Monday, February 24, 2020

I've lost 70 pounds!

Hey! So, I joined this community about a year ago, and initially asked for some advice on how to better manage my health. When I started dieting, I was around 255 lbs, and seriously concerned about being stuck there for the forseeable future.

Fun comparison picture.

I'm now down to 185, which means I've hit my initial goal! Here are a few things that helped me get there:

  • For the first six months or so, I primarily focused on caloric intake and minimal exercise. I tried to walk 1-2 miles per day, which wasn't too difficult in a metropolitan city (San Francisco). I mostly had Soylent for breakfast and lunch, and a frozen burrito for dinner. The main thing, though, was that I tracked everything in My Fitness Pal. This helped me evaluate whether it was a good idea to go for a snack or have a beer or something along those lines.
  • Drinking lots of water has really helped me. I didn't initially understand the principle of "Always Be Clear Pissing", but one stumbling block I had to deal with over and over again involved how my body held onto water due to salt in my diet and not enough hydration.
  • Somewhere around the 7th month, I went through a dramatic lifestyle change for reasons unrelated to weight loss. Basically I had decided to get out of tech, and start my life over by joining the military. Since then, I've exercised once per day, 5x per week, with an emphasis on cardio. For about 3 months or so, I actually went on the SlimFast diet (blegh) due to the military's strict standards for making weight.
  • Now that I've actually passed my physical and am in the Delayed Entry Program for the Air Force, I've switched over to a lean food diet that's rich in protein and allows me to eat three square meals a day. My exercises now incorporate running as well as push-ups and sit-ups - these are all things I'm trying to expand so that I can pass Basic Training when the call finally comes.

With all this in mind, I'm adjusting my goals to lose about 10 more pounds, and sit at a comfortable 175. I'm thrilled to have made it this far, and am in the best shape I've been since high school!

submitted by /u/DeadSuperHero
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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