this extra fat on me.

This is weird but what is killing me most these days are the compliments. "OMG you look so skinny!" I am 20lbs overweight, it kills me inside when people say that to me. I am also embarrassed to tell people how much weight I have lost because I feel like I get a look which suggests they are shocked because I am still chubby. My weight loss used to be something I was proud of, now I am embarrassed by it.

I am more conscious of my body than ever before, the details stand out. How my skin creases a little now in my inner thighs, my back rolls, my love handles... I am obsessed with my flaws in a way that I never knew I could be. I cannot escape the thoughts that I will not be happy until I reach 115lbs.

I am aware this is a very unhealthy way to think about things. Guys, I think body image is just as important as weight loss and I always assumed that they would go hand in hand but they haven't. Has anyone been through anything similar? any advice please?

submitted by /u/_Jesus_is_a_biscuit_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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